Tag "Eurostat"

Euro zone inflation slowed down in June

In line with analysts’ expectations, annual inflation slowed in the euro area in June, according to preliminary data published on Tuesday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union....

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Consumption in Hungary is cause for concern

According to the latest data from Eurostat, Hungary is only 70% of the European Union average in terms of per capita consumption, thus placing it in last place in the...

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Euro zone inflation rose to 2.6 percent in May

Inflation in the Eurozone was 2.6 percent in May, exceeding April’s 2.4 percent, the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced as final data on Tuesday. A year earlier,...

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Eurostat: the number of guest nights increased at the beginning of 2024 in the EU countries

The number of guest nights spent in the accommodation facilities of European Union member states increased by 7 percent to 452.6 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to...

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Retail sales increased in the euro area and the EU in March

Retail sales in the euro area and the European Union increased in both monthly and annual comparisons in March. According to data published on Tuesday by Eurostat, the statistical office...

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Shop-in-shop: eMAG has launched a hair care and make-up section

eMAG Hungary has recently launched its new Hair Care and Makeup section as part of its shop-in-shop concept, offering an impressive array of over 70,000 hair care and makeup products,...

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Euro zone inflation was 2.4 percent in April as well after March

In line with analysts’ expectations, annual inflation in the euro area was 2.4 percent in April after March, according to preliminary data published on Tuesday by Eurostat, the statistical office...

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Back to the Roots – The Renaissance of the hard-discounter

The time is ripe for a renaissance of the hard discount format in Europe. But a winning strategy will not necessarily mean turning back the clock and copying the highly...

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The annual growth rate of food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices slowed to 2.6 percent in March in the eurozone

In accordance with the preliminary estimate, the annual inflation in the euro zone slowed down in March, according to the final data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the...

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Retail sales decreased in the euro area and the EU in February

Retail turnover in the euro area and the EU decreased in February, both monthly and year-on-year. The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Friday that in February,...

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Eurozone inflation continued to fall

The annual harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) of the Eurozone rose slightly in March, but the situation is no longer so favorable in a monthly comparison. According to data...

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Eurostat: the number of guest nights booked on online platforms increased last year

The number of guest nights booked on online platforms in the European Union in 2023 increased by 13.8 percent compared to the previous year’s data, the statistical office of the...

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In January, industrial production in the Eurozone fell by the largest rate in ten months

Industrial production in the Eurozone and the EU fell more than expected in January, the largest in ten months, according to a Wednesday report by Eurostat, the statistical office of...

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Hungary has been in the EU for 20 years: how have prices changed?

On May 1, 2004, ten new states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In our series of articles, we use one indicator to explore how the situation of our country...

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Eurostat: 513 kilograms of waste was generated per person in the EU in 2022

The amount of municipal waste per capita in the European Union was 513 kilograms in 2022, 19 kilograms or 4 percent less than in 2021 (532 kg); In Hungary, 406...

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Inflation accelerated in the euro area in December, especially on the food front

In December, as previously announced, annual inflation accelerated in the euro area – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced the final data on Wednesday. In the euro...

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Inflation moderated in the euro zone and the EU in November

Inflation decreased in the Eurozone and the European Union in November, according to the final data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, on Tuesday. In the...

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The new Agricultural Statistics Pocket Book has been published

The publication provides information on the results of agriculture, forestry and the food industry in 2022. It also ensures the comparability of time series by being connected to the data range...

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Eurozone GDP fell in the third quarter

In line with the first estimate, the GDP of the Eurozone decreased in the third quarter in a quarter-on-quarter comparison, while that of the EU stagnated instead of the previously...

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Eurostat: Inflation in the euro area moderated more than expected in October

In October, the annual inflation rate in the euro area moderated more strongly than expected by analysts – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Tuesday as...

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Inflation in the Eurozone decreases significantly

As Eurostat announced after a second estimate, inflation in the Eurozone weakened significantly in September. While food and luxury goods were the strongest price drivers, energy prices continued to decline...

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Eurostat: the number of guest nights booked on online platforms increased

The number of guest nights booked in the European Union on online platforms continued to increase in the second quarter of 2023, the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat,...

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An average Hungarian household spends 2.8 percent of its total expenses on alcohol

Alcohol consumption accounts for only 2.8 percent of the total expenses of the average Hungarian household. Although this may not seem like a lot at first, the data is still...

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Inflation moderated in August in the Eurozone and the EU

In August, inflation moderated in both the euro area and the European Union, according to the final data published on Tuesday by the EU’s statistical office, Eurostat. In August, inflation...

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Eurostat: 6,3%-kal csökkentette az aszály az Európai Unióban a nyári gyümölcsök mennyiségét

Az Eurostat kimutatása szerint az aszályos 2022. évben összesen 8,6 millió tonnányi nyári gyümölcs, azaz dinnyefélék, szamóca, valamint őszibarack és nektarin termett, ami 6,3%-kal kevesebb a 2021-es 9,2 millió tonnás volumennél....

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France To Ban Disposable E-Cigarettes, Prime Minister Says

France plans to ban disposable electronic cigarettes, French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne has told radio station RTL. “It’s an important public health issue,” said Borne, adding that the government is...

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Annual inflation stagnated in the euro area in August

In August, instead of the expected decrease, the annual inflation in the euro area stagnated – the EU statistical office, Eurostat, announced on Thursday as non-final data. In the euro...

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Euro zone inflation slowed down in July

In July, inflation slowed down in the euro zone, according to the final data of Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, presented on Friday. In an annual comparison,...

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Ice cream production in Germany is the most expensive in Europe

According to Eurostat data, in 2022, the European Union produced 3.2 billion liters of ice cream, marking a 5% increase compared to the previous year. Germany was the main ice...

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The raspberry growing area has been continuously decreasing since the turn of the millennium

According to KSH data, raspberries were grown on 1,500 hectares in Hungary at the turn of the millennium, and since then the cultivated area has been continuously decreasing. Eurostat data...

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