Tag "környezetvédelem"

Tesco is also celebrating Earth Day

Tesco is committed to environmental protection, and in February this year drastically reduced the number of shopping bags for online orders. Before February, the supermarket chain supplied more than 400,000...

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Nearly half a billion aluminum cans are not recycled

In Hungary, 800-900 million aluminum cans of beer and soft drinks are marketed every year, but only about half of this amount 450 million cans are recycled – tozsdeforum.hu wrote....

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The Clean Air Action Group recommends the dissemination of home delivery services

Instead of taxing the home delivery services, these services should be encouraged, because they are environmentally more favorable – the Clean Air Action Group wrote in its letter that was...

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Magazine: Greener packaging trends

According to Imre Hopka, managing director of Wanapack Papírfeldolgozó Kft., the challenge ahead of packaging industry companies is to manufacture the lightest box possible, which at the same time offers...

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Sixty Príma stores are operating with renewable energy

Sixty Príma grocery stores are using a power entirely from renewable energy sources as a result of the strategic cooperation concluded by the MVM Partner Zrt. and the CBA Kereskedelmi...

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Tesco: home delivery without shopping bags

In Hungary, one person uses an average of 500 shopping bags a year, while disposing 90 percent of the bags after a single use – Világgazdaság Online cites Tesco’s communication....

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One billion HUF developments at one of Hungary’s leading manufacturer of packaging

The DS Smith Packaging Hungary Kft. is developing an innovative and unique product line at its premises in Tiszaújváros. The company launched an innovative project for the development and market...

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Agriculture’s environmental opportunities are expanding

The Hungary’s Environmental Status in 2015 publication was published, which deals with issues including soil quality, water status, the use of water resources, wildlife and landscapes status, changing climate, agriculture...

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Green car easily

The Budget Magyarország is expanding its fleet, making it easy to rent electric and hybrid cars. Air and environmental pollution are the main problems in the world currently, therefore, countries,...

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Spar’s shop network is becoming greener

Spar’s shop network is becoming greener. In the past three years the company modernized 55 privately owned units from a total of about 52 billion HUF and installed energy-saving equipments...

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The Xerox Magyarország opened an eco-friendly printing house

The Xerox Magyarország handed over an eco-friendly printing house – the company told MTI on Thursday. According to the information, the company spent about 50 million HUF to the development...

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Carton recycling rate in Europe is close to 50 percent

Carton recycling in the European Union is at last within sight of reaching 50 percent. From under 30 percent in 2005, it has risen to 44 percent in 2015 -foodbev.com...

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HEINEKEN’s 10-year sustainability program go half way

The HEINEKEN Hungária organized a round-table discussion in Budapest, on the ocassion of the World Ozone Protection Day. The event’s participants sought answers how to achieve tangible results in the...

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A new green program for the selective collection aluminum cans

The “Throw Yourself in” new environmental program was launched to promote the separate collection of aluminum cans. 6390 tonnes of aluminum is recycled per year About 450 million pieces of...

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August 8 is the new day of Earth overshoot

Earth Overshoot Day means the amount of nature we use from January 1 till August 8 is as much as the Earth can renew in the entire year. So it's...

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The use of plastic bags decreased by eighty-five percent in England

The number of single-use plastic bags used by shoppers in England has plummeted by more than 85 percent after the introduction of a 5p charge last October, early figures suggest....

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The VIP Zoo Walk of the Real Nature Kft. had many surprises this year again

Why do we need a hair net among the bats? What and how the hippos and giraffes eat? Among other things, those who took part at the traditional Real Nature...

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This year's PET Cup cleansed the Tisza from forty-five thousand plastic bottles

The participants of the PET Cup gathered this record amount of plastic bottles in the Upper Tisza region. The self-built fleet of plastic bottle vessels collected this huge amount of...

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The French said goodbye to the plastic bags

From the first day of July disposable plastic bags are prohibited in France – Local’s French edition wrote. France’s efforts to reduce the number of plastic bags in distribution comes...

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The Médiaunió launched a campaign for the selective collection of plastic bottles

The Médiaunió Alapítvány (Media Union Foundation) launched its It Is Not Hard campaign for the selective collection of plastic (PET) bottles – the organization told MTI on Friday. In Hungary...

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Most attractive workplace’ – 1st place: Audi Hungaria

Éva Szigeti, the head of personnel marketing at Audi Hungaria told that in their competence-based development model every employee can make professional and non-professional progress in a personalised fashion, with...

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Mosaic giant made of beverage cartons

The Beverage Carton Environmental Protection Association (IKSZ) created the world's largest mosaic image made from beverage cartons in two days at the Madách square in Budapest by using more than...

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Only 20 percent of the product fee is spent on waste management

The budget of the past five years clearly shows that that only 20 percent of the product fee is spent on waste management and the rest covers other expenses –...

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The 2016 Quality Innovation contest was announced

The European Organization for Quality’s (EOQ) Hungarian National Committee Association announced the 2016 international Quality Innovation competition in recognition of quality products and services and customer-oriented quality development – the...

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A record volume of trash was collected in the TeSzedd! action

A record amount of 2857 tonnes of illegally dumped garbage was collected by the participants of the sixth TeSzedd! – Voluntary movement to clean Hungary – the National Environment and...

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A fifth of plants are threatened with extinction

One-fifth of all 400,000 plant species in the world are threatened with extinction – ccording to a new study. The “state of the world's plants” report by the Royal Botanic...

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Modern technology against ghost fishing

Modern technology could solve or mitigate the consequences of the so-called ghost fishing. Because of the phenomenon hundreds of thousands of tonnes of plastic waste can be found in seas....

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More than 100 thousand people have joined to the “Teszedd!” special action

More than 100 thousand people have joined to the “Teszedd!” (Pick it Up!) special action – Móni István, the program leader of the litter picking action program told M1 news...

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The effects of climate change could be reduced by decreasing food waste

Reducing food waste around the world would help curb emissions of planet-warming gases, lessening some of the impacts of climate change such as more extreme weather and rising seas, scientists...

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