Tag "KSH"

Foreigners rediscovered Hungary for themselves

After the end of the pandemic and in the midst of the inflationary difficulties that have developed since then, the question of whether tourism can regain its former economic weight...

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SZÉP card holders spend more on food than on travel

In the first month of this year’s summer season, in July, 40 percent less was spent on accommodation with the Szép card than in 2021, when domestic vacations became free...

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Cabbage in the open field costs less than the previous year

According to KSH data, Hungary produced 39.8 thousand tons of head cabbage in 2022, 7 percent more than a year earlier. Hungary’s head and red cabbage foreign trade balance was negative...

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The producer price of young bulls did not change, but that of slaughter heifers and cows decreased

In the United States, the bull price was $6.41 (USD) per kilogram of cold cut weight in July 2023, up 32 percent from a year earlier. In Brazil, the price...

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KSH: Sales prices in the food industry rose by 13.5 percent

In July, industrial producer prices were on average 1.3 percent higher compared to a year earlier. Domestic sales prices increased by 19.5 percent, export sales decreased by 7.6 percent. The...

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KSH: The service foreign trade surplus was 2.7 billion euros in the second quarter

In the second quarter, exports of services calculated in euros increased by 6.7 percent and imports by 0.8 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The asset...

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Watermelon production area and production volume also increased

According to KSH data, 101.3 thousand tons of watermelons were harvested from 2.49 thousand hectares of production area in Hungary in 2022, which was 18 percent less than the amount...

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NTAK – The biggest digital development of the tourism industry

In 2016, the Hungarian Tourism Agency was one of the first in Europe to recognize that accurate, up-to-date data is needed for data-driven sector management, to support responsible decision-making, for...

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Márton Nagy is satisfied with the decrease in inflation

According to KSH data, the gross average salary rose to HUF 566,800 in June 2023, so the average wage increased by HUF 78,000, or 16.0 percent, in one year. With...

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KSH: Gross average earnings increased compared to last year

In June of this year, the gross average earnings of full-time employees was HUF 566,800, and the net average earnings, calculated taking discounts into account, was HUF 390,900. The gross...

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GFM: the price of food included in the price monitor has decreased by an average of 7 percent since its launch

The price of food products included in the price monitor has decreased by an average of 7 percent since its launch, the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM) announced on Friday....

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KSH: The food industry, which benefits from the processing industry by 12 percent, fell short of a year earlier

In June, the volume of industrial production was 3.8 percent lower than a year earlier. Adjusted for the working day effect, production decreased by 6.1 percent – the Central Statistics...

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We have to pay slightly more for peaches than last year

According to Eurostat data, the peach and nectarine harvest increased to 21.8 thousand tons (+90 percent) in 2022. According to the publication of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Informative report on summer agricultural...

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Márton Nagy: the government has halved food inflation compared to its peak

According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the government is increasingly reducing inflation, and in July 2023 the rate of inflation has already dropped to 17.6...

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KSH: consumer prices increased by 17.6 percent on average in July, and food prices decreased by 0.9 percent on average

In July, consumer prices increased by 17.6 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year, and food prices decreased by an average of 0.9 percent compared...

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Retail turnover decreased by 8.3%

In June, according to raw data, the volume of retail trade decreased by 7.8%, close to expectations, and by 8.3% when adjusted for calendar effects, significantly easing compared to the...

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The raspberry growing area has been continuously decreasing since the turn of the millennium

According to KSH data, raspberries were grown on 1,500 hectares in Hungary at the turn of the millennium, and since then the cultivated area has been continuously decreasing. Eurostat data...

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KSH: in May, the product foreign trade surplus was 1.1 billion euros

In May, the export volume increased by 3.9 percent, while the import volume decreased by 1.3 percent compared to the same period of the previous year. The assets were 1.1...

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KSH: Sales prices in the food industry rose by 19.4 percent

In June, industrial producer prices were on average 6.4 percent higher than a year earlier. Domestic sales prices increased by 29.8 percent, export sales decreased by 5.0 percent, the Central...

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K&H: there is still something to make up for Hungarians preparing for a holiday abroad

Although the impact of the epidemic is slowly starting to fade from tourism, there is still plenty to gain in terms of foreign travel compared to the level before the...

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The producer price of light lamb increased by 6 percent, and that of heavy lamb by 3 percent

According to data from the European Commission, the European Union’s sheep and goat imports (live animals and meat) were 28,000 tons in January-April 2023, which represents an 11 percent increase...

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KSH: The average gross salary in May was HUF 567,800

The gross average earnings of those employed full-time was HUF 567,800, and the average net earnings calculated with discounts taken into account was HUF 391,500 in May 2023, the Central...

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Thousands of shops closed in Hungary last year

Last year, thousands of shops and restaurants closed in Hungary, which experts primarily attribute to high energy prices, declining consumption, and a weak forint compared to the euro. By the...

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KSH: agricultural purchase prices fell in May

The average purchase price of agricultural products in May was lower than a year ago for the second month running, after 7.2 percent in April, they decreased by 1.1 percent....

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Hungarians can’t even imagine their diet plans without meat

Pápai Hús Kft. has conducted an online survey on conscious eating and meat consumption, with more than 4,000 participants. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. 20%...

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KSH: in June, prices increased by 20.1 percent compared to the same month of the previous year

In June, consumer prices were on average 20.1 percent higher than a year earlier. In the past year, household energy and food prices have risen the most, the Central Statistics...

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Minister of Economic Development: we are on the right track in the fight against inflation

Thanks to the government’s targeted measures, the trend-like and ever-increasing decrease in sanctioned inflation continued: according to the latest data from the KSH, in June 2023 – by another 1.4...

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KSH: The turnover of retail stores decreased by 12.3 percent in May

In May, the volume of retail trade – with a significant base effect – decreased by 12.7 percent in raw data, and by 12.3 percent when adjusted for calendar effects,...

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KSH: Industrial production fell by 8.3 percent in April

In April 2023, the volume of industrial production was 8.3 percent lower than a year earlier; adjusted for the working day effect, production decreased by 5.8 percent – the Central...

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Márton Nagy: For the first time since November 2020, inflation has decreased “visible” on a monthly basis

Inflation decreased noticeably on a monthly basis for the first time since November 2020, according to the data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), as highlighted by Minister of...

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