Tag "külkereskedelem"

AM: the most important Asian market for Hungarian agricultural products is Japan

The most important Asian market for Hungarian agricultural products is Japan. Between 2010 and 2017 the value of Hungarian agricultural exports to Japan expanded by about 25.5 million euros, and...

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KKM: The Chamber is a strategic partner in export development

The Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) is a strategic partner in the development of Hungarian exports – Joó István, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign...

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KSH: Foreign trade export surplus remained over 5.5 billion euros in 2018

In 2018, the value of exports in euro was 4.2 percent, the value of imports 7.3 percent higher than in the previous year; the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported its...

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Air freight traffic slightly increased in 2018

To a lesser extent than in the previous year, air traffic increased by only 3.5 percent in 2018, according to the data of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). According...

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The inspection of beef from Poland was tightened in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic tightened the inspection of beef imported from Poland on Wednesday with immediate effect. Miroslav Toman, Minister of Agriculture at an extraordinary press conference in Prague, announced that...

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Foreign trade restrictions caused 6.3 billion USD loss to Russia

There are 159 trade restrictions in 62 countries against Russia, which resulted in a 6.3 billion USD loss in exports in 2018 – the Russian Ministry of Economic Development announced...

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Analysts: foreign trade surplus may rise again from 2020

The worse outlook for the global market and the continued strong growth in consumer and investment demand in the domestic market will lead to a slight decrease in the foreign...

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KSH: Foreign trade balance surplus remained above six billion euros in 2018

The value of exports in euro increased by 4.3 percent in 2018, while imports increased by 6.9 percent, compared to the previous year. Foreign trade balance surplus became 6,041 billion...

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Imports increased

In November last year, the value of exports calculated in euro increased by 4.5 percent, while the value of imports calculated in euro increased by 7.3 percent – according to...

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Chinese imports increase customs revenue significantly

Due to the arrival of Chinese goods to Hungary, the customs procedures performed by the National Tax and Customs Board (NAV) have increased significantly, and the amount of customs revenue...

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The EU-Japan Trade Agreement comes into force

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement will come into force on 1 February, which will abolish the vast majority of customs duties of about 1 billion euros per year for the...

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The EC has authorized the use of American soybeans as biofuels

The European Commission has authorized the use of American soybeans as biofuels on Tuesday, which will certainly increase the volume of imports from the United States. Authorization was granted until...

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Pork export can be restarted to Singapore

Due to African swine fever cases, the full delivery was interrupted, but thanks to the new agreement, only infected areas are now banned – mfor.hu wrote. Thanks to an agreement...

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Spanish export table grapes to china

Spain can export up to 3000 tons of table grapes to China this year, according to the chairman of the Association of Spanish Fruit and Vegetable Producers and Exporters (APOEXPA)...

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KSH: export surplus continued to decrease

In November last year, the value of exports in euro increased by 4.7 percent and imports by 7.3 percent, compared to the previous year. The foreign trade surplus fell by...

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Analysts: foreign trade surplus may decline further

The dynamic growth of domestic consumption and investment continues to exert a significant suction power on imports, while the uncertainty of external market activity risks jeopardizing export growth prospects, and...

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Exports growing dynamically again

According to the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in October the value of goods exported in euro increased by 6.5 percent while imports increased by 9.7 percent,...

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KSH: foreign trade intensified

In October, the export value of goods in euro increased by 6.5, and imports increased by 9.7 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, according to a...

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Hungarian-Ghana relations are on the rise

Hungary looks to be a special partner for Ghana and is proud of the fact that professional and diplomatic relations are on the rise – the Parliamentary Minister of State...

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China is interested in Hungarian agricultural products

China has opened up for imports of Hungarian cereals, animal products and wine, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said on Thursday following the meeting of Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary Minister of...

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Export momentum has continued to decline

In September, exports in euro declined by 2.3 percent, while imports rose 6.3 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 268 million euros, 699 million euros less than a year before –...

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Hungarian poultry can be exported to China again

China has lifted the veto against avian influenza in Hungary, which is good news for all Hungarian poultry breeders, as it will be possible to export to China – Nagy...

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Other meat companies can export to Singapore

It was agreed with Singapore that in addition to the 18 meat companies that already have an export license, five more companies can export to the Asian country – Szijjártó...

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KSH: export surplus is declining

In August, exports in euros increased by 0.8, imports increased by 6.2 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 31 million euros, 401 million euros less than a year before, according to...

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A Hungarian trade center was opened in Shanghai

Hungary has realized in time that the Chinese market is a great opportunity for high quality Hungarian products and services – Szijjártó Péter, Minister of Foreign Affairs told on Sunday...

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Analysts: domestic demand increases imports

Internal consumption and investments drive imports, while export growth has slowed considerably in August, which reduced the foreign trade surplus according to MTI analysts. According to the first estimate of...

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Exports increased by 0.9 percent in August

In August, exports calculated in euros increased by just 0.9 percent, compared to the year before, following the 11.4 percent peak in July. Import increased by 6.1 percent, after the...

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The EU supports the introduction of new customs rules in Africa

The European Union supports the work of the African authorities for the introduction of global customs rules and facilitating trade by 5 million euros (about 1.6 billion forints) – the...

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KSH: export and import showed a double-digit growth

In July, exports in euro were 11.4 percent higher than in the previous year and imports increased by 10.8 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 362 million euros, 80 million euros...

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With the opening up of the market, producers and consumers could lose a lot

Serious disadvantages would endanger the European farmers due to the entry into force of a free trade agreement between Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the European Union –...

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