Tag "fogyasztás"

Cetelem: the young people save and insist on the shops

According to the Cetelem’s Panarama survey, Europe’s population is optimistic. Especially the 18 to 35-year-olds, who are even better in saving, than people over 35, while stores are still important...

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NGM: several factors are influencing the growth of consumption

In addition to the increase in the number of employees and real wages, the VAT cuts on individual product groups also have an impact on the increase in consumption –...

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MNB: consumption, investment and exports promise a more than expected growth in 2018

Based on the data received since December’s Inflation Report, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) expects more favorable consumption and investment processes and a slightly stronger export growth. The experts of...

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The Pénzügykutató Zrt. improved its growth forecast this year to 3.9 percent

The Pénzügykutató Zrt. improved its growth forecast this year to 3.9 percent from the previously predicted 3.7 percent, and the momentum, albeit with a moderating dynamics will remain in 2019,...

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NGM: growth in retail sales by the end of the year

Retail sales increases further in the last two months of the year, partly due to the spendings on holidays – Pomázi Gyula, Deputy Minister of State responsible for Industry Strategy...

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Századvég: consumption and investment increased imports

Growing consumption and expanding investments have boosted imports – Regős Gábor, economist of the Századvég gazdaságkutató Zrt. told M1 news channel. According to the first estimate of the Central Statistical...

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GKI: Growth in consumption can accelerate the economy next year

The Hungarian economy is on the track indicated in September 2017. Economic growth will accelerate as a result of the start of EU subsidies and the accelerated consumption growth triggered...

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NGM: retail is expanding for 51 months

Retail sales have been rising steadily for 51 months – Pomázi Gyula, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), told M1 news channel on Tuesday, commenting...

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Central and Eastern Europe’s retail trade is making progress

According to a comprehensive, 32-country European retail trade survey by GfK, in 2016 the consumers of the EU-28 countries had EUR 16,153 to spend – nominally 0.7 percent more than...

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Grapes are popular in every format

Winemakers and grape growers have an excellent year. More wine will be made this year than in 2016 and table grape consumption has also increased. Hungarians eat 2.5-3kg of grapes a year. On...

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Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország and Lavazza continue together

This spring Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország became the exclusive Hungarian distributor of Lavazza products. Our magazine interviewed Gábor Balázs, coffee business unit manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. Gábor Balázs coffee...

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2016 was a good year for Hungarian retail and for the country’s food industry

According to Nielsen, in 2016 Hungarian retail sales increased by 2.8 percent in value in the food and household chemicals market, in comparison with the previous year. This performance was...

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Household incomes grew in the EU, but their consumption decreased

The consumption of households in the European Union declined in the first quarter, despite the fact that their income slowed down but increased – Eurostat figures show. The EU’s statistical...

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The MNB expects the expansion of investments and consumption

The most recent inflation report of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank was published: the target can only be realized in 2019 – privatbankar.hu wrote. Private household investments are growing dynamically, according...

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Inflation is speeding up, external and internal balance to worsen a little

Last year the Hungarian GDP growth was 2 percent, just as GKI predicted it would be – less than the 2.5 percent targeted by the government and the 2.8 percent...

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We spent seventeen thousand billion last year

In 2016, the consumption spending of families rose by 5 percent faster than in-store purchases. The 17 thousand billion HUF spendings roughly correspond to the level of the spendings of...

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Analysts: this year’s economic growth will generate consumption

This year started well in retail according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who believe that GDP growth this year will be mainly generated by increasing household consumption. The Central Statistical...

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Consumer expectations about tax and employer contribution cuts

According to a representative survey conducted by TNS Hoffmann in December 2016, 59 percent of Hungary’s population heard about the tax and social contribution cuts the government had announced. 68...

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As many consumer habits as store types

In cooperation with GfK, Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. tried to answer the following question: Why do we go shopping and what influences our buying decisions? György Galántai, general sales manager...

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Analysts: the trade surplus remains high, but is less than last year’s record

Because of the consumption and investment growth, as well as the expected rise in international oil prices, last year’s record-sized trade surplus is unlikely to be repeated this year, but...

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Analysts: retail sales growth slowed, but continues

The increase in retail sales slowed down, but continues, the decline in pace was probably only temporary – analysts commented on Friday published data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Provident: Christmas budget increased in 2016

According to the research of the Provident Pénzügyi Zrt. carried out during the holidays with the participation of 500 respondents, Christmas budget of the households increased slightly in 2016, compared...

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GKI expects a 3 percent growth in the economy and a 5 percent in consumption next year

The Hungarian economy is essentially proceed along the path indicated in September. Due to the decline in EU subsidies, the 2 percent GDP growth of 2016 is one of the...

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Analysts are surprised by the retail data

The 2.6 percent modest growth of retail sales is a negative surprise for the analysts, who expected 4.3 percent. The ten-month average is 4.8 percent. According to the report of...

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GKI: growth can be around 2 percent this year

The GKI confirmed its expected annual 2 percent growth forecast for the whole year, after the 2 percent increase of this year's third quarter. Thanks to the re-start of the...

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The population borrows more and more consumer loan in Slovakia

The consumer loan portfolio continued to rise by approximately 14.1 percent on an annual basis by the end of September in Slovakia and the pace of indebtedness continued to accelerate...

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KSH: retail sales accelerated again in August

According to the raw data, the volume of retail sales increased by 5.8 percent in August, compared to the same period last year. Calendar effect adjusted, the volume of retail...

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NGM: retail continues to grow for 37 months

Retail are continuously growing for more than three years. The annual voulme of retail trade increased by 4.9 percent compared to last year's January-July period – the Deputy Minister of...

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A further increase in wages is expected by analysts

A further increase in wages is expected by analysts interviewed by MTI, who foresee that household consumption will be the driving force of economic growth. According to data published on...

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The Hungarian population is expanding its consumption

On the basis of the retail data, consumption is expanded in the last period, but the population is also trying to repay its previous debts, loans and willing to increase...

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