Tag "gabonatermesztés"

The barley is already in the granaries

This year, due to the dry and warm weather, the harvest of fall-sown field crops started about two weeks earlier than usual, and it continues continuously even in the heat:...

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Market processes of the most important product lines in 2023

The AKI PÁIR latest publication presents the market processes of the most important domestic product lines in 2023 primarily through price trends, of which we have now highlighted two: cereals and...

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Despite the rainy weather, the Hungarian fields have a good harvest

Despite the warm weather and lack of rainfall this spring, according to the harvest results of Talentis Agro Zrt., the quantity and quality of autumn barley is acceptable. The holding...

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FAO: this year’s world grain harvest could be at a record level

The world’s grain harvest could be a record 2.854 billion tons this year, according to the latest monthly forecast of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The...

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Agrometeorology: dry, warm weather is ideal for harvesting

The dry, warm weather is ideal for harvesting, but the drought is intensifying in the central parts of the country, summer crops would need rain, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its...

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The harvest is going on, let’s be careful on the roads!

The harvest is taking place all over the country, which is why there are more agricultural machinery in traffic, which requires increased attention from all drivers – Minister of Agriculture...

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The producer price of edible wheat rose by 12 percent

According to Tallage’s information in June, the spot market price of 12.5 percent protein milling wheat in Germany (FOB Hamburg) increased by $15 to $292/ton between May 13 and June...

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Harvesting has begun across the country

The harvest has started all over the country, thanks to the invigorating export, the warehouses are almost empty by now – said the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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This year’s Russian grain harvest could be the lowest since 2021

This year’s Russian grain harvest may be the lowest since 2021, according to a report presented on Wednesday by SovEcon, a Russian economic research company specializing in the study of...

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Agrometeorology: the quality and quantity of autumn sowing crops was damaged by the significant rainfall of the past week

The significant rainfall that fell in the past week was no longer lacking at all for the ripening fall-sown field crops, it worsened both the quality and quantity of the...

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Agrometeorology: more showers will ease the drought

The early summer, rainy weather will continue, rainfall exceeding 20-30 millimeters may fall in a large area until the middle of next week, but the regional differences are expected to...

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Our gluten-free favorite also competes for the KMÉ trademark

The gluten-free life is also imbued with excellence, as it is now possible to apply for the Excellent Quality trademark with rice and rice flour. Of course, the address is...

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A record wheat harvest is expected

In the May forecast of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the 2024/2025 wheat harvest was published for the first time global harvest expectations for the economic year, in...

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Israel has agreed on an emergency wheat supply with Romania

In order to strengthen Israel’s food security, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Avi Dichter concluded an emergency wheat supply agreement in Bucharest with his Romanian counterpart, Florin Barbu, the Agerpres...

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Together for the unity of our nation – This year’s Hungarians’ Bread Program started with the Feast of Wheat Dedication

The Magyarok Kenyere – 15 million grains of wheat program opened its 2024 fundraising with the Carpathian Basin Wheat Consecration Ceremony, with the participation of nearly 400 farmers in the...

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May 2024 be a year rich in blessings, harvest and success!

The Cross-Border Bread of Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program is one of the most beautiful and important symbols of the unity of the Hungarians of the Carpathian...

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The effect of high temperatures caused by climate change on the bread wheats that spread during the Green Revolution was explored

For the cover photo of the January 2024 issue of the prestigious scientific journal New Phytologist, he chose a microscopic photo illustrating the results of the staff of the Agricultural...

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Farmers can sow high-quality spring wheat seeds

Sufficient amounts of high-quality spring corn seed are available to farmers, according to the data of the Seed Association Trade Union and Product Council (VSZT). The organization is spring barley, spring...

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Food supply is a national strategic issue

The crises of the past few years have shown that food supply and food self-determination is a national strategic issue, and it is now clear that it is also a...

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The world market price of corn has decreased

According to Tallage, the world market price of corn fell between September 9 and October 5 due to the arrival of the American crop on the market, the record volume...

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A decrease in Ukrainian grain production and export is expected

From the point of view of Hungarian agriculture, information on the situation of crop production in Ukraine is crucial, given the possibility of duty-free export of Ukrainian crops to the...

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MKi: some primitive grains have an outstanding content value

Some ancient grains have an outstanding nutritional value and are easier to tolerate by food-sensitive consumers – the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) emphasized in Monday’s announcement, in which they...

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Joint V4 action against Ukrainian grain imports

Further joint steps against Ukrainian grain imports were agreed upon by the countries of the Visegrad Cooperation at the agriculture minister’s meeting in Znojmo, Czech Republic, where Hungary was represented...

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Our country extends and extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain

We protect the interests of farmers, so after Brussels decided not to maintain the ban on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products, our country will do so under its national...

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You can apply for EU compensation for grain imports from Ukraine from October

From October 1, farmers can apply for EU compensation for grain imports from Ukraine, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced. He added that the ministry determined the terms of use of...

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The government protects the interests of farmers by all means

If Brussels does not act, our country will extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain after September 15th, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced in Sofia, where he...

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The average yield of wheat increased by 36 percent compared to last year

The harvest of grain cereals was almost completed by August 13, 2023, and the harvest was completed on 1 million 602 thousand hectares of the planned 1 million 619 thousand...

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Grain producers have to find buyers for their crops themselves

In the past 5-7 years, there was a demand market for grain, now there is a supply market, the producers have to find buyers for their crops themselves – said...

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Donations are ongoing for the Bread of Hungarians – 15 million wheat grains program on the occasion of the Carpathian Basin Wheat Merger

Hungarians have an unbroken sense of belonging – the Minister of Agriculture emphasized on Saturday in Szolnok, at the bread of the Hungarians – 15 million grains of wheat program...

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Overturned grain market: grain growers are in a difficult situation

In three months, the price of the most important cereals fell by more than 20 percent on the domestic market, so the very unusual situation arose that wheat and corn...

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