Tag "Green Deal"

Chamber of Agriculture: they are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of agriculture

Young developers, startups and researchers are looking for solutions to the challenges of agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the TechLab agricultural startup program of the National...

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Hungrail: the appearance of giga trucks would cause social and environmental damage

The appearance of giga trucks larger and heavier than traditional trucks on European roads would, in addition to reducing the competitiveness of the rail freight sector, have negative social and...

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The farmers and the government are each other’s strategic partners

Farmers’ interests must be protected because Brussels betrayed the producers, because the EU leaders did not protect the European agricultural markets against Ukrainian agricultural products, said Minister of Agriculture István...

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Sustainability with reservations

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. The Hungarian Food Bank Association has been helping people in need for 18 years “For the first time, this year...

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The Öko Expo will be held again in Hajdúnánás

The Öko Expo will be held for the fourth time in the Kendereskert in Hajdúnánás, the event will be held on September 8-9 this year – the organizers announced at...

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Low-quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin floods the market

The faulty decisions in Brussels have released a huge amount of poor quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin to Ukraine’s neighbors, which makes it impossible for Hungarian farmers as well....

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Magazine: Tamás Éder: “This year will be about survival”

Tamás Éder, president of the Federation of Responsible Food Manufacturers (FÉSZ) talked to our magazine about the state of play in the food industry. – What results did the food...

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What is the Green Deal? Only a few companies know it yet, so preparations are still to come.

The European Union Green Deal, adopted in December 2019, is the EU’s ambitious and comprehensive blueprint to become the first climate neutral continent. It will fundamentally transform the European economy...

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