Tag "feldolgozóipar"

AM: you can apply for the development of smaller processing plants from August 13

The Ministry of Agriculture announced the call for “Support for the development of processing plants” with 50 billion forints, in the framework of which it supports smaller investments related to...

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Hungary is a net exporter of both frozen and fresh cherries

According to KSH data, Hungary’s cherry crop ranged between 60.5 and 83.5 thousand tons between 2018 and 2022. According to KSH data, the cherry crop in 2023 decreased by 18...

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The world’s largest industrial tomato processors are meeting in Budapest

The biggest players in the global industrial tomato processing and production sector have arrived in Budapest for the 15th World Congress and 17th Symposium of the World Industrial Tomato Council...

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The sector of animal breeders is facing a huge opportunity

European agriculture and farmers are suffering enormous damage, and animal husbandry is also under intense attacks, Brussels’ communication discredits farmers and deceives consumers. Meanwhile, Hungarian livestock breeders and livestock keepers...

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New horticulture and food industry tenders can be reviewed

Based on the Strategic Plan of Hungary’s Common Agrarian Policy, the social consultation of the new rural development investment tenders has begun. In the first round, those interested can familiarize themselves...

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KSH: The production of food, beverages and tobacco products, which received 14 percent from the processing industry, was 10.4 percent lower than a year earlier

In December 2023, the volume of industrial production was 13.7 percent lower than a year earlier. Adjusted for the working day effect, production fell by 8.7 percent, the Central Statistical...

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Our country continues to strengthen its agricultural relations with China

We are committed to the further strengthening of the agricultural and trade cooperation between China and Hungary, and it would be an important milestone if China accepted regionalization both with...

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Agricultural investment decisions worth almost HUF 15 billion were made

The Government of Hungary supports the Hungarian countryside with all possible means. This is also indicated by the fact that in recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture has made supporting...

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Few sweet chestnuts were produced in Europe this year, the processing industry is in trouble

This year was not favorable for sweet chestnuts, the European harvest is far below the average, which also affects the amount of processed products – according to the overview of...

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A good apple harvest is expected this year

Based on market information, a good apple harvest is expected this year, the amount of which could be 500-550 thousand tons, which is almost double the amount reached last year,...

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Warsaw is ready to stop the import of Ukrainian cereals under national jurisdiction

Poland will stop the import of Ukrainian wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower under its national competence, if the European Union does not extend the deadline of the import ban until...

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We can be a decisive player in European tomato processing

Farmers engaged in industrial tomato production expect a good harvest this year as well. The success of the sector in recent years is well exemplified by the fact that products...

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Hungarian agriculture must respond to changing external conditions

Farmers must respond to rapid and drastic changes in the economic environment, weather conditions and consumer habits, and the Hungarian government will help this process in the future – promised...

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The government is a strong ally of agriculture

The government is a strong ally of agriculture, producers, processors, universities, and strives with all its strength to provide assistance to the sector’s players, said the Minister of Agriculture at...

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FruitVeb: the plum crop will be poor

A weaker-than-average plum harvest of 40,000 to 50,000 tons is expected in Hungary this year – reads a summary published on Tuesday on the website of the FruitVeb Hungarian Vegetable...

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A significant part of the apricot crop was taken away by the spring frost

Hungarian apricots will be a rare treasure this year, due to spring frosts, cooling during flowering, and large temperature fluctuations, only a quarter of the usual amount of produce can...

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Half of the grain storages are empty waiting for the summer harvest

Based on the surveys, the crop may currently be half of the grain storage capacity of domestic producers. This ratio is very high compared to previous years, but the free...

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Agricultural relations between Georgia and our country are getting stronger

There are great opportunities in the agricultural cooperation between our country and Georgia, a strategic partnership between the two nations was not created by chance – stated Minister of Agriculture...

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The agricultural logistics center in Jánoshalma was handed over

The agricultural logistics center opens up new opportunities and new paths not only for farmers, but also for the Hungarian food and processing industry – said the Minister of Agriculture...

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The future of the industrial vegetable sector is promising

Zsolt Feldman stated that the annual funding for sweet corn and green pea-related production support will increase significantly, from 11.1 million euros to 15.6 million euros, so the additional support...

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interpack 2023: investments in machinery and equipment are stimulated by the growing demand for packaged food

The sustained growth of the world’s population, spreading urbanization, higher levels of employment and rising incomes are increasing the demand for packaged foods worldwide. According to the market research forecast...

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KSH: The production of food, beverages and tobacco products increased by 6.6 percent in 2022

In 2022, compared to the previous year, industrial production expanded by 5.8 percent, following the 9.5 percent increase a year earlier. Within this, among the three branches of the national...

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FruitVeb: abundant rainfall was good for apple orchards

Although it is still impossible to estimate this year’s crop prospects, the abundant autumn-winter rainfall has definitely benefited the apple orchards, FruitVeB, the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Trade Organization and...

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For the domestic fruit and vegetable processing industry, the energy subsidy comes late

In a statement, FruitVeB welcomes the government’s efforts to help the processing industry and proposes 25% of the annual cost increase as the basis for calculating the subsidy. At the...

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A significant crop loss is expected in sweet corn due to the severe drought

The sector is in trouble: in addition to the extraordinary economic situation caused by world political and economic events, and the explosive increase in costs, this year nature is spectacularly...

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Caixin/Markit: China’s manufacturing sector falls in January

China’s factory activity contracted at the sharpest rate in 23 months in January, underscoring the huge economic costs from the country’s zero-COVID approach as surging cases and tough containment measures...

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Chinese manufacturing output weakened further in October

The performance of China’s manufacturing sector weakened further in October due to energy supply problems and soaring commodity prices, according to data from China’s statistics office. The Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’...

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Hungaricool: With product innovation for the development of the food industry

There was extraordinarily great interest in SPAR’s product innovation competition Hungaricool, which was implemented with support from the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC). From the 269 entries the 10 winner products...

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AKI: agricultural foreign trade surplus decreased the, but the proportion of processed products has increased last year

The exports of agricultural and food products decreased last year, while imports increased, so the foreign trade surplus of the sector declined compared to the previous year, while the exchange...

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AM: the Industry 4.0 can contribute to the development of agriculture and the food industry

The solutions of Industry 4.0 can contribute to the development of agriculture and related processing industries significantly. The government’s aim is to help and accelerate this process thereby enhancing the...

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