Tag "kasszanélküli technológia"

Aldi and Grabango announce AI-powered checkout-free tech

Similar to Amazon’s “Just Walk Out” tech, it was rolled out at a store in suburban Chicago German discount grocer Aldi, and its partner Grabango, have publicly announced the launch...

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Ezért megfizetünk! – de legalább gyorsan és kényelmesen

A retailtechnológia területén több olyan fejlesztési irány is körvonalazódik, amelyek külön-külön is forradalmasíthatják a szektort. Ezek jelentős része a kasszazónát érinti. A legtöbb szó mostanság ezen a téren is a...

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A checkout-free container store improves shopping experience

At a press event last night, Mastercard presented an innovative, artificial intelligence- and technology-based, mobile checkout-free store on the domestic market For some, shopping is an experience, for some it...

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Amazon Go technology made available to third parties

Amazon Go technology made available to third partiesAmazon.com Inc is starting a new business line, selling the technology behind its cashierless convenience stores to other retailers. The world’s biggest online...

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First Amazon Go grocery store five times bigger than usual Go stores

Amazon launched a new larger Amazon Go Grocery store format, the floor space of which is nearly five times bigger than of its cashierless convenience stores. The new shop utilises...

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