Tag "magyar gazdaság"

GKI: business and consumer confidence improved in the beginning of the year

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste sentiment index started the year from a level has not seen for almost a year. The business expectations were around their 2015 peak,...

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KSH: Retail sales rose by 4.8 percent in November last year

The retail sales volume increased by 4.8 percent, calendar effect adjusted in November last year. According to the raw data, the increase was 4.3 percent, compared to the same period...

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Kopint-Tárki: exports and private consumption can boost economic growth

The completion of the projects of the 2007-2013 EU budgetary cycle may cause smaller fractures in investment, however, exports and private consumption can boost economic growth – Palócz Éva, CEO...

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Analysts: inflation may remain below 2 percent this year

In the next few months prices can start to increase moderately, but the annual average inflation may remain below 2 percent – macroeconomic analysts told MTI. In response to the...

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Retail trade continued to expand

The volume of retail sales increased by 4.1 percent in an annual comparison in October after the 5.1 percent rise in September, while the calendar adjusted data shows a 4.6...

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The Kopint-Tárki expects a 2.9 percent growth for this year

The Kopint-Tárki modified its growth forecast for this year to 2.9 percent from the previously forecasted 3 percent. For next year, a slightly lower 2.4 percent of gross domestic product...

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The GKI raised its GDP forecast for next year

The GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. raised its DDP growth forecast for 2016 by 0.3 percentage points, from 2 to 2.3 percent, compared to its September forecast. Investments will decline by 5...

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Savings Bank: the economy may grow by 2.9 this year, and with 2.4 percent next year

According to the analysts of the Savings Bank, after the 2.9 percent of this year, the Hungarian economy may grow by 2.4 in 2016 and by 2.8 percent in 2017...

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.4 percent in the third quarter

In the third quarter the gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 2.4 percent, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Friday...

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Analysts: retail trade is expanding further

Retail sales continue to grow in the rest of the year, analysts told MTI who had responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) data published on Thursday. Suppan Gergely, analyst...

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Retail sales rose by four percent in October

The volume of retail sales increased by 4.0 percent in October, compared to the previous year, after the 5.1 percent growth of September, while the calendar adjusted data shows a...

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KSH: Retail sales rose by 5.1 percent in September

The volume of retail sales increased by 5.1 percent on a yearly basis in September after a 4.6 percent rise in August, according to the raw and calendar effect adjusted...

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GKI: deteriorating, but still optimistic business expectations

After the four months decline of November, the seasonally adjusted value of the GKI-Erste economic index increased slightly, due to the deterioration in business expectations. The consumer expectations remain on...

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The Coop Store Chain is twenty-years-old

The Coop's success is a Hungarian success. The chain could become a dominant player in the Hungarian economy and could effectively picked to compete with the big international chains –...

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Nielsen: Hungary’s food retail sales increase continues to be on podium

Hungary is on podium again in the ranking of the European food retail growth. In Hungary, the retail revenue rose by 5.8 percent from foodstuff and household chemical products in...

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Analysts: the slowdown in growth is appropriate to the expectations

The slowdown in economic growth in the third quarter is appropriate to the expectations – according to analysts polled by MTI, who expect a growth below 3 percent throughout the...

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.3 percent in the third quarter

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.3 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period of the previous year – based on an initial estimate by the...

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NGM: the slowdown in growth is due to the weaker performance of agriculture this year

The slowdown in GDP growth is due to the weaker agricultural performance this year, compared with last year, which is the result of the droughty summer and previous year's high...

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One in twenty founding companies will be successful

Tens of thousands companies are established by domestic entrepreneurs every year in Hungary, but almost forty percent of them proves to be short-lived, and only every twentieth will produce acceptable...

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GKI: economic growth is gradually slowing down

The slow down of the Hungarian economy started to in the second quarter of 2015 will continue – according to the GKI, especially as a result of the temporary decline...

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NGM: the August slowdown was only temporary in retail

In the first eight months of the year, the volume of retail increased by 6 percent, which adjusts to the other growth trends of the Hungarian economy. The August slowdown...

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KSH: earnings rose by 5.9 percent in August

In August, average monthly earnings were 5.4 percent higher than than a year before. By calculating without the public employees the growth was 5.9 percent – the Central Statistical Office...

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The CIB this year expects a 2.8 percent growth and a 0.2 percent inflation

The analysts of CIB Bank expect an economic growth of 2.8 percent this year, and a 0.2 percent average annual inflation – Trippon Mariann, the bank's chief analyst said at...

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Bisnode: less Hungarian companies were terminated

The ratio of winding up and liquidation processes against the Hungarian companies steadily declined in the first nine months of 2015, while the proportion of the bankrupted Hungarian enterprises also...

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Consumption has an increasing role in the expansion of GDP

In the 2015-2018 period consumption will have an important role in the expansion of the gross domestic product (GDP), while the contribution of the export to the GDP will decline...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in August

Agricultural producer prices fell by 3.8 percent in August, compared to the same period of the previous year. The price of crop products increased by 0.9 percent, while the price...

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Hungary would increase its trade with Latin America

Hungary is ranked 23rd among the European Union member states in terms of the South American trade. Bus Szilveszter, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and...

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According to analysts, the negative inflation is temporary

The September inflation data of minus 0.4 percent is lower than the market expectations, but analysts considered the slip into negative territory only temporary and they expect an annual average...

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KSH: exports and imports equally increased by 6.2 percent in August

In August the euro-denominated value of exports and imports increased by 6.2 percent compared to the same month of last year. The trade surplus was 459 million euros, 25 million...

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Retail sales growth slowed, but still strong

Compared to the previous months, the growth of retail sales slowed, but remained strong in August, according to experts who also added that the cheaper fuel continue to pull the...

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