Tag "gasztronómia"

The Downtown Beer Festival has begun

More than two hundred kinds of beer, special brews, and beer ice-cream can also be tasted at the four-day Belvárosi Sörfesztivál (Downtown Beer Festival) from Thursday at Szabadság Square in...

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The Somogyi Wine Festival begins

With the wine dinners of the restaurants, the first Somogyi Wine Festival begins in Kaposvár today. At the four-day event created by the county government, the city government, the National...

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Rosé, Rizling, and Jazz Days with Balaton wines and crafts

The Rosé, Rizling, and Jazz Days will await its guests with three concerts a day, Balaton wines and handicrafts every day, from 7 July for ten days in Veszprém –...

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We can celebrate wine regions in the city of thousands cellars this weekend

June 10 is not only the Day of Wellness worldwide, but the Weekend of the Wine Regions will be held in Monor in Hungary that time, for example – travelo.hu...

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Avolatte, a strange fashion from the absurd idea – Video of the day

The Truman cafe in Melbourne, Australia sparked a viral sensation after baristas were caught on camera serving up avo-latte’s to eachother as a joke which “turned out to be something...

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Fifty kinds of beer at the 5th Veszprém Beer Festival

Nearly fifty kinds of beer products of twelve small and international breweries, concerts and children’s programs are waiting for the visitors of the 5th Veszprém Beer Festival from 15 to...

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Gastronomy is the theme of this year’s Japan Film Week

Gastronomy is the theme of this year’s Japan Film Week, which will take place from 13 to 17 June in the Toldi Cinema in Budapest – the organizers told MTI....

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Óbuda Beer Festival – Kisüzem 2017

The local government of Óbuda-Békásmegyer – in cooperation with the Association of the Kisüzemi Sörfőzdék Egyesülete (Association of Small-Scale Breweries) – organize the Kisüzem 2017 beer festival on 9-11 June...

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Wine and fish festival for four days from Friday in Balatonfüred

The Balaton Wine and Fish Festival begins on Friday in Balatonfüred with gastronomic offerings as well as concerts. The festival will feature the Sebő band and Huzella Péter. Cserép László,...

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The 10th National Siller festival starts with a wine muster in Paks

On Friday, the 10th National Siller Festival begins in the Sárgödör Square in Paks, with a wine muster. The audience can taste the best Sillers of the Carpathian Basin. The...

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We can find great value-for-money wines in the large chain stores

The professional wine portals are regularly watching what exciting items you can get at stores right now. What is really interesting that we can find such wines not only in...

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Pálinka Festival in Újszilvás at Pentecost

Pop music concerts and renowned djs are also awaiting the visitors to the 12th Ágyaspálinka Fesztivál on 3 and 4 June in Újszilvás. One of the most prominent events of...

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The Italian Festival was opened

On Thursday, 25 May, the press conference of the third edition of the Italian Festival was held at the Verdi hall of the Italian Cultural Institute. The festival, which runs...

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Nádudvari flavors at the Campus Festival

The Debrecen-based Campus Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (Campus Nonprofit Public Company Ltd.) and the Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft., (Nádudvari Food Ltd.) have signed a unique regional cooperation agreement. As a result, two...

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Bakator wine and gastronomic festival: the Bakator can become a Hungaricum

The local governments of Debrecen and Bihardiószeg, together with winemakers, initiate the acknowledgment of the bakator vine variety and the Bakator wine as Hungaricum – the Mayor of Bihardiószeg said...

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More than forty programs at the Pentecost Fish and Wild Festival in Szekszárd

The second Fish and Wild Festival in Szekszárd awaits its guests with open cellars, more than forty performances, concerts, family programs and many specialties, during the Pentecost weekend. Ács Rezső...

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Meals are important part of the Croatian and Hungarian culture

Excellent raw materials, traditional agricultural products and food are important pillars of both the Croatian and Hungarian culture – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The Book-Wine-Jazz Festival will be held in Balatonfüred at the beginning of June

Wine specialties, book presentations and concerts will be held in Balatonfüred from 6 to 11 June – the organizer of the event told MTI on Tuesday. Magyar Kinga said that...

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Almost one hundred kinds of draft beers can be tasted at the Csabai Beer Festival

Almost a hundred kinds of draft beer can be tasted at the Csabai Beer Festival, which will take place between 2 and 4 June in the Békéscsaba. Bora Imre, the...

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(HU) Négynapos sörünnepet rendeznek a Szabadság téren

Between 15 and 18 June, two hundred kinds of beer specialties will be offered in the city center. The Belvárosi Sörfesztivál (Downtown Beer Festival) will be held from 15 to...

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The Agrármarketing Centrum presents Hungarian handicraft products with its partners at the Góbéfeszt in Manchester

The Góbé Festival debuts in Manchester, at the Albert Square on May 13-14, 2017 with various gastronomic offer and the best of the Transylvanian Hungarian culture. The meaning of the...

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The Somogyi Wine Festival to be organized for the first time

The Somogyi Wine Festival to be organized for the first time. The event promoting the wines of Somogy county will take place from 8 to 11 June in Kaposvár. Sixteen...

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The Rosalia Festival begins on Friday

The 6th Rosalia Festival, the Summer greeting wine festival of the Hungarian Capital begins on Friday. This year, more programs await the visitors to the festival. There will be jazz,...

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Wine Festival in Szeged from Friday

The 23rd edition of the Szeged Wine Festival begins on Friday. During the series of events celebratuing the Day of Szeged and the Szeged Wine Festival include a total of...

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Rosalia Festival: Start the summer with rosé!

At the Rosalia Festival in addition to the wines of more than 50 winemakers, the latest offer of street food will also debut in the Városliget at the shady meadow...

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Street Food Association: the consumption of street food is becoming more popular in Hungary

According to the President of the Street Food Association, the consumption of street food is becoming increasingly popular in Hungary as people have little time to eat but they expect...

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The Baranyai Gourmet Picnic is held for the first time in the Zsolnay Quarter in Pécs

With the participation of almost thirty renowned Baranya county gastronomy units, wineries and producers, the first “gourmet picnic” in the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter in Pécs will be held on 1...

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Strawberries and mangalica are the main ingredients at this year’s Gourmet Festival

Strawberries and mangalica will be the two main ingredients at this year’s Gourmet Festival, which crosses the borders and in addition to the finest Hungarian restaurants, will familiarize the visitors...

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Vineyard running in the Villány wine region

Running competition will be held for the third tiime in the vineyards of the Villány wine region on 29 April: the participants can choose between 9.9 and 19 kilometers running....

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Fifty wineries at the Kékfrankos Grand Tasting in April

The Winelovers Kékfrankos Grand Tasting in April presents more than a hundred gamays and bull’s blood wines of about fifty wineries from twelve Hungarian wine regions on Saturday at the...

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