Tag "Főtaxi"

Főtaxi is the official transport partner of the Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix

In 2024, the Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix will be held for the 39th time. According to the agreement with Hungaroring Sport Zrt, the official and exclusive passenger transport partner...

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Uber received permission to enter the Hungarian market

The long road to Uber’s return has finally reached the finish line in Hungary, after receiving the license to operate in cooperation with Főtaxi. The Budapest Transport Center and the...

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Uber returns to Budapest: in cooperation with Főtaxi

Seven and a half years after its withdrawal, Uber is returning to the streets of Budapest in a unique collaboration. The worldwide known car-sharing service is now operating as a...

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Is the home office over, do you need new solutions?

Főtaxi closed the last year with a performance that dramatically increased, setting new records in several areas, thanks to the tourism booming again after the Covid-19 epidemic, sports events, concerts,...

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Due to F1 and the Sziget, tourism in Budapest has picked up

The summer brought a buzz to Budapest reminiscent of the times before the epidemic, and one of the reliable indicators of the revival of tourism is the development of taxi...

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(HU) A Főtaxi vidéken terjeszkedik tovább és autókölcsönzőt indít

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Taxi driver of the year over a million kilometres

A Főtaxi sofőrjeinek szavazatai alapján Székely Zsolt kapta Az év taxisofőrje díjat, Az év munkatársa elismerést pedig a diszpécserközpont megbízott vezetőjének, Kalocsai Annának ítélte oda a Főtaxi vezetősége. Zsolt a szolgáltatás minőségéért és franchise...

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Főtaxi goes on with its tree planting program in the busiest parts of the Budapest

In cooperation with the 10 million Tree Foundations, the MainTaxi continues its tree planting program, which has been running for several years, this time focusing specifically on Budapest’s busiest areas....

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Orders placed at SPAR are already taken home by taxi

The new TAXI SHOPPING service of SPAR and the Főtaxi Group will start on 6 April. In the epidemic period caused by the coronavirus, during the curfew restrictions that affect...

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