Tag "média"

(HU) Nem a magánélettel kell címlapra kerülni

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Seventeen years of television advertising practice were examined by the NMHH

The National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) has reviewed the classic television advertising practices of the past 17 years in order to determine the main trends of this non-negligible segment...

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Atmedia research: How media effects our shopping habits?

Atmedia and Gfk Hungária examined the media usage of main shopping groups of GfK household panel . The results were then compared to FMCG shopping volumes.  It turned out that...

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The credibility of the printed word

A French study has revealed that print magazines, if used as part of a multimedia campaign, can increase trust in a given brand and brand preference by up to 7...

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Media Council: eight brands per hour appear on the two major commercial channels

The viewers of the two large national commercial television channels identified an average of eight brands an hour in the first half of 2015. This ratio was 8.5 in case...

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Change of ownership at theTV2 Group

Soon a new owner can take over the TV2 Group. The Magyar Broadcasting Co. Kft., as buyer-investor and the TV2 Media Group Holdings Kft. today signed a purchase agreement on...

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The government considers to introduce a 3-5 percent tax on advertising

The government is considering to introduce a 3-5 percent tax on advertising and seeks to protect the smaller media companies. Specific proposals for the amendment of the advertising tax has...

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