Tag "EY"

EY: A market breakthrough for electric vehicles is expected in Europe by 2030

In Europe, by 2030, the share of sales of electric and hybrid vehicles (EV) is expected to exceed all other types and their number will reach 75 million, according to...

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It has been revealed which companies will be targeted by NAV inspections in 2024

NAV’s 2024 audit plan already clearly shows which areas the central tax authority will focus on during its tax audits this year. Special attention is given to companies employing a...

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Thousands of Hungarian companies and workers affected by the cybersecurity directive

Thousands of Hungarian firms will be affected by the revised EU cybersecurity directive (NIS2), which came into force this year, EY warns. This article is available for reading in Trade...

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EY: The world economy is not spinning, but company managers are optimistic

The majority of CEOs expect profit growth this year, despite the unfavorable global economic environment, according to EY’s latest international survey of 1,200 CEOs in 21 countries, including France, Germany,...

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Are firms hiding how climate change is affecting them?

Despite companies setting broad climate targets in response to investor pressure, 47% aren’t disclosing how they intend to meet them, according to EY’s global Climate Risk Barometer. This article is...

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People all over the world fear rising energy prices

Two-thirds of consumers know how to switch to green energy, but they just don’t want to spend more money or time on it, according to EY’s research involving nearly 100,000...

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Companies are at risk of double taxation due to global tax reforms

Worldwide, transfer pricing conditions are becoming increasingly unpredictable due to global tax reforms and inflation, according to EY’s survey of 1,000 large company executives in more than 40 countries, including...

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Thousands of domestic companies and employees are affected by the cyber protection directive

The operation of thousands of domestic companies is being transformed by NIS2, which came into force this year, i.e. the revised EU cyber protection directive – points out EY. The...

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Are companies hiding how climate change affects them?

Despite the fact that companies define comprehensive climate goals under pressure from investors, nearly half of them (47%) do not disclose how they intend to meet them, according to EY’s...

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EY: The climate goals have already been broken by high inflation – international research

Companies have dramatically scaled back their climate protection goals as a result of high inflation and geopolitical tensions. Companies are slowing down their sustainability initiatives despite the fact that they...

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Taxonómia-rendelet: komoly a lemaradásunk

Komoly lemaradásban vannak a tőzsdén jegyzett magyar vállalatok a fenntarthatóság területén – mutat rá az EY 17 EU-tagállamban összesen 320 társaságot vizsgáló tanulmánya. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában...

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The program of next year’s consumer protection inspections is public: we show who can expect to be inspected

In 2024, companies can expect comprehensive consumer protection target checks in many areas as well – warns EY. Next year, the measures introduced this year in order to break inflation...

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A new law can help domestic companies operate more sustainably

The government has submitted to the Parliament a proposal to amend the law encouraging sustainable corporate operations, EY points out. The affected domestic companies must also clarify their operations from...

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EY: It turns out what tax managers are afraid of

Domestic companies are most worried about inflation, while transfer pricing, corporate tax and the global minimum tax are considered to be the most risky tax areas, according to a survey...

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Domestic companies that deviate from the EU cyber protection directive risk significant penalties

A couple of weeks and they will start registering the domestic companies covered by NIS2, i.e. the revised EU cyber protection directive, EY points out. Companies that do not prepare...

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German consumers will cut back on Christmas presents this year

Germans plan to spend less on Christmas presents this year, according to a survey by Ernst & Young. Experts believe retailers can respond with discount promotions. Two thirds of respondents...

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This is how holiday bulk shopping works in Hungary

A recent survey involving 22,000 participants shows that many people no longer have a simple restaurant dinner in their budget, and they are also looking for discount opportunities to buy...

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EY: the Government expects almost HUF 100 billion in additional budget revenue from the global minimum tax

The government submitted the proposal to amend the tax laws to the Parliament. A new research and development grant may come, the rules for energy efficiency and development tax relief...

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Companies are vulnerable to cyber attacks – international survey

On average, companies had to deal with more than 40 attempted cyberattacks last year, and one successful break-in can cause up to $4 million in damage, according to an international...

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The EU would put an end to the unsustainable operation of companies – more than a thousand companies may be affected here

Hungarian companies listed on the stock exchange are seriously lagging behind in the area of sustainability, according to EY’s study examining a total of 320 companies in 17 EU member...

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A third of the employees would change jobs, and employers don’t even know it

Every third employee will most likely quit in the next year, while companies expect that it will be easier to retain colleagues in the current economic situation, according to EY’s...

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EY: There is also a lack of female leadership and digital knowledge on boards

While digitization and sustainable operations are the keys to the long-term success of companies, only a fraction of the board members responsible for decision-making have experience in this direction, according...

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A nagyvállalatok többsége még nem látja, mivel jár a globális minimumadó

A multinacionális nagyvállatok döntő többségére hatással lesz a globális minimumadó, mégis csak a töredékük van tisztában azzal, hogy valójában mivel jár, ha bevezetik jövőre – hívja fel a figyelmet az...

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Change in the EKD system: even smaller investments can receive significant support

The non-refundable cash support provided by individual government decision (EKD) can also be requested for developments that are lower than before, already 3 million euros instead of 5. The amendment...

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EY: The majority of large companies do not yet see what the introduction of the global minimum tax entails

The vast majority of large multinational companies will be affected by the global minimum tax, yet only a fraction of them are aware of what it will actually entail if...

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EY: The number and efficiency of tax audits increased significantly last year

NAV is knocking on more and more doors: after years of stagnation, not only did the number of tax audits increase last year compared to the 2021 data, but the...

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EY: It’s getting more expensive to live, many think it will get even worse

People around the world are worried about the rising cost of living, and many fear that the economic situation will get even worse, according to EY’s international survey of 21,000...

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EY: Personal data becomes valuable for customers

The rise of online solutions has made customers more aware, who would prefer to provide their personal data only if they receive real discounts in return, according to EY’s international...

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More than a thousand Hungarian firms will have to report on their sustainable operations to the EU

An 11-country study by Ernst & Young (EY) has found: less than a third of companies qualify as sustainable, based on the EU’s green framework system. This article is available...

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EY: Hungarians live in emergency mode

In January, EY conducted representative research in 27 countries to assess how consumer habits have changed due to inflation. They pointed out that the current consumer mood is very similar...

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