Tag "károsanyag-kibocsátás"

Tesco is making good progress with the sustainability project

Tesco is committed to sustainable operations and has set ambitious goals to achieve complete carbon neutrality in its own operations by 2035, and net zero emissions in its supply chain...

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Fenntartható működés a SPAR-nál: kevesebb műanyag, több megmentett élelmiszer

A SPAR Magyarország hosszú évek óta törekszik arra, hogy mind kereskedelmi működése, mind gyártási folyamatai során minél kevésbé terhelje a környezetet, megóvja munkatársai és vevői egészségét, polcain egyre több hazai...

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Második e-kamionját állította forgalomba az ALDI

Miután a kiskereskedelmi láncok közül 2021-ben elsőként állított napi forgalomba e-kamiont, az ALDI 2023-ban tovább bővítette e-flottáját egy lokális károsanyag-kibocsátás nélküli Scania tehergépkocsival. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában...

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Edinburgh and Stockholm could do a lot for reducing pollutant emissions

Food sustainability expert Dr Joseph Poore has revealed: if Edinburgh and Stockholm both turned vegan, emissions would drop to the equivalent of removing a bit less than 1.5 million cars...

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EU Commissioner: the EU is on track to become climate neutral by 2050

The European Union’s climate protection package, known as Fit for 55, which requires a reduction of EU emissions by at least 55 percent, contributes to the implementation of the EU’s...

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Coop’s edible oil collection service continues to be successful

So far, customers have handed in more than 600,000 liters of used cooking oil at the trade group, who also receive a HUF 100 coupon for every liter handed in....

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Hungarian students would learn about climate change as a separate subject

The majority of Hungarian high school students interviewed on the joint Innovation Day of EY GDS Hungary and Junior Achievement Hungary believe that those currently sitting at school may face...

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German Retailer REWE Rolls Out Hydrogen Truck

German retailer REWE has rolled out its first hydrogen-powered truck from its west region logistics centre in Cologne-Langelas. The move is part of the retailer’s efforts to reduce emissions across...

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Assessing the true value of companies’ green efforts is difficult

It is becoming more and more important for market players to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, as set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. Accordingly, companies communicate more and...

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With Siemens solutions, the cola factory became more efficient, greener and more transparent

In the Coca-Cola factory in Austria, the introduction of an energy management system built with the help of Siemens greatly contributed to the reduction of energy costs, in addition to...

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Regional food production protects the environment and increases domestic added value

Regional, local food production greatly reduces the need to transport food and thus the emission of harmful substances. In addition, local cultivation also increases the added value produced in the...

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Sustainability: there is still a big gap between actions and intentions

Despite the economic difficulties, domestic medium and large companies consider sustainability important. The data for the second half of the year still show a weaker than average corporate commitment, even...

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Climate protection pays off for companies, yet according to a survey, they do not do enough for it

Climate protection initiatives bring greater financial benefits to seven out of ten companies than expected, yet the majority of companies do not reduce their emissions to an extent that could...

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The EU carbon tax may arrive soon

The European Union is expected to introduce a carbon tax aimed at improving sustainability and competitiveness at the beginning of next year – draws attention to EY. The levy would...

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