Tag "érdekesség"

The Living Bread – Telex’s new film

Bread has been one of our most basic foods for centuries, and its main ingredient, flour, appears in many forms in our everyday life. However, modern food production often contains...

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This pineapple costs 400 USD, but is a huge success

As a result of more than a decade of development work, the American food company Del Monte presented the Rubyglow pineapple, whose characteristic ruby ​​red color gave it its name....

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Electric air taxi? The new super weapon in tourism!

The United Arab Emirates Ras al-Khaimah Transport Authority (RAKTA) and Ras al-Khaimah Tourism Office (RAKTDA) signed a memorandum of understanding with Skyports Infrastructure (Skyports) on Wednesday for the development of...

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The ancient beer that has been given a new life is made from surprising ingredients

An ancient Mesopotamian beer recipe has now been given a new lease of life as modern brewing has managed to use old bread crusts to make the drink, reducing its...

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Orange juice is not as healthy as we thought

Orange juice, although an important part of morning and daily routines, raises more and more questions from a health perspective. The popular drink is rich in vitamin C, potassium and...

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Interesting fact: there was a price cap on eggs 100 years ago, but it failed

RTL’s retro media watcher drew attention to an interesting coincidence: the government also ordered a price freeze on eggs in February 1923, but it did not last long. Indeed, on...

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Human bones are on display in this McDonald’s

There is a place where the fast food restaurant also has a real curiosity… The hills of Colli Albani, located near Rome, are best known for their settlements boasting traditional...

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The British supermarket chain’s Christmas ad caused an outrage

British supermarket chain Waitrose’s Christmas ad featured tanned skin as an ideal, which the skin cancer charity Melanoma UK didn’t like very much. The Christmas short film was titled It’s...

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It would be a shame to throw away cardboard – here are some creative uses

It is no coincidence that corrugated cardboard is one of the most popular packaging materials: it can be used in many ways, it is light, yet strong, so it is...

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Interesting fact: these were the prices at Tesco 25 years ago

89 forints for bread, 57 for beer, 694 for a kilo of Trappist… all this can be seen from the Tesco discount newspaper from June 1997, which a user uploaded...

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A supermarket offers dried and seasoned crickets

Portugal’s Continente is the first European retail chain to offer a complete line of insects. At present, the Portuguese Food Safety Authority accepts seven types of legume as food suitable...

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Let’s find out within a minute how many vitamins are in the vegetable or fruit

The vitamin content of vegetables and fruits is useful information for every farmer, as he lets them ripen or changes his care accordingly. Previously, a laboratory test was required to...

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Surprising numbers about bacon

There are few foods that we cannot live without. Bacon is definitely one of them. On the one hand, because of its fantastic taste, and on the other hand, because...

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A night with the boys is good for any men

Male Barbary macaques form social bonds similar to human friendships to protect against disease and death, an international study has revealed. This study shows that changes in everyday stressors such...

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