Tag "előrejelzés"

May we run out of coffee? – WWF’s report on the effects of climate change on food

Consumers will feel the harsh impacts of climate change not only in the climate around them but also in their supermarkets where the availability and/or cost of agricultural commodities like...

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Weak global growth in the next two years due to China and the emerging economies

Global growth will be lacklustre over the next two years as the slowdown in China and other emerging markets continues to weigh on the world economy, Moody's Investors Service said...

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Analysts: retail trade may grow by 5-6 percent this year

The macro-analysts of the Savings Bank and the K & H banks expect for a further sustained growth in retail sales. For the whole year a 5-6 percent growth is...

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The European Union forecasts a modest economic growth

Despite the drop in oil prices and the relatively weak euro, a moderate economic growth can be expected in all countries of the European Union – according to the autumn...

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GKI: economic growth is gradually slowing down

The slow down of the Hungarian economy started to in the second quarter of 2015 will continue – according to the GKI, especially as a result of the temporary decline...

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Labor shortage can be an unmanageable problem by 2050

The decline of the working age population could lead to critical labor shortages in Europe by the mid-century. For 2050, the European continent will be the oldest region. 15 percent...

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The CIB this year expects a 2.8 percent growth and a 0.2 percent inflation

The analysts of CIB Bank expect an economic growth of 2.8 percent this year, and a 0.2 percent average annual inflation – Trippon Mariann, the bank's chief analyst said at...

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Fitch: the big emerging economies pull the world economy back

In its latest Global Economic Outlook (GEO) Fitch Ratings forecasts the global economy will grow by just 2.3% in 2015, the weakest since the global financial crisis in 2009, dragged...

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GKI: economy is slowing, risks are strengthening

According to the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (GKI Economic Research Plc.), the Hungarian economy is on a slowing path and the risks are strengthening. The GKI Economic Research Plc. forecasts that...

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The MNB lowered its growth and inflation forecasts for this year

The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) slightly reduced its forecast for GDP growth this year. The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) expects a 3.2 percent GDP growth in...

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The sky is clouded over Europe

The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has declined in September 2015. Decreasing by 12.9 points compared to the previous month, the index now stands at a level of...

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London analysts: slower, but “respectable” growth is expected in Central Europe

According to London financial analysts a bit slower but still a robust rate of “decent pace” increase s expected in the economies of Central and Eastern Europe, including Hungary. Morgan...

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The EU support of the SMEs may reach 3-4 percent of the GDP next year

The amount of the European Union subsidies that the government will send to the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may reach 3-4 percent of annual GDP next year – Karsai...

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OECD: a recovery in the euro zone and a slowdown in the US and China

THe Composite Leading Indicators (CLIs), designed to anticipate turning points in economic activity relative to trend, point to stable growth momentum in the OECD area as a whole. Stable growth...

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The tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros in the medium term

In the medium term, the tourism revenues of Budapest may increase with up to one billion euros – according to the comparative study of the Roland Berger consulting firm, conducted...

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The MNB expects less investments, but further economy growth

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) has significantly reduced its forecast for the investments: in its March projections, the MNB calculated with an increase of 5.2 percent for this year,...

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The MNB expects price increases and larger growth

The Monetary Council of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, increased its expectations for GDP expansion by relation by 0.1 percentage points to 3.3 percent. The Hungarian National Bank (MNB) also increased...

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GKI expects an around 2.7 percent GDP growth

The GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. Economic Research Company published its latest projection on Monday. According to the projection, the Hungarian economy will grow faster in 2015 than the EU average, which...

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Savings Bank: private consumption can be the engine for economic growth

The Savings Bank analysts say that the GDP in 2015 will increase by 3.3 percent in Hungary, while they believe that inflation will be higher than expected, an annual average...

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UNWTO: tourism in Europe may grow by 3-4 percent this year

This year, the growth in the number of international tourist arrivals is expected to be around 3-4 percent worldwide. In Europe, a similar growth is expected – according to the...

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The World Bank reduced its growth forecast for this year

The World Bank is pessimistic in terms of the growth prospects for the world economy this year, emphasizing that the growth of the developing countries is hindered by the decrease...

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Manpower: the Hungarian employers plan workforce expansion

The recruitment mood of the the Hungarian employers has dropped, compared to the previous quarter. According to the latest Manpower prediction, 11 percent of the companies are planning workforce expansion...

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The GKI expects a two and a half percent economic growth

According to the forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. economy research company, the Hungarian economy will increase more rapidly even after 2014 than the EU average. The EU average is...

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Half of the world's population will go online by 2019 Cisco predicts

Cisco’s latest Visual Networking Index (VNI) forecast has claimed that about half of the world’s population (3.9 billion people) will use Internet by 2019. This is despite the number of...

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OKSZ: consumption may increase in the rest of the year

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) expects growth of household spendings on an annual basis in 2015, but considers that this rate will be lower than in the first quarter of...

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GKI: Deteriorating business expectations and improving consumer sentiment

May was the fifth month when the GKI-Erste economic sentiment index adjusted for seasonal effects remained unchanged, with some fluctuations, reflecting a relatively optimistic mood. According to the empirical survey...

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The growth rate of the German economy is slowing in May

The lower preliminary BMI indicators in May indicate the slowing growth rate of the German economy, compared to the previous month – Markit Economics economy research institute announced on Thursday...

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Equilor: 3.1 percent GDP growth for this year and 2.7 percent GDP growth for the next year

The Equilor Befektetési Zrt. investment company amended this year's gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast upwards, from 2.7 percent to 3.1 percent for this year. The company expects a 2.7...

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The GKI expects accelerating consumption and stagnation in investment

According to the forecast of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. (GKI Economic Research Co.), the growth was exceptionally fast temporarily in 2014: 3.6 percent. However the Hungarian economy was not able...

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The government raised its GDP forecast for 2015 to 3.1 percent

The government raised the expected economic growth forecast to 3.1 percent from 2.5 percent – Banai Péter Benő, Minister of State of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told M1...

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