Tag "konferencia"

The European Union conference on smart villages was held in Gödöllő

The Hungarian Contact Office of the European Parliament and the European Commission’s Representation in Hungary held a conference on Monday in Gödöllő titled Smart Villages. At a press conference prior...

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Agrarian digitization is the future

The main objectives of agriculture is to increase the efficiency of the domestic agriculture and the food sector in the medium term, the safe food supply of the Hungarian population...

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The key to Hungarian culinary success is Hungarian raw material

The key to the success of renewable Hungarian gastronomy is the Hungarian raw material – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the at the Cooks and Producers’ Conference in...

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Tesco: together we are able to do more against food waste

On 7 June this year, Tesco held its conference focusing on the fight against food waste with the participation of non-governmental organizations, companies, governmental organizations and the media. The event...

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Conference on misleading advertising

Heads of the authorities of four countries, the director of the board of EU’s Consumer Protection Directorate, as well as internationally renowned professors and experts discussed the expected regulation on...

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FM: agricultural professions will be more appreciated with the strengthening of the agricultural sector

Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture spoke on Friday at the “The Future Vocational Training – the Future of Vocational Training 2” confence about the restoration of the prestige of professions,...

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Magazine: GKI celebrates 25 years with a conference

GKI Economic Research Zrt. organised a conference to celebrate its 25th birthday. Participants discussed whether Hungary should join the euro area or not. Nándor Csepreghy, secretary of state at the Prime Minister’s Office opined...

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Maize and Wheat Conference event series with great success

The 2nd Maize and Wheat Conference event series ended with a great success with total of 450 participants. The event held at the Agricultural Faculty of the University of Debrecen...

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Tobacco retailers ask for delaying the introduction of standardised packaging

On 7 November a conference was organised for National Tobacco Shop operators and their partners. It turned out that about 40-50 percent of tobacco shops are in a difficult situation, while...

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Link to all virtual money in the world

The four members of MENSA HungarIQa organize a Blockchain conference for the first time in Hungary, on 22 November 2017 in Budapest, at the Aquarium Club. According to the promise...

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NAK conference about sustainable farming

On 18 October 2017 NAK will organise an international conference titled ‘Sustainable Farming’. Some of the topics that will be discussed: the agricultural policy and innovation activity of the USA, agri-food...

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Cheese academy

KKASE Cheese Makers Association and the Gyöngyösi Károly Róbert Campus of Eszterházy Károly University organised the ‘Artisan Cheese – Science – Tourism’ conference at the end of August. The event’s goal...

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Pálinkás: innovation stimulates growth

One of the key drivers of economic growth is technological development, innovation, but organizational and social innovation, as much as technology is needed as well – Pálinkás József said at...

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BrandFestival again in October

The summit meeting of the Time Magazine, Emirates Group, METRO, Viber, Coca-Cola, KPMG, Nestlé, Microsoft and many other brands will take place in October. Central Europe’s largest brand and corporate...

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The Hungrana Kft. uses 3,000 tons of maize a day

Almost 1.2 million tons of domestic GMO-free maize is processed annually, and the Hungrana Kft. provides 5.5-6 percent of the Hungarian food exports – portfolio.hu wrote. This means that their...

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The best conference and wellness hotels were awarded

Six Hungarian conference and wellness hotels received the Aranynap Award (Gold Day Award) for their outstanding quality services in 2016; The award that rewards the whole year’s work of the...

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Focus on the sport economy and exportable Hungarian sports innovations

Sports is globally one of the most dynamically developing industries and its innovations in the segment is an international jumping opportunity for Hungarian companies as well. Recognizing this, the Hungarian...

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Conference on sustainable food production

It is becoming increasingly important to reduce the impact of agricultural production on natural resources. The laws aim to reduce negative environmental impacts are inevitably affect the market developments in...

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The world’s end has failed! Report on the results of the most important Hungarian Food Safety Conference

After eight months, the mineral oils have disappeared from the packaging boxes and leaked into the food – was revealed by a fresh research that was presented at the Hungalimentaria...

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Conscious consumer behavior has intensified

The conscious consumer behavior has intensified. Everyone wants to know more about the food they buy – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said in Gödöllő at the Conference on Environmental...

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Jövőre Budapesten rendezik a nemzetközi borturisztikai konferenciát

A magyar főváros nyerte el a lehetőséget, hogy megszervezze az IWINETC (International Wine Tourism Conference, Exhibition & Workshop) konferenciasorozat tizedik, jubileumi rendezvényét 2018 tavaszán – közölte a Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség...

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Coordinated wine marketing: Cooperation between the state and the profession

The National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) signed a cooperation agreement with the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) in order to ensure the coordinated and effective supply of community wine marketing...

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The Day of Fish to be held for the first time

The Day of Fish to be held for the first time on 20 March in the headquarters of the Hungarian National Fishing Association (MOHoSZ), where a conference will be held,...

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Agricultural Management Exhibition will begin on Tuesday

The 3rd Precision Agricultural Management Exhibition and Conference (Prega) begins on Tuesday this week. Milics Gábor associate professor of the University of West Hungary told M1 news channel on Monday...

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Export conference for Hungarian enterprises in neighbouring countries

In November the Hungarian National Trading House (MNKH) organised its first export-themed conference for Hungarian businesses located in neighbouring countries. The event took place in Csíkszereda (Miercurea Ciuc) in Romania...

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Generational change is the key issue in the Hungarian agriculture

Like many European countries, Hungary is struggling with the question of succession in agriculture for many years. Addressing the youth is a pressing issue, which need to be addressed as...

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China has become one of the most important trading partner of the EU and Hungary

At a panel discussion at the Lámfalussy conference, Palotai Dániel, managing director of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) emphasized that China has become one of the most important trading partner...

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The new generation has arrived: a record year in corn business

The experts are basically optimistic about the Hungarian corn situation and this year's records also support this – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Many people emphasized during the Agricultural Sector 2016 conference that...

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International cooperation is needed to solve the problems resulting from water scarcity

Global solidarity, international cooperation is needed to solve the problems resulting from water scarcity – Kégler Ádám, International deputy director of the Antall József Knowledge Center told MTI after the...

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