Tag "Médiapiac"

The 2022 Media and Communication cakes are ready

Summary of the findings of the MRSZ on the 2022 media and communication spending figures: (1) The market could not breathe in 2022 either, since the complex crisis that arose...

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The press has retained its place in the media cake, in 2021 the total press market revenue is HUF 109.858 billion

The press has retained its place in the media cake, in 2021 the total press market revenue is HUF 109.858 billion.  Despite the economic difficulties caused by the pandemic and...

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The Hungarian market is small, but there is a raison d’être for subscription online media

Világszerte több mint 435 százalékkal nőtt a subscription-alapú szolgálatások és tartalmak piaca az elmúlt 10 évben, miközben az emberek 78 százaléka rendelkezik legalább egy rendszeres előfizetéssel. Különösen nagyot robbant a trend...

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Advertising Association: the entire communications industry can expect a decline of 148.8 billion HUF this year

According to the MRSZ Barometer survey, 55.6 billion HUF may disappear from the media market, while the entire communications industry may expect a decline of 148.8 billion HUF this year,...

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The state still spends the most on the Hungarian media market

Last year, there was no significant difference in the domestic advertising sector, compared to the previous years. Expenditure on state organizations continues to provide the basis for the growth of...

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The MLE and the MTE are protesting against the increase of advertising tax

The position of the Association of Hungarian Newspaper Publishers and the Association of Hungarian Content Providers is unchanged, and again we express our serious concerns about the expected effects of...

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Professional organizations are asking for the termination of the advertising tax

According to the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) and its affiliates, the advertising tax should be terminated immediately and they reject the intention of the government to maintain advertising tax, as...

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Millward Brown Hungary changes its structural system

We are changing our organisation in the southern part of CEE and from now we are creating two groups of countries that will operate together. One grouping will be Czech,...

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The flat advertising tax would put more burden on the medium-sized media companies

A five percent tax on advertising would quarter RTL’s burden and would halve TV2’s burden, while the budget revenues will slightly decrease – Világgazdaság Online calculated. However, the smaller publishers...

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