Tag "húsipar"

The NAK received WHO’s classification uncomprehendingly

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) received the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) and WHO’s classification uncomprehendingly, which assessed the meat products as carcinogenic risky. The consumption...

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Association of Hungarian Meat Industrialists: the European meat industry rejects the WHO’s study

The Association of Hungarian Meat Industrialists, as the member of the CLITRAVI, the European trade organization of the sector, in agreement with the European meat industrial companies informs the consumers...

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The number of cow cuts increased moderately

The number of cow cuts increased slightly this year. Until August 7.6 percent more cows and and 11.1 percent more heifers were slaughtered in Hungary than in the previous year...

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Them plant of the Harangod-Mag Kft. was handed over in Megyaszó

The plant of the Harangod-Mag group is ready in Megyaszó, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. The facility cost 420 million HUF. The plant was handed over by Semjén Zsolt Deputy Prime Minister on...

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The SPAR was given the opportunity to use the High-Quality Pork Trademark

The company's own meat plant’s Regnum pork cuts, diced and slicedtrayed products are involved in the High-Quality Pork Trademark (KMS) campaign. The product certification that was established by the Ministry...

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Sága Foods has strengthened its position

The Sága Foods Zrt. is a steady market player, it is beyond the structural change, and it will not be sold. The target is to the strengthen the brand on...

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The state assistance saved jobs in the meat industry

When the concerned local governments have invested into the meat plants of Gyula, Kaposvár and Pápa contributed to the retention of about 2000 jobs – the Trade Union of Meat...

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Brussels is unable to ward off the damages caused by russian food embargo

In parallel with the extended Russian food embargo Brussels also continues its damage mitigating actions. According to many people; in vain. According to the dairy sector participants the EU’s support...

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Billions were invested into the meat factory in Pápa

It seems that the government and the local government of Pápa invested billions of forints of public money to rescue the local meat plant in vain. The company was unable...

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The poultry processing plant in Pacsa started a half billion HUF worth enlargement

The Pacsa-based Pulyka-Java Kft. started a half billion HUF worth enlargement. The company re-opened the plant of the former Zalai Baromfifeldolgozó Kft. At the press conference held at the site...

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The promised state guarantees for the Surjány-Hús meat company were withdrawn

The government cannot undertake a state guarantee legally for the Surjány-Hús meat company, because the conditions necessary do not fully been met the conditions set out in the legislation –...

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Rustic Selection from Wiesbauer-Dunahús: great selection is the new trend!

The new plant of the Wiesbauer-Dunahús is used from autumn 2014 in Gönyű. With the new plant, the existing warehouse areas have doubled. The company presents continuously innovative, high-quality, unmistakable...

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Collective redundancies at the Surjány-Hús Kft.

Collective redundancies were announced at the Törökszentmiklós-based Surjány-Hús Kft. The decision affects more than 200 workers – the former managing director of the company and current advisor told MTI. Tóth...

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New cold storage from the co-operation of the Waberer's-Szemerey Kft. and the Mecom Group

A significant part of the activities of the Waberer’s-Szemerey Logisztika Kft. can be found in the BILK (Budapest Intermodal Logistics Centre). It is the largest logistics base in the Central...

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The suppliers of the Surjány-Hús Kft. are waiting for their money

The employees of the Surjány-Hús Kft. meat processing plant have received their April salaries yesterday, but the bank does not allow the payment of the contributions of, the suppliers are...

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Bankruptcy at the Surjány Hús Kft.

The Törökszentmiklós-based Surjány Hús Kft. declared bankruptcy – Origo wrote. The company is unable to pay wages to its employees, due to the lack of funds. On 13 May the...

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The Association of Meat Industrialists support the VAT rate cut

The Presidency of the Association of Meat Industrialists believes that the VAT reduction to 5 percent is an important step into the right direction. According to their opinion, this decision...

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Hungarian-Russian negotiations on food security in Budapest

Bognár Lajos, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), and Alexei Alekszejenko, deputy leader of the the Russian Federation’s Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosszelhoznadzor) were discussing...

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The domestic game meat processing capacity should be increased

The domestic game meat processing capacity should be increased, because a part of the exported Hungarian venison is exported abroad unprocessed, however they could be sold as ready meat too...

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The Russians started the inspections at Hungarian and Greek meat processing companies

On Monday, the specialists of the Russian Federal Veterinary and Plant Protection Service (Rosszelhoznadzor) started the inspections of the Hungarian and Greek meat processing companies that are exporting to Russia...

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Half of the Hungarian Mangalitsa products are sold in Spain

About 20 thousand of the Hungarian Mangalitsas are processed in Hungary, while the majority of the products are exported to premium markets. Half of all exports, about 500 tonnes are...

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The Wiesbauer-Dunahús is already prepared for the future

Exactly 20 years after the foundation of the plant, the Wiesbauer-Dunahús has started to use the new plant in the autumn of 2014. With the expansion and the modernization of...

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Romania can export pork to China

Romania can start pork exports to China, after the authorities of Far Eastern country approved the exporting activities of a company in Romania – Victor Ponta Romanian Prime Minister announced...

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Hungary can transport live cattle to Belarus

Hungary can transport live cattle to Belarus again, as the Belarusian Veterinary and Food Safety Authority terminated the previously general entry ban imposed, because of the bluetongue disease – the...

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The Pig population increased in Békés County

The pig population increased in Békés County last year, after several years of decline. According to the 1 June 2014data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of pigs...

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The Gyulahús would increase competitiveness by building a new slaughterhouse and meat plant

The Gyulahús will increase its competitiveness by building a new meat plant and slaughterhouse by using EU funds. The decision-preparatory study plan is completed on behalfof the owner, which is...

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Hungary is world leader in per capita duck meat production

We increasingly look for products made from duck instead of goose meat and foie gras – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The duck is cheaper and many say it is tastier by many...

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Magazine: Meat product brands are willing to fight for their buyers

The meat industry has not overcome the biggest difficulties yet: base material prices keep rising and manufacturers cannot or only minimally offset this by increasing sales prices. Anikó Vasvári, Kométa...

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