Tag "gabona"

A new grain strategy has been formulated by professionals

The further expansion of the Russian and Ukrainian production, which already dominates the cereals market, threatens the export markets of domestic farmers. In order to preserve their traditional markets and...

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FM: bio-ethanol factories are becoming more involved in the development of the cereals sector

The biofuel production companies have an increasing role in the larger-scale consumption of grain grown in Hungary – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) stressed...

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Whole grains, whole story

We already know that a balanced breakfast includes fruit or vegetables, valuable sources of protein (eg. milk, dairy products, lean meat, eggs, nuts) a fluid (preferably water); It made of...

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The grain museum to be renovated

The renovation works of the Gajdács farm, which is part of the Grain History Exhibition Place in Békéscsaba have started – was said at a press conference on Tuesday at...

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The Chamber of Agriculture would reduce the VAT rate for cereals to 5 percent

The Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) suggests to reduce the VAT rate for cereals to 5 percent if the European Union does not allow reverse VAT payment after 2018. With this...

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The Carboferr would expand on the cereal market

The Carboferr Zrt. dealing with the wholesale of steel and plastic products would expand on new markets including grain trade and plastics processing – the company told MTI on Thursday....

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The increase in oil prices increases the price of agricultural products

Cereal prices may increase significantly, or at least the recently seen rise in oil prices forecasts this trend – portfolio.hu wrote. In the former agricultural inflationary cycles the oil price...

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FAO: World food prices rose in January

The FAO Food Price Index rose notably in January, led by sugar and cereals, even as global markets remain well supplied. The FAO Food Price Index averaged 173.8 percent in...

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KSH: last year’s harvest was record-breaking for corn and wheat

The average yield of corn broke a record last year, exceeded 8.6 tonnes per hectare, the total harvest was 8.8 million tons. According to the data of the Central Statistical...

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The new generation has arrived: a record year in corn business

The experts are basically optimistic about the Hungarian corn situation and this year's records also support this – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Many people emphasized during the Agricultural Sector 2016 conference that...

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Fazekas Sándor: the Hungarian agriculture reached a historic record this year

The production of the Hungarian agriculture in 2016 reached a historical record – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel on Wednesday. As an example he mentioned that...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in September

The agricultural producer prices decreased by 3.8 percent in September, compared to the same period of the previous year. The 3.8 percent decline is due to the 7.3 percent decline...

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KSH: 7.9 million tons of cereals grown this year

This year, 5.1 percent more, a total of 7.9 million tons of cereals grown, compared to last year, on a 0.4 percent less area – the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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The annual wheat requirement is already in the warehouses

Already twice of Hungary's annual wheat requirement is in the warehouses – the deputy chairman of the National Association of Grain Producers told M1 news channel on Saturday. Petőházi Tamás...

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FAO: Robust outlook for global cereal supplies in 2016

World cereal production in 2016 is set to amount to 2 521 million tonnes, just 0.2 percent off last year's large output and the third-highest global performance on record, according...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased in January by 4.8 percent

In January, agricultural producer prices increased by 4.8 percent higher, compared to a year before. The increase is due to the 10.5 percent increase in the prices of crop products,...

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Inland water damages the autumn crops

The inland water damages 30-40 percent of the autumn crops (wheat, barley and canola) in Békés county – Barabás Béla, secretary of the Békés County Farmers' Federation told MTI on...

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The Savings Bank and the Association of Grain Producers are working together

The National Association of Grain Producers and the Savings Bank signed a cooperation agreement in order to the more efficient use of the endowments of the Hungarian grain production sector,...

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Russia may be the world's largest grain exporter

Russia's government hopes that Russia can become the world's largest grain exporter in the next agricultural year, like the former Soviet Union – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Russian Agriculture Minister...

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Grain Producers: he plants can tolerate the lower and higher temperatures as well

Vancsura József, president of the National Association of Grain Producers (GOSZ) told MTI on Wednesday that the changeable weather is not a problem for winter cereals because the plants can...

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Magro.hu: cereals have become speculative products

Because of the previous high prices, the cereals – especially maize – have become speculative products – according to the Magro.hu online agricultural marketplace. Nearly 70 percent of the world's...

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KSH: 7.5 million tons of cereals grown this year

This year’s 5.284 million tons of wheat is 0.4 percent more than in 2014 and 19.1 percent higher than the average yield of the past five years. The barley harvest...

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FAO: Food prices are falling

In August, almost all basic food raw materials became cheaper on the world market, so the FAO food price index decreased by 5.2 percent in August, compared to July, which...

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The NÉBIH will test the freshly harvested grain

In order to filter out contamination in grains, the NÉBIH will test the mycotoxin ie fungal toxin content of cereals – the deputy director of NÉBIH told M1 news channel...

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Brussels is optimistic about the agricultural markets

The European Commission published its short-term forecast on the the agricultural markets on Friday. The forecast projects a positive image of production and the meat industry. Brussels notes that last...

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Hungary aims to strengthen its international cooperation in wheat cultivation

Hungary decided to join to the Wheat Initiative in order to strenghten the coordinated research in wheat cultivation. The Wheat Initiative includes countries and research institutes that are dealing with...

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A daily bowl of whole grain can save lives

People who consumed around 34 grams of whole grains per 1000kcal per day lowered their risk of premature death by 17 percent A study by Harvard Public School of Health...

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The Syngenta enters the domestic market of wheat with five new products

More than one thousand agricultural farmers participated at Syngenta’s traditional season opener roadshow. At the series of events held in seven cities, about the production possibilities of wheat, corn and...

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Such good grain harvest occurs only in every tenth year

Such good grain harvest occurs omly in every tenth year as in 2014, but it is even rarer that yield results of winter wheat and maize are simultaneously outstanding –...

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