Tag "felelős alkoholfogyasztás"

Diageo Launches Responsible Drinking Campaign

Spirits giant Diageo has launched a new global responsible drinking campaign, The Magic of Moderate Drinking, to encourage consumers to drink responsibly over the festive period. Diageo has created a...

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Már Japánban is kapható a Heineken 0.0

Október közepétől már Japánban is megtalálható az üzletek polcain a Heineken 0.0. Ezzel 2017-es bevezetése óta immár a világ 110 piacára jutott el. A Heineken 0.0 bővíti a fogyasztási alkalmak...

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This was 100 years of the campaign for responsible alcohol consumption – Picture of the day

Based on our film experiences, it was perhaps not that difficult to get a drink during the American prohibition, there was so much smuggling and brewing, but it was easiest...

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HEINEKEN Hungária Zrt. and the University of Sopron continue their cooperation for the responsible consumption of alcohol by young adults

HEINEKEN Hungária Zrt. and the University of Sopron have renewed their long-standing cooperation. The most important objective of the long-term partnership is to deliver the message of responsible alcohol consumption...

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Spirits Industry Association’s campaign reached nearly 1 million consumers this summer

This summer the Hungarian Spirits Industry Association and Product Board was promoting the importance of conscious alcohol consumption through music and an educational online card game. “Pour responsibly! Fill up...

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A survival guide for those at Sziget

After a two-year hiatus, the Sziget Festival is back! Diageo, the world’s leading alcoholic beverage producer and distributor, and Sziget have put together some useful and practical tips to help...

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Magazine: Report from the boardroom (Part 3) – An interview with Michael Holm, Diageo’s managing director for Eastern European markets

In our new series Judit Szalóky Tóth, a Boyden Executive Search partner makes interviews with executives. This time she asks questions from Michael Holm, who has been the managing director...

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Borsodi employees leave their mark together

As a member of the Molson Coors Group, the Borsodi Brewery pays particular attention to responsible alcohol consumption, the use of environmentally-friendly manufacturing technologies and the cultivation of social affairs....

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The turnover of chauffeur services increases during the holidays

In Hungary, 4 out of 10 people have driven drunk already. 7 out of 100 people regularly sit behind the wheel after a glass of alcohol. Unfortunately, few people know...

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Dreher rewards sobriety

This year the Dreher Breweries has started its smart drinking program together with the Veszprém County Police Headquarters and the Hungarian Red Cross. Extending its successful programs, this summer Dreher...

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Campaign for responsible alcohol consumption

The Detox is not a party! campaign was launched to promote responsible and moderate consumption of alcohol among the youth. The campaign aims to draw the young people's attention to...

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Drink responsibly! – The rules of responsible alcohol consumption

Dreher Breweries’ Drink responsibly! 2015 campaign for civilized alcohol consumption was succesful. The project focused on fetal alcohol syndrome, the dangers of drinking and driving and civilized alcohol consumption. The...

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Moderate alcohol consumption becoming the new cool among millennial consumers

New global research into drinking attitudes of millennial consumers (aged 21-35) has revealed that self-awareness and staying in control are the motivating factors for moderating[1] alcohol consumption during a night...

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