Tag "Metro"

Cocktail painters

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 Tímea Tulkán, own brand manager of METRO: “Syrup sales have increased by almost 50%, since the end of the pandemic...

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Lunch is waiting on the shelf

A new generation of modern semi-prepared foods and ready meals is emerging, and manufacturers are responding quickly to new demands in healthy eating, sustainability, alternative proteins and exploring foreign cuisines....

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Metro Italia Expands In Sardinia With Olbia Store Plans

Wholesaler Metro Italia has announced plans to open its third store in Sardinia in the spring of 2025, catering to the booming tourism and hospitality industry in the region. The...

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Metro AG reports 7.2% sales growth in the second quarter

Metro AG reported a 7.2% sales growth in the second quarter of its financial year, with all business segments and channels contributing to this growth. This article is available for...

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The Debrecen METRO can handle increased traffic

The METRO department store chain will continuously transform its domestic stores from 2022: the wave of renovations reached METRO in Debrecen in the first half of 2024, so restaurants and...

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METRO took over Balaton

The sales team of METRO’s delivery business swept through the Balaton shore like a hurricane on May 30. METRO’s attention-grabbing car fleet started from both shores of Lake Balaton with...

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(HU) Mixelj Riobával!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Our best chefs are under 27 years old

Meet Patrik Nyikos, the young chef from Stand Restaurant, who won the national finals of the Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition 2024, and will represent our country at the Youth Chef...

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Sustainable gastronomy will be the main theme of the METRO forum

Forum and Award Ceremony, which will take place on June 11, one week before the Day of Sustainable Gastronomy, at the METRO Gastronomy Academy in Budaörs. This time, the main...

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The economic sustainability of the catering industry is on the table

For the third time this year, METRO Wholesale is organizing the METRO Sustainable Gastronomy Forum and Awards, which will take place a week before the day of sustainable gastronomy, on...

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METRO also received two Business Superbrands awards

This year, METRO Nagykereksemed also performed excellently before the committee awarding the Business Superbrands trademark, and in 2024, METRO Hungary’s knowledge center, the METRO Gastronomy Academy, also won the prestigious...

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Individual batches made using traditional methods are METRO’s Wines of the Year

The METRO Wine of the Year title is awarded every year by the wholesale trade to a selection of excellent white, rosé and red wines; in addition to the international...

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Free-from only

In February the METRO Gastro Academy hosted the 6th edition of the Free-from Vegan Chef of the Year competition. All the dishes and desserts prepared in the competition are gluten-, sugar-...

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Green gastronomy: what could be the recipe for sustainable success?

At the SIRHA Budapest 2024 trade fair, the HoReCa and Event Chapter and the Green Chapter of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) jointly organised a marketing communication workshop, where the...

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Summer? Festivals!

The Covid period has brought serious challenges to the festival industry, the ripple effects of which are still being felt. With many people leaving the sector, finding skilled and experienced...

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Main sponsor of the Bocuse d’Or

METRO is going to be the main sponsor of the world’s most prestigious cooking competition, the Bocuse d’Or until 2027, thanks to the renewal of the sponsorship agreement, which began...

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The METRO department store in Budaörs was renovated

The large-scale renovation project initiated by METRO continues, and now the Budaörs department store has been renovated. The transformations focused on the needs of professional customers and increasing efficiency, and...

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The Hungarian Bocuse d’Or team is ready!

On March 6, within the framework of SIRHA Budapest, the Hungarian Bocuse d’Or team shared the details of their preparation with the press at the METRO Wholesale trade stand. There...

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Trade magazin received a special award for exhibitor marketing

Trademagazin won the special exhibitor marketing award of the Hungarian Marketing Association Sirha Budapest 2024 Exhibition....

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Spring greeting Gastrohét

During the week celebrating domestic gastronomy, METRO and its more than 500 partners will lure guests hungry for culinary experiences to restaurants with HUF 5,000 worth of restaurant coupons. The...

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First-hand info on trends

We asked Ákos Bősze, HoReCa business development executive of METRO, to talk to us about the changes he expects in the Hungarian hospitality industry in 2024. This article is available...

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Metro To Invest In Food Delivery Service Pro a Pro Spain

Wholesaler Metro plans to invest in Pro a Pro Spain as it seeks to expand its activities in food delivery services for the organised hospitality sector in the country. Wholesaler...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 A HoReCa szektor legnagyobb hazai ünnepe

Március 5-én nyitja kapuit Közép-Kelet-Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa szakkiállítása. A SIRHA Budapest már hatodik alkalommal várja a hazai és külföldi szakembereket a HUNGEXPO Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási Központba!...

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The METRO Gastronomy Academy is coming

The Easter period is an outstanding season in terms of consumer shopping, for which both manufacturers and commercial chains are preparing. Get in the mood for the holiday this year...

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StarStore – Év Kereskedője 2023: Átadtuk a díjakat

A Trade magazin idén már 9. alkalommal hívta versenyezni a Magyarországon bejegyzett székhellyel rendelkező értékesítési pontokat és üzletláncokat. A rangos verseny díjátadására a szakma legnagyobb konferenciájának, a Business Daysnek gálavacsoráján került...

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2024 Metro Chef wanted!

This year, the METRO Gastro Academy is once again the home of the Free Chef of the Year competition organized by Csak a Mentes. The measurement of safe, allergen- and...

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Hungarian Product trademarks: the “Hungarian gives you more” campaign continues next year

Our magazine interviewed Eszter Benedek, managing director of Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 – What are the most important achievements of 2023...

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Készülődés a SIRHA Budapest 2024-re

Az elmúlt évtized során a Közép-Kelet Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa-rendezvényévé váló SIRHA Budapest szakkiállítás 2024. március 5–7. között ismét várja a szakembereket a Hungexpo Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási...

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METRO held a social responsibility day

The METRO Gastronomy Academy prepared 100 portions of hot food and donated them to those in need, while METRO employees working in different areas participated in a volunteer day on...

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Minden várakozást felülmúlt idén az Anuga

A világ első számú élelmiszer- és italszakmai vására, az Anuga idén október 7. és 11. között adott találkozót az iparág vezető szereplőinek. A 200 országból érkező mintegy 140 000 látogatóval...

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