Tag "érdekképviselet"

The agricultural council must show the main directions of the agricultural policy after 2027

The aim of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union is for the Council of Agriculture Ministers to show the main directions of the common agricultural...

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MAGOSZ and NAK negotiated with the largest Italian agricultural interest representation

The leadership of Coldiretti, the largest Italian agricultural interest representation, was received by István Jakab, president of MAGOSZ, and Balázs Győrffy, president of the National Chamber of Agriculture. According to Ettore...

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Actors in the fish farming sector can apply for several billion forints

With great interest, a professional day was held in Kecskemét for the actors of the fish farming industry, at which both interest organizations and farmers were represented. György Zsolt Papp, Deputy...

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Balázs Győrffy: “Agriculture is a sector of special strategic importance”

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. – What was 2022 like for Hungarian...

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NAK prepared a comprehensive publication on the challenges and development opportunities of domestic agriculture

In recent months, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) has evaluated the sector’s situation and development opportunities in a broad perspective and in detail, taking global factors into account,...

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Low-quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin floods the market

The faulty decisions in Brussels have released a huge amount of poor quality Ukrainian grain of dubious origin to Ukraine’s neighbors, which makes it impossible for Hungarian farmers as well....

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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You can also apply for the “Protection of the Environment” award this year

“For the Protection of the Environment” Award 2022 is the award of the Association of Environmental Protection Services and Manufacturers, the professional recognition of the Hungarian environmental industry since 2001....

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The honour of the trade

Hereby the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) declares that the guild condemns the fraud, which has been committed recently in a bar in Hajós Street in Budapest. Acts like this...

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Together for the hospitality sector

Do something for the hospitality trade – participate in the guild’s exciting interest representing work! The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) is lobbying for the interests of the hospitality sector,...

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Fifteen years of representing the trade’s interests

László Selmeczi has been the managing director of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners for 15 years. How do you see the progress made after so many years? In the first...

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The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling is celebrating its 30th anniversary

The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling (CSAOSZ) celebrates its 30th anniversary in June. Over the past three decades, a modern packaging industry has emerged in Hungary by international...

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MNKSZ: the interests of Hungarian retailers represented in the European Union

The Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ) represents the interests of 100-percent Hungarian-owned retailers. Combined sales revenue of the 260 members exceeds HUF 1,000 billion in a year. 70 percent of...

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Modifications in MVI’s Articles of Association

At the August meeting of the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) members approved the amended Articles of Association. MVI’s goal is to raise the level of Hungary’s hospitality sector, and in...

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MNKSZ becomes a member of the Sectoral Dialogue Committee

Since 22 February 2018 the Hungarian National Trade Association (MNKSZ) has been a member of the Sectoral Dialogue Committee (ÁPB). MNKSZ general secretary Katalin Neubauer told: the association has reached a...

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OKSZ: the alliance intends to jointly represent traders

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) seeks to jointly represent dealers and rejects that any direction change will play in its resolutions, the OKSZ will only consider professional issues. However, in...

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Magazine: Most important tasks in 2015

Having the representation expenses tax revoked, possibly in cooperation with other organisations. Developing the level of education. Recommendations in connection with the master’s exam: let’s not make passing the master’s...

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Hungary’s largest carriers' representative organization to celebrate jubilee

The Magánvállalkozók Nemzeti Fuvarozó Ipartestülete (NiT Hungary) Industrial Corporation of Private Carriers will celebrate its 25th birthday this year. The NiT Hungary has about 3,000 members, including 599 bus and...

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