Tag "EU"

Under what conditions can Hungarian companies count on European Union funds?

After long negotiations, an agreement was reached between the Hungarian government, the European Council and the European Commission regarding the 2021-2027 development resources. Hungarian companies can count on more than...

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György Hölvényi: the African food crisis threatens the security of Europe

The African food crisis threatens the security of Europe – asserted György Hölvényi, a member of the European Parliament (EP) of the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP) at the meeting...

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Retail sales decreased in the euro area and the EU in December

Retail turnover in the euro area and the European Union decreased in December, both monthly and year-on-year. The statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Monday that in...

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There are already four types of insects that can be included in domestic food

Based on the recent decision of the European Commission, together with house crickets, there are already four types of insects that can appear commercially as food and as food ingredients...

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In the fourth quarter, the GDP of the Eurozone rose against expectations

In the fourth quarter of 2022, seasonally adjusted GDP increased by 0.1% in the euro area and remained stable in the EU, compared with the previous quarter, according to a...

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Tuberculosis was detected in two cattle herds in the county of Somogy

At the beginning of 2023, two cattle farms in Somogy county were confirmed to be infected with tuberculosis by the Nébih laboratory. The animals showed no symptoms, the infection was...

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We can also get direct access to EU subsidies

What do we mean when we talk about directly managed EU programs? What is special about these forms of support? What application areas are covered? How can successful and more...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area improved in December

Although less than expected, consumer sentiment improved in December in the euro area and the European Union based on the results of the survey published on Tuesday by the European...

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The wage band will be mandatory in Europe

On December 15, 2022, the European Commission announced that the European Parliament and the Council had agreed on a directive on wage transparency. New regulations are being introduced, which provide...

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Protecting the quality of our waters is a V4 priority

Sustainable water management must be established in the long term, which creates a livable future not only for citizens, but also for farmers – emphasized Anikó Juhász, the Deputy Secretary...

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The EU bans the marketing of products that contribute to deforestation and forest destruction

The European Parliament and the European Council, which brings together EU member states, would prevent the market distribution of products that contribute to deforestation and forest destruction by law, the...

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Analysis: UK household food bills increased by more than £200 after leaving the EU

Britain’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) increased the average expenditure of British households on food by more than 200 pounds, according to a study presented on Thursday by one...

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Hungary is in the lead: this is how food prices in Central Europe have risen

Eurostat’s fresh statistics, specifically just for food inflation, have come out, the first places of which have not changed significantly for months. This was also the case in October, the...

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In the euro zone, core inflation accelerated from 4.8 percent to 5 percent in October

Annual inflation in the Eurozone accelerated to a record level of 10.6 percent in October from 9.9 percent in September, while the consumer price increase in the EU as a...

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Domestic retail chains are asking Brussels for help because of the price cap

The retail chains also present in Hungary are adversely affected by the price cap, so they turned to the European Commission to intervene due to the events affecting the market...

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EU would make short-term accommodation more transparent by introducing stricter rules

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a regulation to make short-term accommodation rental more transparent and to support the authorities in order to ensure the balanced development of...

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The EU has accepted Hungary’s strategic plan for the common agricultural policy

The European Commission has approved Hungary’s 8.4 billion euro (about HUF 3,400 billion) strategic plan for the 2023-2027 period of the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP), the Brussels body informed...

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Rented IT speeds up the reaction time of companies

The crisis directed companies’ attention to rented IT services (SaaS) again. The IT resources and tools used in this way can not only be scaled immediately and flexibly to current...

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Before the change, EU regulations on substances that come into contact with food

With a public consultation questionnaire, the EU seeks the opinions of people, businesses and other professional actors for the review of EU regulations on substances that come into contact with...

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BDO: The EU’s “green” obligations are a serious burden for companies

The EU’s green transition strategy imposes significant tasks not only on large companies, but also on companies in the SME sector and their managers, which essentially has not eased despite...

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In August, retail sales in the euro area decreased

In August, for the third month in a row, the volume of retail trade in the euro zone decreased, the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced on Thursday....

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A Hungarian company can build the most modern waste treatment plant in the Balkans

An exemplary innovation project is being launched in the Serbian border town, within the framework of which hydrogen fuel can be made from discarded diapers. Waste management is one of...

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Brussels’ proposals will result in a reduction in European agricultural production

The new rules planned to be imposed on the operation of medium-sized animal farms are a difficulty for the livestock sector, and the reduction of pesticide use by half, similar...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index hardly changed in September

Business and consumer expectations in Hungary deteriorated for the fourth month in a row in August. In the case of consumer expectations, this continued in September, whereas the business confidence...

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Opinions differ as to why bread is the most expensive in Hungary

The opposition links it to the prime minister, experts prefer to explain why the inflation of food, including bread, has shot up with the Russians’ war against Ukraine. Euronews discusses...

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153 million tons of food are thrown away in the European Union every year

About 153 million tons of food are thrown away in the European Union every year, almost 15 million tons more than what is imported, the British daily Guardian wrote on...

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Bread, meat, cheese, beer, and tea rose in price the most in Hungary within the EU

There are many foods and beverages whose prices in Hungary have increased most brutally in one year, examining the entire European Union. The price of bread is skyrocketing, but also...

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From now on, companies can also move freely within the EU

From September 1, not only individuals can move from Hungary to another EU member state, but also companies. Although you have to wait quite a few months at the border,...

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AM: European farmers should not be burdened with excessive regulations

At the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Henryk Kowalczyk, the EU agriculture ministers met in Bialystok, Poland, on the occasion of the 19th International...

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Will the Netherlands become a testing ground for EU food strategies?

The Dutch government is still not budging from its radical plan to reduce nitrogen emissions, which would lead to the closure of more than 11,000 livestock farms and the slaughter...

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