Tag "Európai Unió Tanácsa"

The Council of the EU has adopted the review of the EU’s common agricultural policy

The Council of the European Union has definitively accepted the review of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which aims to reduce the administrative burden on EU farmers and ensure greater...

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The EU has extended by one year the rules on the import of Ukrainian and Moldovan products into the EU without customs duties and quantitative restrictions

The Council of the European Union has extended for another year the validity of the temporary trade regulation, according to which Ukraine and Moldova can import their products, including agricultural...

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The EU would extend the suspension of import duties on Ukrainian exports

The European Commission has proposed to renew the suspension of import duties and quotas on Ukrainian exports to the European Union for another year, and has proposed to extend by...

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The EU is tightening up: it is no longer enough for companies to “look green”

Analysis of BDO Magyarország’s ESG business on changes affecting the field of sustainability. The EU’s expectations in the field of sustainability (ESG) are apparently getting stricter in line with this,...

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From now on, a regulation requires the reduction of the amount of greenhouse gases entering the air

At the plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted the revised rules of the joint commitment regulation, which obliges all member states to annually reduce the amount of greenhouse...

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An agreement between the EU and China on the protection of geographical indications could enter into force

With the approval of the Council of the European Union, an agreement could enter into force from early 2021 to protect hundreds of European geographical indications (geographical indications and designations...

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