Tag "gyümölcstermesztés"

AMC launched its melon consumption incentive campaign, the season can last until the end of September

The melon season is roaring, what’s more, today the old saying about Lőrinc’s day, which used to mean the end of the season around the middle of August, is no...

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Water restrictions have been ordered in several parts of Italy due to the drought caused by the heat wave

Temperatures are still around forty degrees in the central and northern parts of Italy, and due to the extreme drought, water restrictions have been introduced in Liguria and Sicily as...

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Severe frost damage decimated this year’s peach crop

The spring frosts caused significant damage to the peach plantations in Hungary, so a much weaker than average harvest is expected this year, according to the joint overview of the...

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The quality of the fruits also depends on the presence of pollinating animals

Almost a quarter of the quality of fruits depends on the presence of pollinating animals, animal pollination plays a key role in determining the quality of agricultural production – concluded...

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The plum season is in full swing, the star fruit of autumn is already available in the markets

This year’s plum harvest will be weaker than average, farmers can harvest around 40-50 thousand tons of the popular fruit – according to the joint market overview of the National...

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We have to pay slightly more for peaches than last year

According to Eurostat data, the peach and nectarine harvest increased to 21.8 thousand tons (+90 percent) in 2022. According to the publication of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Informative report on summer agricultural...

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The raspberry growing area has been continuously decreasing since the turn of the millennium

According to KSH data, raspberries were grown on 1,500 hectares in Hungary at the turn of the millennium, and since then the cultivated area has been continuously decreasing. Eurostat data...

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Bulgaria’s fruit growers are in big trouble

Without government help, the sector could be on the brink of bankruptcy. The spring frosts and last week’s hail destroyed 70-80 percent of the crop. Cruel conditions prevail in the Bulgarian...

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90 percent of the cherries have already been picked, the national average is more than last year

Among the fruits, cherry picking showed 90.7 percent readiness on July 16. The national average was 6.7 tons/hectare, 12.5 percent more than last year. The yield per hectare in the...

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Significantly less fruit is ripe in the EU

Half of the EU’s watermelon crop comes from Spain and Italy, which also supply 30% of Europeans’ melons. According to data from Eurostat, the European statistical office, a total of...

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This year’s melon season is going well

There is an abundant supply on the domestic melon market, and in addition to the quantity, there is no complaint about the quality either. High-quality Hungarian watermelons are produced in all...

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Germany would ban the production of strawberries

Too much water is required for the production of strawberries, which is why the Minister of Environmental Protection in Lower Saxony would eventually ban it, along with several other water-intensive...

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The cherry season has exploded

The quality of domestic cherries is outstanding, and Hungary is still one of the most decisive players in the European Union in the cultivation of which, Minister of Agriculture István...

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The cherry is ripe, the Agricultural Marketing Center has launched the promotion of seasonal fruits

Although the cold spring weather delayed the ripening of the fruits a little, the flavors of summer arrived irrevocably. That is why the Agricultural Marketing Center has timed the start of...

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They were engaged in the cultivation of berries in Fertőd

Although the size of berry fruit plantations has decreased in recent decades, according to the researchers, the cultivation of these crops, be it raspberries, currants or even blackberries, still has...

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A significant part of the apricot crop was taken away by the spring frost

Hungarian apricots will be a rare treasure this year, due to spring frosts, cooling during flowering, and large temperature fluctuations, only a quarter of the usual amount of produce can...

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We expect excellent Hungarian melons this year

The sale of Hungarian melons has started, domestic producers are expected to harvest 125-130 thousand tons of watermelons and 10-12 thousand tons of cantaloupe from the fields during the summer...

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Pineapple Factory – Video of the day

The best pineapple in the world is said to be Mexican!...

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The technological development of Agricolae Kft. in Jánkmajtis was handed over

The Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county Agricolae Kft. has developed its fruit processing system with more than HUF 960 million in Hungarian and EU funding. At Jánkmajtison, the government commissioner responsible for the...

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Red berries: cooling, refreshing flavors for warm summer days

On this year’s Fruit and Vegetable Day, the focus is on red berries, which include many summer fruits: currants, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, and their different types. Berries are generally...

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A smaller harvest of cherries is also expected due to the spring frost

There are far fewer cherries than average this year, the spring frosts took 40-50% of the crop, and due to the heavy rains of the past few weeks, many ripe...

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Georgian-Hungarian agricultural cooperation is at the gate of huge opportunities

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy held talks with his Georgian partner in Tbilisi. The two heads of ministries signed a declaration of cooperation in the fields of seed cultivation, winemaking...

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Vegetable and fruit cultivation is at the forefront in the use of modern technologies

The application of precision technologies, the integration of automation, robotization and digitization in vegetable and fruit cultivation cannot be neglected – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the 8th...

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Fruit row 2022 – Video of the day

Will the new orchard be like this?...

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Significant political tools help the modernization of the horticulture sector

The current challenges, including the drought and the drastically rising input prices, draw attention to the importance of developments that increase input efficiency and production security – said Sándor Farkas,...

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Growing strawberries without sunlight – Video of the day

Impressive agricultural technology!...

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The extreme drought further deepened the crisis in the fruit sector

The effect of this year’s historic drought was reflected in the condition of all fruit varieties. Among the fruits grown in the largest quantity, apples are expected to have the...

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A devastating prognosis: the weakest domestic apple harvest of the last ten years is expected

According to preliminary estimates, Hungary’s apple harvest will be only between 300,000 and 350,000 tons, after last year’s 520,000 tons. In Hungary, an apple harvest of only 350,000 tons can...

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The weather did not cause significant damage to the settlements

The rainy-stormy weather of recent weeks has not caused significant damage to the plantations, FruitVeB told MTI.   According to the inter-branch organization, sour cherries are less affected by precipitation...

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The supply of strawberries is still plentiful

The supply of strawberries is still plentiful, and by the end of May, the field harvest will reach consumers in large quantities, according to a summary published on the FruitVeb...

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