Tag "magyar gazdaság"

MNB: the 3 percent inflation target could be realized at the beginning of 2019

The growth rate of consumer prices in Hungary is expected to reach the central government’s 3 percent long-term inflation target at the beginning of 2019, Várhegyi Judit, head of department...

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Analysts expect inflation of around two percent

The targeted VAT cuts in certain goods and services (poultry meat, eggs, raw milk, internet, hospitality) reduce inflation, while the fuel prices, rising domestic demand and wage increases increase consumer...

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Inflation is over two percent

Consumer prices were on average 2.1 percent higher in July than a year before. Compared to June, the average consumer price did not change, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported...

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Business confidence improved significantly in the SME sector

Business confidence improved significantly in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector, compared to the previous quarter – the MKIK Institute for Economic Research and Enterprise Research (GVI) told MTI....

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Analysts: strong consumer confidence maintains the growth in retail sales

Growth in retail sales in June was expected, due to the strong growth of wages in April and May. The growth in real wages and the 11-year high consumer confidence...

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KSH: growth in retail sales continued in June

In June, retail sales increased by 5.5 percent in year-on-year comparision and calendar effect adjusted increased by 6.0 percent. In the first half of the year, the turnover grew by...

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MKIK GVI: Businesses are more positive about their situation

Businesses more positively assess their current profitability, order stock and business position than a quarter earlier, according to the July data survey of MKIK and GVI. The business climate index...

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KSH: surplus in May was 959 million euros

Following the swing in April, exports and imports again reached double-digit growth in May. The value of exports in euros was 19.7, and imports were 18.7 percent higher than in...

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Bisnode: The number of newly established companies has increased slightly

The number of newly founded companies in Hungary rose by a minimum of 147 in the first half of the year, compared to the same period of last year –...

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GKI: the balance is worsening slightly, the inflation is accelerating this year

According to the analysis of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (GKI Economic Research Co.), external and internal balance slightly deteriorates this year, inflation is accelerating, but these processes are acceptable in...

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KSH: the number of employees is over 4.4 million again

In the second quarter, the average number of employees was 4 million 420,000, 77,000 more than a year before, while the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds grew by 1.6...

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The Hungarian-Russian economic relations have gained new impetus

The economic ties between Russia and Hungary have gained new impetus. After the fall of many years in the first four months of this year, the trade between the two...

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KSH: Retail sales rose the most in May this year

Retail sales volume grew by 6.0 percent according to the raw data. Calendar effect adjusted, the increase reached 5.5 percent in May, compared with a year before, according to the...

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GKI: the economic growth index reached a historic peak in July

In July, GKI’s economic growth index has reached a historic peak. During the 20 year history of surveys the index has never been as high as in July – the...

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Analysts: Despite the slower growth in May, real wages this year may increase by 10 percent

The slowdown in the pace of wage growth in May compared to April was a slight negative surprise to the analysts, which was primarily explained by seasonal influences. As a...

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KSH: the average earnings reached a double digit growth in May

In May, gross and net average earnings were 12.9 percent higher than in the same period of the last year, after the 14.6 percent growth of April and the 12.8...

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Bank lending may accelerate

London Financial Analysts predict on Wednesday that the pace of bank lending in Hungary is expected to accelerate in the next two years. The BMI Research financial and economic analyst,...

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Export can pull the corporate sector up

Over the next year, the domestic large companies expect a 2.2 percent increase in sales and a 1.4 percent profit increase. This is a downturn compared to last year’s forecasts,...

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The Kopint-Tárki Zrt. expects an increase of 3.7 percent and a 2.3 percent inflation this year

This year, the researchers of the Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. expects an increase of 3.7 percent and an annual inflation of 2.3 percent inflation – Palócz Éva, CEO of the...

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Inflation was at its low point in June this year

The slowdown in inflation in June was in line with the analysts’ expectations, who continue to expect increase. After last month’s slowdown, the price of commodity prices, especially the prices...

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GKI: The minimum wage increase affected net earnings less than expected

The minimum wage increase affected net earnings less than expected. In case of the taxpayers, who declared themselves as minimum wage entrepreneurs, net wages between May 2016 and May 2017...

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Consumer prices rose by 1.9 percent in June

Consumer prices were on average 1.9 percent higher in June than a year before. Compared to May, prices did not change – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Tuesday....

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Bisnode: the number of liquidations decreased

Liquidations and redundancies continued to declinein the first quarter of this year – the Bisnode Magyarország Kft. told MTI on Wednesday. According to the quarterly analysis, the sharp decline in...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 6 percent

The volume of retail sales turnover grew by 6.0 percent according to the raw data. Calendar effect adjusted, the increase was 5.4 percent in May compared to the same period...

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K&H: the confidence of Hungarian companies decreased slightly

The confidence of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has weakened slightly, the K&H SME confidence index reflecting the companies’ expectations for a year now is down by two...

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The Purchasing Manager Index has increased slightly

The seasonally adjusted purchasing manager index (PMI) in June was 57.2, according to which the respondents reported more favorable processes than the previous month – the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and...

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KSH: foreign trade surplus has decreased

In April, exports in euros were 1.9 percent lower than a year before, while imports dropped by 0.6 percent year-on-year, following a sharp rise of 19.0 and 21.3 percent in...

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Raiffeisen analysts have raised their growth forecast this year to 3.8 percent

Raiffeisen Bank analysts have upgraded their expectations for the GDP growth to 3.8 percent from the previous 3.2 percent for 2017 – Török Zoltán, senior analyst at Raiffeisen Bank said...

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KSH: the number of employees has increased

The average number of employees was 4 million 393 thousand in March-May, 79 thousand more than a year before, while the employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds increased by 1.6...

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NGM: Non-food retailing grew at the fastest pace

The biggest increase was in non-food retailing in April, which can be explained by the vibrant activity of digital commerce and packet delivery services – Pomázi Gyula, Deputy Minister of...

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