Tag "GS1 Magyarország"

Nincs megállás a logisztika szektorban

A hazai logisztikai piac növekedési pályán van. Mivel a költségek az elmúlt időszakban radikálisan emelkedtek, ezért a fejlesztések fókuszában elsősorban az energiahatékonysági szempontok, illetve egyéb, a költséghatékonyságot növelő tényezők állnak....

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Recycling-focused packaging designs

On 28 June 2022 the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) organised a conference, where Hungarian and international speakers talked about packaging designs with a recycling focus. CSAOSZ...

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Tracks leading into the future

At the end of May the Ministry of Agriculture and GS1 Magyarország organised “The role and significance of tracking in the baking and confectionery industry”. Dr Beáta Olga Felkai, head...

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Magazine: Results are needed – already by yesterday if possible!

Krisztina Vatai, services management director of GS1 Magyarország told our magazine that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed consumers towards online shopping in FMCG buying too, therefore it is now more important...

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Magazine: Merely labelling precisely and fine…

The pandemic has profoundly affected the commercial processes and highlighted how important exact and up-to-date records are. With the help of its SzabványMenedzser software, GS1 supports its users in creating...

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Magazine: Tracking: Credible data at every moment

It is an everyday phenomenon with logistics and parcel delivery companies that companies are unabele to keep track of delays. WebEye Telematics Zrt. has developed a system that increases efficiency...

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Magazine: The state of play: digital milestones in Hungarian retail trade

Digitalisation is more and more important in manufacturing, business management and retail trade. The most important market players, developers and retail chains talked to our magazine about the innovations that...

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(HU) Nyomonkövetési tréningek a GS1 Magyarországtól

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Magazine: Trust-increasing transparency

The motto of GS1’s Traceability Programme is that trust starts with tracking, which ensures transparency. Food companies that make credible data on product origin, processing steps and the related dates visible...

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(HU) Átvették a hatalmat a vásárlók

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