Tag "Magyar Márkaszövetség"

The jury have decided!

The best Hungarian brands have been named for the eighth time within the framework of the MagyarBrands programme. This prize expresses the recognition of the public and the trust of the...

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From the jury’s perspective

Product of the Year has become one of Hungary’s best-known and most successful product excellence award programmes in the last six years. This year 21 brands earned the right to...

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Business Days 2017: focusing on the channels (Part 2)

On Thursday Trade TV continued the broadcast, but before work started in the macroeconomic section, Trade magazin’s editor-in-chief Zsuzsanna Hermann and István Matus, member of Chain Bridge Club’s board of...

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Magazine: Strong brands in a digital age

In May Henkel celebrated 30 years in Hungary with a spectacular event. The host was managing director Dr Ágnes Fábián, who had been elected president of Branded Goods Association Hungary...

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The calmness of the land before the storm

The Branded Goods Association (BGA) and its members had a successful year, but 2017 started with a bang – it is enough to mention the government’s planned measures to impose...

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Henkel is giving the new president for Hungarian Brand Association

‘It belongs to the core values of Henkel that the company would like to continue to have a leading position in sustainability. As part of that, we are looking for...

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The food brands also respond to the different tastes of consumers

The same brands are sometimes marketed with different contents – the investigations of the Hungarian Food Safety Authority (Nébih) suggest. But the manufacturers of brands mentioned in the news coverage...

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(HU) Fábián Ágnes a Magyar Márkaszövetség új alelnöke

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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