Tag "Lidl Italia"

Méhbarát tésztacsaládot vezet be a Lidl Italia

Új, fenntartható és a kiskereskedő szerint méhbarát tésztakészítményeket kreált a Lidl Italia a Filiera Agricola Italianával együttműködve. A hatféle formában kapható tészta 100%-ban olasz búzából készül, amely olyan földeken termett,...

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Zöldséget és gyümölcsöt mentő csomagokat kínál a Lidl Olaszországban is

A Lidl Italia is elindította élelmiszermentő projektjét, amelynek keretében a vásárlók kedvezményes áron juthatnak hozzá az olyan, külön zacskókba rendezett gyümölcsökhöz és zöldségekhez, amelyek az esztétikai előírásoknak nem felelnek meg,...

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Lidl already has more than 700 stores in Italy

Lidl has more than 700 stores in Italy, following the opening of 42 new outlets during its 2021-2022 fiscal year, which ended on 28 February. In March the discounter celebrates...

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Lidl Italia commits to further reduction in plastic use

As part of the Schwarz Group’s REset Plastic strategy, Lidl Italia has pledged to take further steps to reduce plastic packaging. The discounter seeks to achieve an average of 20...

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Lidl Italia expands climate-neutral product selection

Lidl Italia has come out with more than 20 climate-neutral products. The discounter aims to make a positive impact on climate protection, the conservation of biodiversity and resources. Lidl’s full...

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Lidl Italia introduces household products made of 95 percent recycled plastic

Lidl Italia’s first household products are made with 95 percent recycled plastic. The new range is made by PreZero, the environmental division of the Schwarz Group. PreZero is responsible for recovering...

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Lidl Italia To Reduce Food Waste, Improve Sustainability

Lidl Italia has teamed up with the MyFoody app to reduce food waste by providing greater visibility on items nearing their expiry date. Myfoody offers consumers a discount of up...

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PL products with a seal in Lidl Italia stores

Lidl Italia’s new FDAI product line is the result of cooperation with Filiera Agricola Italiana, a company that supports and promotes Italian agricultural entrepreneurs. The range, which bears the brand...

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