Tag "élelmiszerlánc-felügyelet"

Information on the rules for collecting animal by-products

According to the concession tender won in 2022, MOL-MOHU will be responsible for the collection and management of municipal waste in Hungary for 35 years from July 1, 2023. The...

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Innovation research in the food industry

The food industry and the entire food chain need innovative and effective interventions, raw materials and products – said Dr. Olga Beát Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for food...

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The scene of Hungarian beer production

Traditional brewing has a history of thousands of years, which is already part of the culture of humanity, said Dr. Beáta Olga Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for food...

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A priority goal is to strengthen the food chain

The food industry is a very complex area, but it is only part of the whole, the food chain, the regulation and examination of which can only be understood in...

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Chain-based thinking is important in the development of the food industry

The most important goal of the food industry in the coming years is for people to have access to even more safe, high-quality Hungarian food – stated Dr. Beáta Felkai,...

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The food industry is booming

Hungary’s food industry has faced numerous difficulties in recent years, but thanks to the solid foundations, it is showing an improving trend in terms of efficiency and profitability, stated Dr....

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In seven years 750 billion forints will go to food industry development

On 22 April Norbert Erdős, state secretary for food chain supervision at the Ministry of Agriculture, visited the CBA Logistics Centre in Alsónémedi. At the event he told that the...

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The full food chain supervision will come under ministerial control from October

From October 1, the national chief veterinarian, and thus the specialty of the entire food chain supervision, will be under the direct ministerial control of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM),...

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FM: a central authority responsible for food safety is needed

The results of the past years have shown that there is a need for a central authority, which is responsible for the food safety of the food chain – Bognár...

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Several million inspections are performed for secure food supply every year

Only the comprehensive and proactive monitoring of the entire food chain can guarantee the sales of safe food products, therefore millions of tests are carried out in laboratories across the...

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