Tag "fogyasztás"

Provident: Christmas budget increased in 2016

According to the research of the Provident Pénzügyi Zrt. carried out during the holidays with the participation of 500 respondents, Christmas budget of the households increased slightly in 2016, compared...

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GKI expects a 3 percent growth in the economy and a 5 percent in consumption next year

The Hungarian economy is essentially proceed along the path indicated in September. Due to the decline in EU subsidies, the 2 percent GDP growth of 2016 is one of the...

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Analysts are surprised by the retail data

The 2.6 percent modest growth of retail sales is a negative surprise for the analysts, who expected 4.3 percent. The ten-month average is 4.8 percent. According to the report of...

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GKI: growth can be around 2 percent this year

The GKI confirmed its expected annual 2 percent growth forecast for the whole year, after the 2 percent increase of this year's third quarter. Thanks to the re-start of the...

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The population borrows more and more consumer loan in Slovakia

The consumer loan portfolio continued to rise by approximately 14.1 percent on an annual basis by the end of September in Slovakia and the pace of indebtedness continued to accelerate...

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KSH: retail sales accelerated again in August

According to the raw data, the volume of retail sales increased by 5.8 percent in August, compared to the same period last year. Calendar effect adjusted, the volume of retail...

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NGM: retail continues to grow for 37 months

Retail are continuously growing for more than three years. The annual voulme of retail trade increased by 4.9 percent compared to last year's January-July period – the Deputy Minister of...

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A further increase in wages is expected by analysts

A further increase in wages is expected by analysts interviewed by MTI, who foresee that household consumption will be the driving force of economic growth. According to data published on...

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The Hungarian population is expanding its consumption

On the basis of the retail data, consumption is expanded in the last period, but the population is also trying to repay its previous debts, loans and willing to increase...

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Analysts: household consumption will be the engine of economic growth

Household consumption will be the driving force of economic growth – analysts interviewed by MTI evaluated the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the data of the...

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Difference increased in consumption

According to the Central Statistical Office’s data on consumption, the difference between the citizens of Budapest and the rural people has increased enormously in the beginning of the year –...

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Consumption arising from wage growth will boost the economy

Analysts interviewed by MTI expect a 5.4 to 6 percent gross wage growth for 2016. The analysts believe that consumption may be the main engine of economic growth in the...

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KSH: trade and catering increased the GDP in the first quarter

The volume of gross domestic product in the first quarter was 0.9 percent higher than in the previous year. The market services increased slightly, while the industry slightly reduced and...

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GKI: slowing growth, accelerating consumption

In the first quarter, only the Greek growth was worse than the Hungarian growth. Due to the worse than expected data the GKI modified this year’s growth forecast from 2.3...

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Low inflation stimulates consumption

Low inflation is stimulating consumption through the real value of wages and is expected to contribute to gross domestic product (GDP) growth as well – Balogh László, Deputy Minister of...

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Household consumption increased by nearly 9 percent last year

The monthly expenditure of households per capita grew by 8.9 percent in 2015 and was an average of 74 608 HUF. The highest proportion of the household expenditure (26.7 percent...

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Retail sales momentum is back in February

After the halt in January, the momentum in consumption returned in February. The volume of retail sales increased by 6.5 percent, while according to the calendar-adjusted data, a 6.4 percent...

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Kopint-Tárki: exports and private consumption can boost economic growth

The completion of the projects of the 2007-2013 EU budgetary cycle may cause smaller fractures in investment, however, exports and private consumption can boost economic growth – Palócz Éva, CEO...

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A household will spend an average of 132 thousand HUF for Christmas

A Hungarian household spends an average of 132 thousand HUF for Christmas: 90 thousand HUF for gifts and an additional 42 thousand HUF for the celebrations – representative research made...

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One million Internet users would purchase on Black Friday

According to a survey, the fifth of Internet users aged 18-59 (about a million people) are planning to purchase during the “Black Friday” promotions. The “Black Friday” is the Friday...

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The Chinese government decided about consumption stimulating actions

China in order to boost consumption increases imports, making the tax refunds for foreign buyers easier, and expands the range of cities that can be visited for 72 hours without...

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Billions have been spent on purchasing online within minutes during the “singles day” in China

Chinese consumers spent a record 91.2 billion yuan (14.3 billion USD, 9.4 billion pounds) online during the 24 hours of Singles Day this year, cementing the e-commerce extravaganza as the...

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The recovery of domestic demand increased imports

Analysts polled by MTI explained the 7.386 billion euros import data of September, with the recovery of the domestic demand. In September, imports grew by 8.2 percent to 7.386 billion...

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Consumption has an increasing role in the expansion of GDP

In the 2015-2018 period consumption will have an important role in the expansion of the gross domestic product (GDP), while the contribution of the export to the GDP will decline...

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GKI: On slowing trajectory

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., the growth rate of the Hungarian GDP will drop to 2.7 per cent in 2015, after its temporarily extremely fast rate...

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NGM: savings and consumption are expanding in long-terms

Balogh László, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM), responsible for Finance Policy told that savings and consumption turned into the right direction in Hungary, their...

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GKI expects an around 2.7 percent GDP growth

The GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. Economic Research Company published its latest projection on Monday. According to the projection, the Hungarian economy will grow faster in 2015 than the EU average, which...

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The GKI expects a two and a half percent economic growth

According to the forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. economy research company, the Hungarian economy will increase more rapidly even after 2014 than the EU average. The EU average is...

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OKSZ: consumption may increase in the rest of the year

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects growth of household spendings on an annual basis in 2015, but considers that this rate will be lower than in the first quarter of...

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The GKI expects accelerating consumption and stagnation in investment

According to the forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (GKI Economic Research Co.), the growth was exceptionally fast temporarily in 2014: 3.6 percent. However the Hungarian economy was not able...

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