Tag "kiskereskedelmi forgalom"

NGM: Sunday store closure did not cause a decline in retail trade

Sunday store closure did not cause a decline in retail trade – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the National Economy Ministry (NGM) told M1 news channel on...

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Retail sales of household chemicals and cosmetics increased this year

The favorable trends continue this year in the household chemicals and cosmetics retail trade. In January-April, store sales rose by 6 percent to 110 billion HUF, compared to last year's...

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Analysts: the growth in retail sales continues at a slower pace

The retail sales growth may continue, but the growth rate is expected to slow down by the end of the year – analysts told to MTI, referring to the data...

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KSH: the growth in consumption continued in April

In April, the volume of retail sales increased by 4.4 percent according to the raw data and by 5.3 percent on the basis of the calendar effect adjusted data, compared...

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NGM: the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months

It is very positive that the growth in retail sales is continuous for 22 months – Lenner Áron Márk, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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Retail sales of the euro zone and the EU increased in April

Euro zone retail sales rose and unemployment fell in April, the European Union's statistics office data showed on Wednesday, adding to signs of economic recovery in the single currency area....

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KSH: the volume of retail sales grew by 7 percent in the first quarter

According to the raw data retail sales increased by 6.5 percent. According to the calendar effect adjusted data, retail sales rose by 5.1 percent in March, compared with the previous...

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OKSZ: consumption may increase in the rest of the year

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects growth of household spendings on an annual basis in 2015, but considers that this rate will be lower than in the first quarter of...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 6.4 percent in February

The increase in retail sales was slightly better than expected. Compared to the previous year, retail sales rose by 6.4 percent in February – according to the Central Statistical Office...

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Nielsen: the turnover of household chemicals and cosmetics has increased

335 billion HUF worth household chemicals and cosmetics were sold in food retailing between March 2014 and February 2015; 6 percent more than a year earlier. In terms of quantity,...

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KSH: the retail sales in January increased more than it was predicted in the preliminary estimates

In its second estimate, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) improved the growth rate of the retail sales in January from the forecasted 7.7 percent to 8.2 percent. The Central Statistical...

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Grocery retail sales augmented in both value and volume

Between December 2013 and November 2014 value sales in grocery retail increased by 5 percent and volume sales expanded by 4 percent. Products in the 90 grocery categories audited by...

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Retail sales in the Euro Zone and in the EU both increased

Retail sales in January increased both in the Euro Zone and in the European Union. The second largest annual increase in the EU was achieved by the Hungarian retail in...

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Analysts: retail expansion shows the increase in income

Retail sales expanded significantly in January, which indicates an increase in household income, according to analysts polled by MTI. The Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday that the January...

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OKSZ: retailing continues to grow this year

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) expects a further growth in retail sales, but at a slower pace. According to data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Wednesday, retail...

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KSH: retail sales continued to rise in January

In January, retail sales rose by 7.7 percent, compared to the previous year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Wednesday. Due to the post-Christmas sales the sales of...

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German retail sales increased

Annual retail sales in Germany increased in January by 5.3 percent in real terms. In nominal value retail sales rose with an annual 4.1 percent – according to preliminary data...

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The NGM expects the further expansion of retail trade

The retail sales reached a ten-year record in 2014 – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday MTI, commenting the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)....

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Retail sales declined further in the United States

The retail sales in the US declined by 0.8 percent, more than expected 0.5 percent in January, compared to December – the US Commerce Department announced on Thursday. The retail...

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KSH: the fuels and manufactured goods pulled the retail trade in December

The retail sales continued to recover in December last year. The turnover was 5.6 percent higher than the calendar adjusted data of a year after the previous month's 5.1 percent...

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KSH: retail sales rose by 5.1 percent in November

The volume of retail sales in November last year were 5.1 percent greater than in the previous year according to both the raw and calendary adjusted datas – the Central...

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