Tag "előrejelzés"

The Takarékbank raised its GDP growth forecast to 4.5 percent this year

Partly due to the projected effects and partly due to the further improving outlooks for the economy, the growth rate of the Hungarian economy may continue to accelerate this year,...

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The Pénzügykutató Zrt. improved its growth forecast this year to 3.9 percent

The Pénzügykutató Zrt. improved its growth forecast this year to 3.9 percent from the previously predicted 3.7 percent, and the momentum, albeit with a moderating dynamics will remain in 2019,...

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Economic growth in the EU is accelerating this year

The European Commission (EB) forecasts a faster growth, even higher than last year’s outstanding economic performance. Instead of the previously forecasted 2.1 percent increase a 2.3 percent growth is expected...

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Real earnings may rise above 6 percent this year

According to the calculations of the ministry, real earnings may rise above 6 percent this year – Cseresnyés Péter, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) responsible...

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Analysts: real wage growth may continue at a more moderate pace

The real wage growth may continue this year at a more moderate pace, compared to last year – market analysts told MTI, after the Central Statistical Office (KSH) released its...

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The Germans continue to be confident

The economic mood index of the ZEW (Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH) in February decreased by 2.6 points to 17.8 points, compared to the previous month, but it surpassed the...

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Analysts: consumer prices may grew slightly

In January, consumer prices were 2.1 percent higher than in the previous year and 0.3 percent higher than in December. Analysts interviewed by MTI expect a slow increase in consumer...

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The European Commission is expecting a a GDP growth of 3.7 percent for this year and 3.1 percent for 2019 in Hungary

The European Commission has published its winter economic forecast for the European Union as a whole and for each Member States. In the recent assessment of the economic and financial...

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Dynamic growth in retail sales continues

Retail sales will increase in the next few months at a rate similar to last year, according to analysts interviewed by MTI. On the basis of the data released by...

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CIB Fund Manager: Economic growth will be around 3.8 percent this year

In Hungary, the CIB Fund Manager is expecting a recurring growth of 3.8 percent in 2018. According to the company’s expectations, global GDP could grow by 4.1 percent, after the...

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The hail-reduction system will start from May

From May it is possible to use the Jéger, the hail damage reduction system in the whole country – agrarszektor.hu wrote. However, according to the experiences of insurers and the...

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Equilor: 3.5 percent GDP growth is expected for 2018 and 3.3 percent for 2019

The Hungarian economy is still in a good state and the factors supporting GDP growth provide a favorable environment, so the analysts of the Equilor Investment Ltd. expect a 3.5...

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The IMF has improved its global economic growth forecast for 2018 and 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) upgraded its global economic growth forecast for this and the next year in its update of the World Economic Outlook (WEO), which was published on...

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Excellent grape harvest was predicted in Ópusztaszer

Excellent grape harvest and cheerful vintage were predicted by the farmers in the surrounding vineyards and wine communities on the St. Vincent’s Day event in the Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial...

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The number of Chinese tourists will reach 200 million by 2021

The number of Chinese tourists will be 200 million in 2021, experts believe who quoted the article of the British newspaper Daily Mail. The number of Chinese tourists began to...

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The NGM and the MNB are expecting a GDP growth of around 4 percent in 2017

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) and the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) expect a GDP growth of around 4 percent in 2017. At the Central and Eastern European Forum...

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The World Bank impoved its Hungarian and global GDP growth forecasts

The World Bank has improved its Hungarian and global GDP growth forecasts for this year. The Washington-based organization estimates that the Hungarian economy will grow by 3.8 percent this year,...

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The global economy has been growing at the fastest pace since 2011

This year, the global economy has been growing at the highest pace since 2011 – according to the latest forecast of the PWC consultancy firm. The organization claims that on...

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The shopping malls of the future will be community centers

The shopping malls of the future will be community centers. The health, education and entertainment units will be fundamentally part of these community centers – CBRE Estate Consultant’s Retail Future...

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The food industry may grow continuously by up to 4 percent

According to Atradius’ industry analysis, the food industry’s performance in the next five years may increase by 3-4 percent annually. The sector continues to be one of the most important...

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The domestic SME sector is before a huge growth, but not the way we would expect it

It is expected that the conditions for SME classification will change from 2020, which will result in an increase in the number of Hungarian SMEs. With the change of legislation,...

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The Takarékbank expects economic growth above 4 percent next year

Thanks to a favorable external environment and a boom in domestic investment, the economic growth may continue to accelerate. Takarékbank’s analysts expect a 4 percent growth in GDP for 2017...

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This year, Kopint-Tárki is expecting a 3.9 percent increase next year, 4 percent

The Kopint-Tárki Prosperity Research Institute has not changed its main forecasts, this year GDP will continue to grow by 3.9 percent and 4 percent next year, while the inflation is...

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GKI: Growth in consumption can accelerate the economy next year

The Hungarian economy is on the track indicated in September 2017. Economic growth will accelerate as a result of the start of EU subsidies and the accelerated consumption growth triggered...

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Analysts: retail sales may continue to increase

MTI analysts expect further growth in retail sales based on the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published...

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London analysts expect growth above 3 percent for the Hungarian economy next year

According to London’s financial analysts, the Hungarian economy will grow over its own long-term trend average over the next few years, and the growth rate is expected to exceed 3...

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The IMF has improved its forecast growth for the Hungarian economy

The IMF has raised its annual growth forecast for Hungary this year by 0.3 percentage points to 3.2 percent in its autumn regional economic forecast from the 2.9 percent forecasted...

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The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth this year and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission is expecting a 3.7 percent growth in Hungary this year, and a 3.6 percent growth for 2018. For 2019, 3.1 percent economic growth is expected. The European...

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Cisco: the number of Internet users to increase by 1 billion in four years

According to Cisco’s forecasts, the number of Internet users will increase by 1 billion in four years, from last year’s 3.6 billion to more than 4.6 billion users in the...

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London analysts: the growth of Central European EU economies will slow down next year

According to recent forecasts by London financial analysts, next year’s growth performance will slow down next year and in 2019, as the growth rate of the Central European EU economies,...

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