Tag "Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum"

All about goulash

In mid-May a temporary exhibition opened at the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (MKVM), exploring the connections of our iconic dish, goulash with gastronomy, tradition, community, identity and art....

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Költöző emlékeink

A Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeumból a Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Karára (BGE KVIK) költözött a Magyarország egyik ikonikus szállodája, a legendás Grand Hotel Royal Budapest történetét...

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Újra dübörög a banda!

Az ipartestület hangzatos nevet viselő rendezvénye az Erasmus mobilitási program alumni (öregdiák) csoportjának találkozójaként indult 2013-ban. A kétévente megrendezésre kerülő találkozók olyannyira sikeresek voltak, hogy idén már a hatodikat szervezték....

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Imre Kiss, the retired director of MKVM, has passed away

After a long illness, Imre Kiss, the director emeritus of the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum, passed away at the age of sixty-eight, the management of the museum announced. –...

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The (not so) sweet life

Rising production costs have left their mark on the confectionery market, but the good news is that there has been no major contraction, as giving gifts and rewarding ourselves don’t...

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Concert and gastronomy at MKVM

Getting to know the new dimensions of wine tasting: you can spend a nice evening in the company of classical music and fine wines from the Hungarian Trade and Catering...

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Unusual commercial history programs in MKVM II.

The art of tidiness at the turn of the century – The sustainability of a bourgeois apartment! This is the title and theme of the unusual October exhibition of the...

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Unusual trade history programs in MKVM I.

Investigating the sustainability of conscious shopping, the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum organizes an unusual guided tour in October. Do we know how to buy? Where? What? For how much?...

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Széchenyi dessert

The Hungarian Confectioners Guild, the Association of International Protocol Professionals, the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism and the Count Széchenyi Family Foundation announced a special protocol dessert competition back...

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János Rákóczi commemorative year – full-day workshop at the MKVM

On Sunday, September 25, between 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum welcomes those interested with an excellent professional program. Master chef and confectioner János Rákóczi...

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Hungary’s first gold-crowned confectioner

The memorial exhibition organized in honor of Henrik Spelter, who was born 140 years ago, can be viewed at the Hungarian Trade and Catering Industry Museum until November 20. What...

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You can vote for this year’s Gundel award winners until September 9

In memory of the work of the restaurateur and gastronomy writer Károly Gundel, the Hungarian Hospitality Industry Association – with the cooperation of several partner organizations – announces a call...

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MKVM is 56 years old

On August 20, the Hungarian Trade and Catering Industry Museum celebrates its 56th birthday. This year’s MKVM commemorative medal will be presented as part of the birthday event. The MKVM...

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Hot summer with ice cream

The ice cream market, which stagnated during the pandemic years, has barely recovered, and it already has to deal with another, even more complex crisis, pointed out the Association of...

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(HU) Évkönyv a Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum 55. születésnapjára

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Next Generation

The guild and the Budapest Centre of Economic Vocational Training started a joint talent programme in January. From the 24 vocational secondary school student applicants 12 were selected for taking...

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Protocol dessert contest

The Hungarian Confectioners Guild, the Association of International Protocol Professionals, the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism and the Count Széchenyi Family Foundation have announced their special protocol dessert competition....

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(HU) Jó lesz a bólesz – magyarországi zsidó gasztronómiatörténeti kiállítás

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Celebrating great figures of the past

In 2022 two iconic figures of the trade are going to be commemorated. János Rákóczi (born 125 years ago), the creator of the internationally renowned cottage cheese cake named after...

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Pro Gastronomia

Dr Dénes Sándor established the Pro Gastronomia award programme in 2018 and maximum four people can win the prize every year. The winners in 2021 are Dr János Gundel, retired...

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(HU) Szindbáddal utazunk – Krúdy-sorozat az MKVM-ben Káli Ildikó sommelierrel

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(HU) Borvirág Borklub az MKVM-ben a töki Cardium borászattal

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KOVÁSZ: Great achievements of the next generation

The KOVÁSZ programme was halfway this summer. The contests called for by the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners provided an opportunity for the participants to present themselves before representatives of the...

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(HU) Pénteken jelölhet utoljára, kik legyenek az idei Gundel-díj várományosai

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(HU) A turizmus a szenvedélyünk

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(HU) Borvirág Borklub az MKVM-ben a töki Cardium Borászattal

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New director for MKVM

Last November Dr Róbert Török replaced Imre Kiss in the director’s seat of the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (MKVM). How long have you been working in MKVM and...

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(HU) A Magyar Kereskedelmi és Vendéglátóipari Múzeum télig meghosszabbított kiállításai

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(HU) Az MKVM is csatlakozott a Múzeumozz a szobádból kezdeményezéshez

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