Tag "magyar gazdaság"

Cooperation is the mutual interest of the Hungarian economy and the German companies

Cooperation is the mutual interest of the Hungarian economy and the German companies and investors. With the cooperation and dialogue, the government can respond more quickly to the needs of...

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NGM: The demand for industrial goods increases retail turnover

As the result of investments from household savings, the trade of non-food products continues to grow further this year – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National...

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KSH: Retail sales increased even higher than previously indicated

In November last year, retail sales were 6.7 percent higher than in the previous year, according to both the raw and calendar adjusted data, according to a second estimate of...

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Equilor: 3.5 percent GDP growth is expected for 2018 and 3.3 percent for 2019

The Hungarian economy is still in a good state and the factors supporting GDP growth provide a favorable environment, so the analysts of the Equilor Investment Ltd. expect a 3.5...

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Foreign trade: imports have increased

In October, exports in euro increased by 11.8 percent, imports increased by 17.0 percent, compared to the same period of last year, and after the 5.6 and 6.7 percent of...

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The NGM and the MNB are expecting a GDP growth of around 4 percent in 2017

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) and the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) expect a GDP growth of around 4 percent in 2017. At the Central and Eastern European Forum...

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KSH: Consumer prices increased by 2.4 percent last year

Consumer prices rose by 2.4 percent on average in 2017, compared with the previous year and in December consumer prices were 2.1 percent higher than in the previous year –...

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Századvég: consumption and investment increased imports

Growing consumption and expanding investments have boosted imports – Regős Gábor, economist of the Századvég gazdaságkutató Zrt. told M1 news channel. According to the first estimate of the Central Statistical...

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More than half of the Hungarians save each month

More than half of the Hungarians save a certain amount of money each month, while the proportion of regular savers rose by 8 percentage points over a year and is...

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The quality of VET should be further increased

In the development of vocational training, special attention should be paid to the rapidly changing economic environment and the labor market expectations – the Deputy Minister of State of the...

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GKI: territorial differences in purchasing power are significant in the country

Territorial differences in purchasing power are still significant in Hungary. Settlements with higher than average purchasing power are mainly located in Northern Transdanubia and Central Hungary, while the poorer regions...

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The World Bank impoved its Hungarian and global GDP growth forecasts

The World Bank has improved its Hungarian and global GDP growth forecasts for this year. The Washington-based organization estimates that the Hungarian economy will grow by 3.8 percent this year,...

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NGM: retail sales increasing for 53 months

Retail trade is growing for 53 months, and in November, a relatively high 10.2 percent dynamic increase can be observed in case of non-food products, Pomázi Gyula, Deputy Minister of...

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KSH: Growth in consumption and investment increase improve imports

The value of exports in euro was 6.1 percent higher in November last year, compared to the previous year, while imports increased by 7.8 percent in November last year. The...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by over six percent

Retail sales grew by 6.4 percent in November last year, compared to a year before, both according to the calendar effect adjusted and raw data, according to the first estimate...

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The number of employees is close to four and half million

In the three months last September-November, the average number of employees was 4 million 450 thousand, 36 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the 15-64 year-olds...

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KSH: retail sales grew by 6.3 percent in October

In October, retail sales grew by 6.3 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, according to both the raw and the calendar-adjusted data – the Central Statistical...

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The domestic SME sector is before a huge growth, but not the way we would expect it

It is expected that the conditions for SME classification will change from 2020, which will result in an increase in the number of Hungarian SMEs. With the change of legislation,...

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GKI’s Business Index on its new historical peak

In December, the GKI’s economic growth index reached its new historic peak. According to a survey conducted by GKI (www.gki.hu), with the support of the EU, business expectation has never...

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The Takarékbank expects economic growth above 4 percent next year

Thanks to a favorable external environment and a boom in domestic investment, the economic growth may continue to accelerate. Takarékbank’s analysts expect a 4 percent growth in GDP for 2017...

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This year, Kopint-Tárki is expecting a 3.9 percent increase next year, 4 percent

The Kopint-Tárki Prosperity Research Institute has not changed its main forecasts, this year GDP will continue to grow by 3.9 percent and 4 percent next year, while the inflation is...

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NGM: the number of new jobs has increased by 750,000 over the past six years

Over the last six years, the number of new jobs has increased by about 750,000, so there is a great need for skilled workers – Pölöskei Gáborné, Deputy Minister of...

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GKI: Growth in consumption can accelerate the economy next year

The Hungarian economy is on the track indicated in September 2017. Economic growth will accelerate as a result of the start of EU subsidies and the accelerated consumption growth triggered...

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KSH: agriculture closed an average year in 2017

Compared to last year’s record high yields, the output of Hungarian agricultural decreased by 6.1 percent. The performance of plant production decreased by 8.6 percent and livestock production by 3.2...

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MNB: Labor Training is the key to sustainable development

The lack of skilled workers is a major challenge for the European countries, while the new industrial revolution and robot technology are constantly transforming the labor market, which also requires...

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Analysts: retail sales may continue to increase

MTI analysts expect further growth in retail sales based on the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published...

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Retail sales grew by 6.3 percent in October

In October, the volume of retail sales grew by 6.3 percent, according to the raw and calendar-affected data, according to the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published...

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KSH: Third-quarter GDP data rose to 3.9 percent

Referring primarily to the better-than-expected performance of market services, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) raised its third quarter growth data of the gross domestic product by 0.3 percentage points to...

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GKI: Foundations of economic growth should be established now​​

Trends in the Hungarian economy of the first half of the year have continued in the past few months. Although the 3.8 per cent GDP growth in the third quarter...

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German Chamber: a rise in Hungarian wages is expected next year

According to international companies operating in Hungary, in 2018, Hungarian wages are expected to rise further, because wage continues to be a determining factor in the competition for skilled labor...

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