Tag "G20"

OECD: growth in the G20 slowed in the last quarter of last year

Economic growth in the G20, which brings together the 19 largest economies and the European Union, slowed in the last quarter of last year compared with the previous quarter. According...

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Generali launches the goals of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance at the G20 Climate Summit in Venice

Generali is a founding member of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance, pledging to transition their insurance portfolios to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Generali’s commitment is underpinned by its strategy...

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The G20’s economic performance declined in record terms in the first quarter

As a result of measures to curb the new coronavirus pandemic, the G20 of the world’s 19 largest economies and the European Union saw an unprecedented decline in gross domestic...

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Atradius: Trade war risks grinding global trade growth to a halt

World trade growth stagnated in Q1 amid the escalating trade war. While we expect some recovery in 2019, further escalation of the trade war could grind growth to a halt....

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The G20 Group’s international commodity turnover has declined

The G20 Group’s international commodity turnover has declined in the second quarter, after more than two years of increase. According to figures published on Wednesday by the Organization for Economic...

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