Tag "kényelmi termékek"

Lunch is waiting on the shelf

A new generation of modern semi-prepared foods and ready meals is emerging, and manufacturers are responding quickly to new demands in healthy eating, sustainability, alternative proteins and exploring foreign cuisines....

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Comfort above all

Convenience products are prepared, semi-prepared or ready-to-cook foods that make cooking easier or simpler. NMS Hungary wanted to know how the consumption of convenience products has changed over the last...

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This year we are offering our convenience tofu products to Hungarian consumers of Lunter Quick & Easy ready-to-cook products, and ahead of the barbecue season we are bringing the flavours...

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Hungarians are consuming more and more instant soup

The latest FMCG trends show that Hungarians increasingly prefer food that can be prepared easily and quickly. Within this, instant soups have become particularly popular, they are easily available, can...

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Capsule tortilla – Video of the day

A kapszula-forradalom idején, jó tíz éve egy vállalkozás megalkotta a tortillakészítő gépet, a Flatevet, ami kényelmessé tette a legkedveltebb laposkenyérfajta gyors előállítását. Először csak hagyományos tortillát készítettek vele, később ízesítetteket,...

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Rationality dictates

To adapt to uncertainty and to plan accurately have become pre-conditions of survival in the HoReCa-sector. And this survival is impossible without the use of meat products processed at a...

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Convenience products aren’t simply about comfort

This article calls everything a convenient product that facilitates or simplifies the preparation or consumption of food. Although the principle is the same, the motivation is different at home, in...

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Cheese, wine, snack – what else do you need on a summer afternoon on the terrace? Now you can get all of them at the same time, thanks to the new...

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Magazine: No matter when you rise, you will find gold!

A nationwide survey by Kellogg’s on the breakfast eating habits of Hungarian families – conducted this spring – has found that the majority of Hungarians say: they skip a healthy...

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(HU) Kotányi My Coffee Spice

The Kotányi My Coffee spice range is a real convenience product, which is ideal for flavouring or decorating hot drinks or desserts. Fresh coffee is in perfect harmony with freshly...

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Magazine: Free from everything…too!

According to Katalin Rosta, dairy business manager of Nestlé Hungária Kft., free-from products have a growing share in the breakfast product and hot drink categories. Flóra Hesz, junior shopper marketing...

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(HU) Ami jéghideg, az cool!

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The new INTERSPAR store in Tata satisfies all customer needs

SPAR Magyarország has opened its 34th hypermarket, which utilises the latest eco-friendly technological solutions. Then new 5,200m² store is situated at the place of the former Tata Athletics Club and...

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Bite-sized trends

There is no generally accepted definition of finger food. When our magazine writes about finger food, what we mean is every kind of food that can be eaten without using...

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Continente expands private label product selection

Portuguese retailer Continente has expanded their assortment of healthy snacking and convenience products under its private label brand. Continente has also enlarged its Bio range, with the introduction of vegan...

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(HU) Vendégváró sajtfalatok

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