Tag "klímaváltozás"

Minister of Agriculture: sustainable agriculture and forestry play a prominent role in the fight against climate change

Sustainable agriculture and forestry play an outstanding role in the fight against climate change, in maintaining biological diversity and in protecting nature, and through this in preserving the values ​​of...

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Here are the first results: the CO2 emissions of domestic agriculture are that much lower

We see data on greenhouse gas emissions not only at the global and EU level, but also for domestic producers. The first results of the K&H agricultural CO2 calculator, which...

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New crops may conquer farmland

Sweden’s OlsAro, a start-up developing crop varieties resistant to environmental stressors, plans to launch a salt-tolerant wheat variety in the near future. This article is available for reading in Trade...

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Danone Named As Partner To ‘100+ Accelerator’ Programme

Danone has joined AB InBev, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever as a partner in the 100+ Accelerator, a programme that seeks to drive sustainable innovation across global supply chains....

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The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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Climate change is also a challenge for Hungarian breweries

Global climate change also presents challenges to breweries, since raw materials such as barley and hops are sensitive to weather conditions. Hungarian breweries are particularly sensitively affected, as their options...

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Politicians also underestimate the number of people actively taking action against climate change

The majority of people around the world support the fight against climate change, but public opinion and politicians often underestimate the number of people who are actively engaged in it....

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K&H: more people are interested in sustainability than you think

The majority of people around the world support the fight against climate change, but public opinion and politicians often underestimate the number of people who are actively engaged in it....

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Attitude formation for sustainable agricultural water management

The Ministry of Agriculture received a non-refundable European Union grant from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) EU financial fund for the implementation of an attitude-shaping reform project. The project...

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(HU) MBH AgrárTrend Index: stabilizálódtak a magyar élelmiszer-gazdaság kilátásai

The assessment of the situation of the actors of the Hungarian food industry has stabilized, which is more favorable than before in the first three months of 2024, according to...

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Annual Costs From Climate Change Set To Total €35 Trillion

A study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) has estimated that the global economy faces approximately $38 trillion (€35.61 trillion) in damages each year due to the...

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May 2024 be a year rich in blessings, harvest and success!

The Cross-Border Bread of Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program is one of the most beautiful and important symbols of the unity of the Hungarians of the Carpathian...

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HUN-REN ATK researchers have discovered a new mechanism of resistance to plant virus infections

A new mechanism of plant resistance to viral infections was discovered by the researchers of the Plant Protection Institute of the HUN-REN Agricultural Research Center (HUN-REN ATK NÖVI) as part...

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Domestic sunflower cultivation is at the forefront of Europe

According to the forecast of Syngenta, the market leader in the field of sunflower seeds, compared to last year’s record 700,000 hectares, the planting area of the plant will decrease...

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A worldwide PR campaign was launched as part of the fight against climate change

45 PR agencies and communication organizations came together to work for a common goal, a campaign against climate change. The “Weather Kids” campaign of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)...

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Support for irrigation development continues

Farmers must be supported in being able to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change and at the same time increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value. As...

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From 2024, March 25 is the day of Hungarian fruit landscape varieties

Preserving the genetic diversity of our cultivated crops is in the fundamental interest of domestic agriculture. These include the fruit landscape varieties that have long been present in the Carpathian...

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World Water Day: Proper water management is particularly important due to climate change

Water is a natural treasure that we must take extra care of and manage it properly – the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics drew attention on the occasion of World...

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World Water Day: Proper water management is particularly important due to climate change

Water is a natural treasure that we must take extra care of and manage it properly – the National Chamber of Agricultural Economics draws attention on the occasion of World...

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János Áder: 80 percent of the effects of climate change will be felt through water

Excess water must be kept and must not be drained out of the country – said János Áder, former president of the republic and president of the Kék Bolygó Climate...

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Let’s keep water in the landscape! NAK is conducting a survey among more than ten thousand farmers operating in low-lying areas

The network of village farmers of the National Chamber of Agriculture conducts a national water demand survey in March. The aim of the survey to be carried out on behalf of...

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Watering will be easier this year as well

The government will fully exempt farmers from the fee for the provision of agricultural water through state-owned water facilities this year as well, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced on...

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Coffee, tea, cocoa can be luxury products

The prices of coffee, tea and cocoa may rise significantly in the near future: the combined effect of climate change and geopolitical tensions poses a serious threat to our wallets...

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We protect the interests of farmers by all means

The government sees farmers as strategic partners and will protect their interests by all means, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy declared on Monday in Kalocsán at a forum organized as...

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New, more resistant varieties of coffee may come

The Italian research team has achieved a breakthrough in deciphering the genetic code of coffee, which could help breed new coffee varieties and strengthen plants against the challenges of climate...

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The process that defines the agricultural existence of Europe is the protest of German farmers

The process that will determine the future agricultural existence of Europe is the protest of the German farmers – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Wednesday on the current...

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Are companies hiding how climate change affects them?

Despite the fact that companies define comprehensive climate goals under pressure from investors, nearly half of them (47%) do not disclose how they intend to meet them, according to EY’s...

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The payment of agricultural insurance premium subsidies has begun

The aim of the Ministry of Agriculture, in addition to encouraging the wider application of technological developments and production practices for the prevention of damage caused by climate change, is...

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Magyarok és a klímaválság: érzékelik, de nem ez a legnagyobb problémájuk

A magyarok is egyre jobban érzik a klímaváltozás negatív hatásait, a jelen legfontosabb problémájának azonban a megélhetési válságot tartják, és csak ezt követi egy esetleges ökológiai katasztrófa bekövetkezte – derült...

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Protecting the soil is equally important for everyone

The soil is one of our natural resources that we have to manage in a sustainable way, and it is necessary to pay more and more attention to its protection. To...

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