Tag "kukorica"

The Nébih controls maize seeds

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested the GMO contamination (genetic modification) of 110 sweet corn seeds and 21 popcorn seeds this year. The authority found genetic modification in...

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Maize seed is cheap due to oversupply

Changing climate, rapidly rotating hybrid varieties, low crop prices and austerity constraints hampered the spring maize seed selection, but this year due to the excess in supply one can bargain...

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The Seed Association and the GOSZ are experimenting with corn hybrids

Twenty-nine hybrids are taking part in this year's post-registration variety experiment of the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board, and the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ). The post-registration...

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How longer the corn prices to decrease

Corn prices are in strong minus. If we consider the long term price trends, prices are falling further everywhere. Economically it is understandable: the global yield of the past two...

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The gap is closing between the US and European prices

The futures price of corn gets closer and closer on commodity exchanges in the US and Europe in January. The decline lasting for months has continued in Europe and in...

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Syngenta is celebrating its 15th anniversary

Syngenta’s jubilee year is hallmarked by new sunflower and corn hybrids, promising better than ever yields, excellent wheat seeds, complex plant protection product portfolio, expanded Contivo ™ advisory system. The...

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Speculation and overproduction move the grain prices

Nearly 70 percent of world’s cereal production will be wheat and corn this year. Because of the previous high prices many people interested towards the grain section of the commodity...

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Magro.hu: cereals have become speculative products

Because of the previous high prices, the cereals – especially maize – have become speculative products – according to the Magro.hu online agricultural marketplace. Nearly 70 percent of the world's...

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Corn yield: the European Commission cuts back this year's forecast

The European Commission modified its forecast on corn for this year. The EC reduced its forecast for this year's yield by almost one million tonnes to 56.6 million tonnes. Last...

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Corn hybrids were tested at eleven locations

The Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board and the National Association of Grain Producers organized the post-registration kind experiment of corn for the ninth time. Polgár Gábor, director of...

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FM: About 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year in Hungary

In Hungary, a total of approximately 13.5 million tons of grain grown this year, compared with the 16.3 million tonnes of last year – the Minister of State of the...

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92 percent of the corn is in the granaries

The harvesting works are approaching to the end in Zala county. More than 90 percent of the corn produced on 40 thousand hectares have already been transported to the granaries....

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FM: genetically modified varieties of maize cannot be grown in Hungary

On the basis of the Hungarian request submitted to the European Commission, the production licence of the previously approved genetically modified (GM) maize and the to be approved GMO maize...

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The average yield of corn is seven tons

The average yield of corn is a bit more than seven tons in Tolna County, where more than 40 percent of the crop is harvested already – Vendégh Edit, the...

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A decline in grain prices from August

A significant price decrease was observed in the past month in case of this year's domestic wheat and corn yields – and at all the other arable crops in general...

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Six million tonnes of corn crop is expected

This year's corn harvest will be about six million tonnes because of the summer heat has significantly reduced the volume of the crop – the Minister of Agriculture said in...

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The damage of maize growers may be up to 80-100 billion HUF

The extremely hot weather of the recent days and the subsequent storms caused damages up to 80-100 billion HUF to the maize growers – the President of the National Association...

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Nearly 90 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County

So far, 88 percent of the winter wheat was harvested in Zala County on a more than 20 thousand hectares of area. The average yield was 5.18 tons per hectare...

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Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Zrt.: the authority found GMO-contaminated seeds in one case

The Törökszentmiklósi Mezőgazdasági Zrt. told MTI that the authority found GMO-contaminated seeds in one case among the 11 maize items, during the checks cdarried out in February. As advised, the...

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Hopefully there will not be yield losses in case of corn

Hopefully there will be yield losses in case of corn as heat has stopped – the president of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Thursday. Vancsura...

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Cereals became 3 percent cheaper in April

Hungarian cereals became 3 percent cheaper in April on average, compared with March 2015 at the Magro.hu online agricultural marketplace. The Magro Wheat Index (MGX) indicating the combined value of...

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GMO corn seed was found in a consignment in Kecskemét

GMOs (genetically modified organisms) contaminated maize seed was found in a shipment, ordered by a Kecskemét-based company. The National Food Chain Safety Authority (Nébih) seized the shipment worth 10 million...

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The sowing of corn and sunflower has started

The sowing of corn and sunflower has started in Tolna County. The farmers plan to sow about ten percent more, compared to last year, while the winter wheat acreage has...

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The Syngenta enters the domestic market of wheat with five new products

More than one thousand agricultural farmers participated at Syngenta’s traditional season opener roadshow. At the series of events held in seven cities, about the production possibilities of wheat, corn and...

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Grain prices have fallen nineteen percent within a year

The Magro Grain Index (MGX) expressing the combined price movements of the Hungarian grains decreased by nineteen percent from 10059 points 8190 points in one year. This means that the...

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Such good grain harvest occurs only in every tenth year

Such good grain harvest occurs omly in every tenth year as in 2014, but it is even rarer that yield results of winter wheat and maize are simultaneously outstanding –...

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The prospects for agriculture are promising

Czerván György, the Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for Agri Management called the agriculture prospects encouraging this year and for the next years. Czerván George, agrárgazdaságért...

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KSH: a record crop occured from corn last year

Last year, the yields of all-important autumn harvested plants were higher than in the previous year, and from corn a record crop occured. The yield increased by 42.3 percent over...

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