Tag "Magyar Tojóhibrid-tenyésztők és Tojástermelők Szövetsége"

According to the association of egg producers, Penny Market threatens the Hungarian market with cheap imported eggs

Cheap foreign table eggs have appeared in Penny Market’s Hungarian store network, according to the Association of Hungarian Egg Hybrid Breeders and Egg Producers, the store chain’s move could lead...

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The supply of eggs will be plentiful, according to professional organizations

There will be an abundant supply of eggs in the shops at Easter, but there can be big differences in prices, according to the overview of the National Chamber of...

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The difference between the producer and consumer price of eggs is gross

After the end of the price cap, legislation came into effect that obliges supermarket chains with high turnover to sell eggs at the gross purchase price. As a result, the...

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In order to protect egg producers, it is necessary to take action against faulty EU decisions

The domestic egg sector has developed significantly in the past decade, however, the achieved results are threatened by the thoughtless actions of the European Commission. While the EU allows Ukrainian...

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Association of egg producers: there will be no shortage of eggs in the coming days either

There will be no shortage of eggs in the coming days either, but domestic production is not yet fully covering the Easter demand – said the vice-president of the Association...

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The price of eggs would not go down if the price cap were introduced at the end of April

By Easter, thanks to the price cap, the average consumer price of eggs can be at a predictable level of HUF 90. Market participants do not expect a shortage, but...

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Which came first…?

This October the World Egg Day was a perfect occasion for the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC), and the Association of Hungarian Laying Hen Hybrid Breeders and...

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The Egg Association teaches students how to fry eggs with breakfast recipes in a few minutes on TikTok

A third of Hungarian high school students still do not eat breakfast, and home-cooked food and family meals are an increasingly rare experience for today’s young people, according to a...

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Egg producers: there may be a shortage of eggs due to the price cap

Working with full force, the producers are doing everything they can to have enough eggs for Christmas, but due to the price cap, a supply shortage cannot be ruled out...

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As in the case of all foods, it is worth giving priority to domestically produced eggs

There is still no shortage of eggs, and despite the increase in price, it is still one of the cheapest of the basic foods – emphasized the Association of Hungarian...

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Farmers have no money to switch for the alternative breeding of laying hens

Farmers are not strong enough to move to alternative hatchery. The change would require a huge investment within a short period of time, as 90 percent of Hungarian production comes...

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Lower VAT rate for egg is demanded

According to the Hungarian Egg Association, the Electronic Public Road Trade Control System (EKÁER) is efficient in catching some of the illegal egg transports, but in order to ‘whiten’ the...

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