Tag "kalászos"

Agrometeorology: more precipitation may fall in Transdanubia, but it will hardly rain in many places in Tiszántúl

Showers will irrigate first the southwestern and then the northeastern half of the country, but a larger amount of precipitation is expected only in Transdanubia, while in many places in...

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Syngenta is opening a new era with its innovations in field cultivation

Syngenta is starting this year with an effective crop protection product range and a wide, excellent seed genetics. Thanks to the company’s new programs, producers can not only get these products...

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Farmers can sow high-quality spring wheat seeds

Sufficient amounts of high-quality spring corn seed are available to farmers, according to the data of the Seed Association Trade Union and Product Council (VSZT). The organization is spring barley, spring...

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KSH: this year, the yield of the five main ear crops did not reach 6 million tons in Hungary

Due to the lack of rainfall and heat waves, the yield of the five main grain crops – wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale – fell significantly: the harvested amount...

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Report on the 2022 corn seed situation

The 2022 corn cultivation and seed propagation were basically determined by the lack of rainfall and the heat. In some regions, after July 2021, there was no significant rainfall during...

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The rain came at the right time for the autumn sowings

The rain came at the right time for the autumn sowings, because at thinner areas the signs of drought have appeared – the President of the National Grain Producers Association...

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