Tag "kár"

It is possible to estimate the loss of fruits only a couple of weeks later, according to FruitVeB

The damage caused by the frost and the bad weather can be estimated only a couple of weeks later – according to the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Interprofessional Organization and...

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The long-lasting cold caused damages in the autumn crop

Because of the bad weather most of the autumn sowings developed poorly in Hajdú-Bihar county, due to continuous cold the situation deteriorated further – the regional president of the National...

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Golden jackals cause nearly one billion HUF damage to the sheep breeders every year

Golden jackals, stray dogs and thefts cause nearly one billion HUF damage to the sheep breeders every year. According to the sheep breeders a law amendment would be necessary to...

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The April cooling caused havoc in the orchards

Due to the past few weeks’ morning cool downs a massive damage have occurred in the orchards. Mostly strawberries have suffered in the frost. The bad weather at the end...

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The Russian embargo caused 1300 billions HUF losses to the Hungarian economy

The Russian embargo has caused approximately 4.5 billion USD (1300 billion HUF) export loss to the Hungarian economy – Budai Gyula Minister of State for Foreign Economic Relations presented on...

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Natural disasters caused 70 billion USD damage to agriculture between 2003 and 2013

About the quarter of the damages caused by natural disasters affect the agricultural sector in developing countries – the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) states in its recent...

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