Tag "méz"

Fifth of the honey on the EU market is fake

The European Commission’s highlighted honey investigation has confirmed the suspicion of farmers. Thanks to the most modern methods it turned out that fifth of the honey available in the common...

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Honey falsification: EU needs to take actions against honey adulteration

If the beekeepers would sell their honey at current price it would mean bankruptcy for them – Nagyernyei Attila, president of the Tolna County Apiary Association told. The purchasers offer...

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The government encourages the consumption of honey

The government would like to increase the average annual honey consumption of 70 dekagrammes to 1 kilogramme per person within 2-3 years – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of...

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Beekeeping cooperatives should be created

The Hungarian apiary society should think about to create cooperatives, the beekeepers can not individually show sufficient strength – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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The honey of the year was announced

The result of the best honey types and the best honey of the year was announced at the 9th Honey and Gingerbread Festival in Gyula on Saturday. In addition to...

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The Honey Festival in Gyula will be held during the weekend

The Honey and Gingerbread Festival will be held at the weekend in Gyula, where the Honey of the Year award will be also handed over. Haász Ferenc, main organizer and...

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Twenty tonnes of adulterated honey was withdrawn from circulation by the NÉBIH

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) seized twenty tonnes of adulterated honey that contained unknown sugar. The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) told MTI on...

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Three-month campaign to promote honey

The Hungarian National Beekeeping Association promotes honey within a three-month campaign. The association also provides guidance to consumers when buying quality Hungarian honey: the beekeepers who undertake that they can...

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The NAK helps to prepare the Producers’ Honey Campaign

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) is taking part in the marketing campaign of the Hungarian National Beekeeping Association (OMME) that aims to promote Hungarian honey. The Hungarian National Beekeeping Association...

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Depressed prices on the honey market

Less than average honey was produced this year, but the purchase price is still low. The Hungarian beekeepers are selling the honey on depressed prices and want EU action against...

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The Hungaroharvest Kft. won an award at the 2016 Great Taste Awards

The Great Taste is one of the world's most prestigious award of the food industry. The award is given to foods and beverages that actually proves to be the best...

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Low honey prices are expected

The honey prices are extremely depressed on the European market, because last year's stocks, and the Chinese, Ukrainian and South American import items cause a serious decline in prices –...

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Roundtable discussion in honey case

The first round-table discussion was held in honey case, organized by the National Food Chain Safety Office – Magyar Nemzet wrote. The negotiations are expected to continue in the near...

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Romania is also struggling with the Chinese honey

Honey falsification occurs in Romania at an industrial pace, so the local beekeepesr suffer serious loses, however, the health of consumers is at risk as well – the Magyar Nemzet...

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The Hungarian National Apiculture Program is ready

The Hungarian National Apiculture Program for 2016-2019 is ready – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Monday. According to the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) the new National Apiculture...

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Measures against honey forgers

The European Commission developed a control plan in order to eliminate industrially created import honey imported to the EU. In Hungary the fake honey have been basically eliminated. The NÉBIH-...

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The Nébih and the beekeepers together for the Hungarian honey

The beekeepers and the food safety authority will protect the quality Hungarian honey together in the future – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Tuesday. According...

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Reál sells honey made of exclusively domestic raw materials

In connection with the honey scandal of the recent weeks and months the Reál Hungária Élelmiszer Kft. has published the following brief press release: “The Reál Hungária Élelmiszer Kft. and...

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The agricultural ministry initiated the stricter monitoring of imported honeys into the 0EU

Hungary has Initiated the stricter monitoring and a more accurate indication of the origin of imported honeys into the European Union, at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels...

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The Metro also took steps in the honey case

The big supermarket chains are taking the scandalous honey off the shelves. After the CBA, Spar and the Auchan supermarket chains, now the Metro are also making steps – Magyar...

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The acacia honey of Bóna Zoltán won the Year 2015 award

The result of the best honeys types competition and the Best Honey in 2015 were announced at the 8th Honey and Gingerbread Festival in Gyula on Saturday. In addition to...

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Demand declined for Hungarian acacia honey

Because of the Chinese counterfeiting scandal, the demand declined for Hungarian acacia honey with 20-25 percent – Haász Ferenc, president of the Beekeepers Association in Békés County told MTI. He...

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Carpathian Basin Honey Festival in Zalaegerszeg

The 12th Carpathian Basin Honey Festival begins on Saturday in Zalaegerszeg and will last for two days. Beekeepers will arrive to the meeting from all over the Carpathian Basin –...

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Fake honey: the FM would tighten the EU rules

The high-quality Hungarian honey can be prevented from to be mixed up with the poor quality, Chinese honey. Since the honey scandal broke out in the autumn, the Ministry of...

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Suspicious honeys to be withdrawn from the market

Bognár Lajos national chief veterinarian immediately ordered the withdrawal of honeys that are suspiciously involved in honey counterfeiting – the Ministry of Agriculture announced on Thursday. According to the Ministry’s...

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According to archaeological finds, humans are keeping bees for almost 9,000 years

Traces of beeswax found on ancient pottery from Europe, the Near East and North Africa suggest the first farmers kept bees. The research, published in Nature, shows our links with...

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The University of Debrecen did not perform honey certification tests

The University of Debrecen (DE) denies that they tested parameters that are used to taken into account in assessing honey. Takács Ferenc beekeeper from Kaposvár did not ask the university...

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The Hungarian beekeepers want an EU investigation because of the counterfeit Chinese honey

Because of the counterfeit Chinese honey, the Hungarian beekeepers want an EU investigation – Takács Ferenc, a member of the Kaposvár and Area Beekeepers Association told m1 news channel on...

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The FM is searching for Chinese honey

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) initiates an investigation to detect, which Hungarian honey mixes include Chinese imports – the agrarszektor.hu wrote. Officially, – according to the statistics – no honey...

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Hungarian beekeepers initiated a demonstration in Brussels

The Hungarian beekeepers initiated an international beekeeper rally in Brussels on 30 October in order to tighten honey imports from China to the EU – the organizers of the demonstration...

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