Tag "magyar gazdaság"

MNB: a bankrendszer több mint kétszeresen teljesítette kkv-hitelezési vállalását

Az MNB piaci hitelprogramjában részt vevő bankok 2017-re vállalták, hogy közel 230 milliárd forinttal növelik kkv-hitelezésüket, a vállalását minden bank teljesítette, ennek eredményeként szektorszinten az egy évvel korábbit is meghaladó,...

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KSH: export is over 100 billion euros, trade surplus is over 8 billion in 2017

Exports of goods last year reached 100.581 billion euros, 8.2 percent higher than a year before, while imports increased by 11.1 percent to 92.499 billion euros. The 8.082 billion euros...

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NGM: Nearly 6,500 billion HUF investments have been implemented in Hungary in 2017

Last year, nearly 6,500 billion HUF worth of development was made in Hungary, which represents an increase of almost 17 percent, compared to the previous year, considering the volume of...

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The financial expectations of the SMEs is on an eleven-year summit

The financial expectations of SMEs have risen to an unprecedented level. They expect a revenue growth of 9.5 percent and a profit growth of 5 percent this year – according...

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KSH: investment grew with a record extent in 2017

Investments grew with a record extent with 16.7 percent in 2017 after a 16.0 percent drop last year. The volume of investments in the fourth quarter was 14.4 percent higher...

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OECD expects the wage convergence in Hungary

The increase in earnings was the second highest last year in Hungary among the 28 member states of the European Union – Szalai Piroska, advisor of the Ministry of National...

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KSH: 4 million 436 thousand was the average number of employees in January

In the November 2017 to January 2018 period, the average number of employees was 4 million 436 thousand, 35 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of the...

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(HU) A csúcshoz képest is emelkedett a GKI konjunktúraindexe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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NGM: retail sales may continue to grow

Growth in retail sales may continue, as the outstanding wage increase may increase household consumption this year – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday. The Central...

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KSH: Retail sales increased by 6.1 percent in December

In December, retail sales grew by 5 percent, according to the raw data. Calendar effect adjusted, the growth was 6.1 percent. In 2017, the volume of turnover – according to...

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Analysts: real wage growth may continue at a more moderate pace

The real wage growth may continue this year at a more moderate pace, compared to last year – market analysts told MTI, after the Central Statistical Office (KSH) released its...

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The Hungarian mergers and acquisition market has fallen significantly over the past year

In Hungary, the mergers and acquisition (M & A) market fell sharply according to the recent survey of the Allen & Overy International Law Firm. Lengyel Zoltán, Allen & Overy’s...

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NGM: the number of employees in Hungary is increasing for more than five years

The number of employees in Hungary is increasing for 64 months, ie for more than five years – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Households’ money assets increased in 2017

The net financial assets of households grew by 3262 billion forints in the past year, and its value of 39,287 billion HUF slightly exceeded the amount of the annual gross...

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The Hungarian economy grew by four percent last year

According to the raw data, the gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 4.4 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, compared to the same period of last year. According...

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Analysts: consumer prices may grew slightly

In January, consumer prices were 2.1 percent higher than in the previous year and 0.3 percent higher than in December. Analysts interviewed by MTI expect a slow increase in consumer...

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KSH: Cigarette, alcohol and food prices have risen the most

In January, consumer prices were 2.1 percent higher than in the previous year and were 0.3 percent higher than in December – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday....

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KSH: Foreign trade surplus decreased to 8.2 billion euros in 2017

The Hungarian foreign trade closed last year with a surplus of 8.234 billion euros, which is 1.487 billion euros less than in the previous year, according to a first estimate...

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NGM: Retail sales are rising for 54 months

Retail sales have been rising steadily for 54 months – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1 news channel commenting on the latest...

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The European Commission is expecting a a GDP growth of 3.7 percent for this year and 3.1 percent for 2019 in Hungary

The European Commission has published its winter economic forecast for the European Union as a whole and for each Member States. In the recent assessment of the economic and financial...

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Analysts: Foreign trade impoves

Although the surplus of the foreign trade balance declined in October, the turnover grew significantly, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI. Suppan Gergely, analyst of Takarékbank pointed out that...

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KSH: retail sales increased by 4.8 percent last year

Together with the 4.7 percent increase in December, retail sales grew by 4.7 percent last year as a whole, compared to the previous year. According to the calendar effect adjusted...

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CIB Fund Manager: Economic growth will be around 3.8 percent this year

In Hungary, the CIB Fund Manager is expecting a recurring growth of 3.8 percent in 2018. According to the company’s expectations, global GDP could grow by 4.1 percent, after the...

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KSH: foreign trade surplus has decreased

Last November, the euro-denominated exports grew by 6.4 percent, imports increased by 8.1 percent year-on-year, and foreign trade surplus was 84 million euros less: 713 million euros, according to the...

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MNB: households and companies have saved more when borrowing in 2017

Companies and households have raised their bank deposit last year more than their credits -according to the data released by the National Bank of Hungary on Thursday. It can be...

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MLBKT: the Purchasing Manager Index broke records in January

The seasonally adjusted value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) broke records, reaching 60.9 points in January. The index continues to show dynamic growth, its value is higher than the...

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SMEs started the year positively

The K&H SME confidence index is showing a strong growth, reflecting the positive expectations of the sector this year. The indicator is now at 8 points after a 6-point increase,...

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Inflation was 2.5 percent in November

In November, annual inflation was again 2.5 percent, compared with the previous month, consumer prices increased by 0.4 percent on average – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday....

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KSH: employment remained at a 68.8 percent record level

In the fourth quarter of last year, the average number of employees was 4 million 447 thousand, 36 thousand ie 0.8 percent more than a year before. The employment rate...

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The digital transformation in economic growth is becoming increasingly important

The digital transformation, the industry 4.0 plays an increasing role in economic growth – Lepsényi István, Minister of State Secretary of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) stressed on Tuesday...

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