Tag "euróövezet"

In March, inflation in the Eurozone eased on an annual basis

Inflation in the euro area decreased to a greater extent than expected on an annual basis in March, moving further away from the record level in October, the statistical office...

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Inflation in the euro area eased less than expected

Inflation in the euro area slowed less than expected in February, but continued to move away from October’s record level, the statistical office of the European Union announced on Thursday....

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German retail turnover decreased on an annual basis, but increased on a monthly basis in November

In Germany, retail sales decreased on an annual basis in November, while an increase was recorded on a monthly basis. The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced on Friday that,...

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Investor sentiment continued to deteriorate in the euro area

In October, investor sentiment in the Eurozone worsened more than expected, based on the results of the survey published on Monday by the economic research institute Sentix. Sentix GmbH’s investor...

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In August, retail sales in the euro area decreased

In August, for the third month in a row, the volume of retail trade in the euro zone decreased, the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Thursday....

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In July, retail sales rose in the euro area and the EU

In July, retail trade turnover increased by 0.3 percent compared to the previous month in both the euro zone and the countries of the European Union, based on the Monday...

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Inflation in the euro zone is at a record level, but still much lower than in Hungary

In the euro area, consumer prices rose by a record 9.1 percent in August compared to the same month of the previous year, the EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, announced on...

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Eurozone GDP growth in the second quarter was better than expected

In the second quarter, economic growth in the Eurozone was better than expected, based on the first estimate published on Friday by Eurostat. Eurozone’s gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by...

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In July, the economic sentiment in the euro area deteriorated significantly

In July, the economic sentiment index of the euro zone fell to the level of last February, and the consumer sentiment index reached a new low point in the European...

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In July, the economic performance of the Eurozone began to decline

In July, the economic performance of the Eurozone decreased and began to shrink to a greater extent than expected, based on the preliminary data published on Friday of the survey...

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Consumer confidence in the euro area and the EU deteriorated in July

Consumer confidence in the euro area deteriorated more than expected in July. On Wednesday, the European Commission announced as preliminary data that the value of the consumer confidence index in...

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In June, there was another inflation record in the euro area

In June, the annual inflation rate of the Eurozone rose to a new record of 8.6 percent from 8.1 percent in May, according to the European Union’s statistical office Eurostat’s...

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Croatia was upgraded by Moody’s due to the favorable effects of joining the euro next year

Moody’s Investors Service raised the rating of Croatia’s long-term public debt in foreign currency and domestic currency by two notches to the investment recommendation band. The international credit rating agency...

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Retail turnover increased in the euro area and stagnated in the EU in May on a monthly basis

Retail sales increased in May in the euro zone and stagnated in the European Union in a monthly comparison. The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Wednesday...

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Economic performance growth in the euro area slowed down in June

The growth of the economic performance of the euro zone slowed down in June, according to the final data of the purchasing manager index of the S&P Global economic research...

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The increase in producer prices slowed down on a monthly and annual basis in the euro area and the EU

The increase in producer prices in the euro area and the European Union slowed down both in a monthly and annual comparison. The EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, announced on Monday...

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Another inflation record was set in the euro area in June

The annual inflation rate of the Eurozone rose to a new record of 8.6 percent in June, from 8.1 percent in May, and was higher than the market expectation of...

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Unemployment in the euro area has fallen to a record low

Unemployment fell to a record high in the euro area in May, while it stagnated in the European Union. The EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Thursday that the unemployment...

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Economic growth in the euro area slowed in June

Growth in the euro area’s economic performance slowed more than expected in June, according to the preliminary value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index of the London-based IHS Markit economic research...

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Euro area GDP grew faster than previously estimated

On a quarterly basis, euro area gross domestic product grew at a higher rate than in the preliminary estimate and in the previous quarter, according to a report by Eurostat,...

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Retail sales declined in the euro area and the EU

Retail sales declined in April in the euro area and the European Union on a monthly basis. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Friday that retail sales fell...

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Producer price inflation has slowed in the euro area and the EU

On a monthly basis, producer prices in the euro area and the European Union accelerated at a record rate of year-on-year. The EU’s statistical office, Eurostat, said on Thursday that...

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Record inflation in the euro area in May

Inflation in the euro area rose to another record high in May, according to a report released on Tuesday by Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical office. According to preliminary data,...

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Economic sentiment index in the euro area stagnates at a one-year low

In May, the economic sentiment index in the euro area stagnated at the low level of a year earlier, according to a regular monthly survey by the European Commission’s Directorate-General...

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One-and-a-half-year low in the euro area PMI

Growth in the euro area’s economic performance slowed more significantly than expected in May, according to the preliminary value of the Purchasing Managers’ Index of the IHS Markit Economic Research...

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Economic growth in the euro area was better than expected

Economic growth in the euro area performed better than expected in the first quarter, according to a flash estimate by the European Union’s statistical office. GDP growth exceeded the previous...

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Economic sentiment improved in Germany and in the euro area in May

In May, German and euro area economic agents were much less pessimistic about market expectations, according to the Mannheim-based ZEW Economic Research Institute. The ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung) economic...

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Investor sentiment in the euro area continued to deteriorate in May

Investor sentiment in the eurozone deteriorated more markedly than analysts expected in May, according to a survey by the Sentix Economic Research Institute in Frankfurt. The euro area investor sentiment...

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In March, retail sales in the euro area declined more than expected

Compared with the previous month, retail sales in the euro area fell more than expected in March and grew less than expected on an annual basis, according to a report...

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Economic growth in the euro area accelerated in April

Growth in the euro area’s economic performance accelerated in April, according to final data from the Purchasing Managers’ Index of the IHS Markit in London on Wednesday. In April, two...

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