Tag "FM"

The agricultural ministry started negotiations with the fishermen

Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) took part at a consultation with the representatives of the Hungarian natural water fishing organizations, on Thursday in...

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The agricultural damages caused by migrants will be compensated partially

According to a government decision, the Ministry of Agriculture allocated 100 million HUF to mitigate the agricultural damages caused by the illegal immigrants in 2015 near Hungary's southern border. The...

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Fazekas: new farmer supporting program starts

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) launches a new farmer-friendly program in order to support the work of the farmers – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday...

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FM: modern crop protection is a key to human health

Modern crop protection is a key to human health, because food safety begins at the soils and healthy plants – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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VAT on milk may be reduced

A five-point package of proposals is being created to support dairy farmers – Czerván György, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told Magyar Nemzet. The ministry will propose...

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The families save an annual ten thousands HUF due to the VAT reduction on pork

The VAT reduction on pork is resulted in 25 million HUF savings for the customers, so a family of four will save an annual ten thousands HUF – the Parliamentary...

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FM: this year 12 Hungarian exhibitors presented their products at the BioFach trade fair

This year, 12 Hungarian exhibitors presented their products at the BioFach, the World's leading trade fair for organic food, which took place 9 to 11 February in Nuremberg – the...

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The mangalica is a driving brand of the Hungarian livestock

The mangalica is a good investment not only for the farmers, but for the state, it is the driving brand of the Hungarian animal production is and product group, which...

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Fazekas Sándor: the decline in the pig population has stopped

The decline in the pig population has stopped in Hungary in the past few years, now the pig population is around 3.2 million again – the Minister of Agriculture said...

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Czerván: the Russian embargo re- organized the markets

The Russian embargo on food re- organized the markets. The European exports to Asian countries moved towards Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea – Czerván György, Minister of State...

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Hungarian wines are promoted in China

According to the winner of the 25 thousand euros tender announced for the promotion of Hungarian wines in China, the support of the Ministry of Agriculture is essential to promote...

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FM: the output of agriculture increased last year

The output of the Hungarian agriculture is around 2400-2500 billion HUF each year. Last year's initial estimate of 2,457 billion HUF is exceeding the previous year’s level by 0.4 percent...

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FM: prevails in prices to reduce the VAT of pork

Due to the VAT reduction, the price of pork declined at the dominant retail chains, but not at all the smaller trading firms and butcher shops – the Minister of...

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The Agromash Expo opens on Wednesday in Budapest

The Agromash Expo and Agricultural Machine Show, the major international exhibition of the industry opens on Wednesday. The four-day fair will be held at the Hungexpo in Budapest with the...

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FM: autumn sowings in good condition

The autumn sowings are especially in good shape, the rainy weather had a positive effect on crops – the Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told at...

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FM: The food traceability is a precondition for competitiveness

The food traceability is a precondition for competitiveness, because the consumer wants to buy guaranteed safe food products – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said...

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Pork: monitoring system monitors the effects of the VAT reduction

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) is operating a monitoring system to check whether the result of the VAT reduction in January will result in cheaper pork in stores – agrarszektor.hu...

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Winter food chain controls: more than 12 million HUF fine so far

During the winter seasonal food chain controls a total fines of 12.3 million HUF were imposed in 87 cases. Bognár Lajos, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture told...

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The quality of Hungarian wines is improving constantly

The quality of Hungarian wines is steadily improving and it is also recognized abroad – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told at a press conference in Budapest. The Minister, while...

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The agricultural ministry initiated the stricter monitoring of imported honeys into the 0EU

Hungary has Initiated the stricter monitoring and a more accurate indication of the origin of imported honeys into the European Union, at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting in Brussels...

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Hungary wants the chimney cake to be declared as a traditional specialty in the EU

It is expected that Hungary will submit the application in which Hungary wants the chimney cake to be declared as a traditional specialty in the European Union by the end...

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FM: the number of origin or geographical labeled products should be increased

The agricultural ministry's strategic objective is to increase the number of products with designation of origin and geographical indications. Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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From now the Soproni beer will be made of exclusively Hungarian barley

From January, the Soproni Klasszikus (Soproni Classic) and the Soproni Frissen Csapolt (Soproni Freshly Tapped) beers will be made of exclusively Hungarian barley The HEINEKEN Hungária and its suppliers have...

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Heineken: exclusively Hungarian barley to be used in the Sopron beer

The HEINEKEN Hungária and its suppliers have signed a commitment letter to the Ministry of Agriculture, under which the company will use exclusively Hungarian barley in the production of Hungary's...

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The pig population increases as the result of the introduced measures

The pig population that fell below 3 million in 2013 increased by about 15-20 percent as the result of the introduced measures – Horváth István of the Ministry of Agriculture...

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FM: the government encourages fish consumption

The government encourages fish consumption with campaign and with fish fairs in Hungary – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) said on Monday in Budapest at...

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2014 was a great year in Hungarian Agriculture

The Hungarian agricultural output’s growth that is lasting for years continued in 2014. The output of live animals and livestock products exceeded the previous year’s level – Czerván György presented...

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Fazekas: the Hungerit is one of the flagships of the Hungarian food industry

The twenty-five years old, Szentes-based Hungerit Zrt. is one of the flagships of the Hungarian food industry – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture said on Friday in Hódmezővásárhely. The Hungerit...

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Nébih: the winter seasonal food chain control has started

The Minsiter of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM), responsible for food surveillance ordered a winter seasonal food chain control from1December – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih)...

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FM: the financial and income situation of agriculture improved substantially

Thanks to the favorable performance of agriculture and the efficient agricultural and rural development funds, the financial and income situation of agriculture improved substantially – Nagy István Parliamentary Minister of...

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