Tag "ESG"

The competitiveness of Hungarian enterprises may depend on ESG compliance

Today, sustainability is not only a fashionable topic, but also a decisive issue for the future of business organizations in the 21st century. The worsening global climate reports already affect...

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Gránit Pólus: this is expected in 2024 on the commercial real estate market

This time, the giants of the commercial real estate market, rather than the film industry, met in Cannes to present the main trends of the sector. According to expectations, the...

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Generali sustainability forum: inflation and the energy crisis hindered the green transition of domestic SMEs

38% of Hungarian SMEs have already implemented a sustainability strategy or action plan, or are currently in the process of introducing one, which represents a 4% increase compared to the...

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The Parliament adopted the Hungarian ESG law

On December 12, the Parliament adopted the ESG Act supporting sustainable financing and uniform corporate responsibility, which will enter into force on January 1, 2024. The purpose of the new...

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Biztosított a minőség

A minőségbiztosítási elvárások egyre szigorúbbá válnak, aminek köszönhetően egyre biztonságosabb élelmiszerek kerülnek a piacra. Ugyanez vonatkozik az élelmiszerekkel kapcsolatba kerülő anyagokra, azaz a csomagolóanyagokra is. Ennek megfelelően a gyártók és...

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ICCO World PR report: first in ESG and MI

The most investments are expected in the field of ESG in 2024, and the acquisition of artificial intelligence skills is considered the most important thing for the future by the...

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Is the circular economy the Swiss army knife of ESG reporting?

As a complex system, the circular economy is associated with efficient tools for addressing climate change, biodiversity, and ESG issues. This key message was at the forefront of the sixth...

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K&H: This is how we encourage colleagues to use green solutions

The implementation of sustainable operations is almost a basic requirement for companies. However, it is not an easy task to get the employees to commit themselves to the ESG goals...

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According to the majority of companies, ESG reporting is a business advantage

Nine out of ten companies expect a business advantage from ESG-based reporting within five years, and more than half of the surveyed BCSDH member companies prepare reports regularly. The social...

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KPMG: Support for emerging technologies increased fourfold this year

Keeping up with evolving technology trends remains vital to business growth. Despite global economic uncertainty, business leaders remain committed to their digital transformation and innovation priorities – emerging technologies are...

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Investors pay bigger attention to sustainability considerations

According to a KPMG study, businesses seeking international investors have to consciously prepare for building a sustainable company, in accordance with environment, social and governance (ESG) aspects. This article is...

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A joint initiative of K&H and AKI: the agricultural CO2 calculator

On October 10, 2023, the K&H Group presented its gap-filling initiative created with the Institute of Agricultural Economics, the K&H agricultural CO2 calculator, which is available free of charge and...

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An upcoming legislative change may bring a new profession

Today, sustainability and social responsibility are highly important topics in the corporate world. Business strategies based on an ESG perspective must not only meet social expectations, but also the upcoming...

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The best corporate ESG solutions of the year were awarded

Even more than before, more people applied for this year’s renewed Effekt 2030 award, which companies operating on the domestic market could win with exemplary ESG solutions. IKEA, Procter &...

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CSR Hungary Summit 2023: A good place to be! Where it’s good to study! Where it’s good to develop!

Since 2006, the CSR Hungary conferences have been the leading professional events for CSR Hungary’s corporate responsibility and sustainability decision makers. This year, the fall CSR Hungary Summit awaits economic...

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Fidelity: Net zero in 2030 seems unrealistic for most companies

A survey of Fidelity ESG analysts questions whether companies’ net-zero plans are sufficient. The answer is: not yet, and a greater concerted effort is needed. Additional funding, technological innovation and...

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Good cause research

Advertising agency Positive Adamsky did a new type of research, in partnership with company information specialist OPTEN, and text analysis and media monitoring firm Neticle. They followed the public communication...

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Sustainability management – no escape!

In the age of sustainability, if companies want to stay competitive, they have no choice but to hire experts to help them in this process. The Certified Sustainability Manager (CSM)...

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The Budapest Stock Exchange presented its first sustainability report

The Budapest Stock Exchange (BÉT) presented its first sustainability report for the year 2022, the exchange informed MTI on Wednesday. The market position of the stock exchange is also special...

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CBRE: environmental awareness and social responsibility are increasingly important in the real estate market

Environmental awareness and social responsibility play an increasingly important role in the real estate market as well, according to a new global survey by the international real estate consultant CBRE....

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The EU is tightening up: it is no longer enough for companies to “look green”

Analysis of BDO Magyarország’s ESG business on changes affecting the field of sustainability. The EU’s expectations in the field of sustainability (ESG) are apparently getting stricter in line with this,...

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Carlsberg Group Plans To Expand Regenerative Barley Usage Across Brands

Carlsberg Group has announced that it is making progress on its goals to transition towards regenerative farming across its global supply chain. The Danish multinational brewer said it is ‘taking...

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KPMG: growing shopper consciousness

KPMG’s “Me, my life, my wallet” study classified consumers into six categories, based on how important sustainability values are to them, and how this is reflected in their behaviour.  Moderates...

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Already 133 companies have expressed their high level of commitment to sustainability in Hungary

The Hungarian Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSDH) has reached a new level in corporate sustainability as an organization bringing together the top managers of 133 responsible companies. At the...

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Assessing the true value of companies’ green efforts is difficult

It is becoming more and more important for market players to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, as set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. Accordingly, companies communicate more and...

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According to KPMG, customers are increasingly aware of environmental and social responsibility

The pandemic has forced companies to examine their social responsibility and role – the environmental effects are also driving customers towards more conscious decisions. Systemic changes in consumer behavior were...

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Hungarian Bankholding joined the UN Responsible Banking Guidelines initiative

Hungarian Bankholding joined the global cooperation established by the United Nations (UN) and was one of the first domestic banks to sign the Responsible Banking Guidelines, the financial institution informed...

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ESG maturity increases the value of the target company in the eyes of investors

Eighty-two percent of the surveyed investors stated that ESG topics are currently being examined during transaction processes, and 67 percent of them would pay a premium for a target company...

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Generali: despite the unfolding crisis, 46% of Hungarian SMEs are actively engaged in sustainability

46% of Hungarian SMEs have already prepared their own sustainability action plan or plan to do so in the near future, due to inflation and the climate and energy crisis,...

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The third leg of ESG is more important than we think

Among the ESG, i.e. environmental, social and management aspects aimed at sustainable development, the first two receive a lot of attention, while G is often forgotten. Indeed, what sustainability goals...

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