Tag "élelmiszeripar"

New domestic products are under EU protection

The European Commission has registered the names of three new Hungarian agricultural products, namely Borzag pálinka, Sárréti kökénypálinka and Szabolcsi apple. This brought the number of Hungarian geographical indications under EU...

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Az élelmiszeripar előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások: hatékonyság, versenyképesség, marketing

Melyek az élelmiszeripar előtt álló legfontosabb kihívások a Kárpát-medencében? Milyen támogatásokra számíthat az élelmiszeripar az új uniós fejlesztéspolitikai időszakban? A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/8-9. lapszámában olvasható. Többek között ezekre a...

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The African swine fever has reared its head in another Italian territory

In recent weeks, the African swine fever (ASP) virus has been detected in three farms in Italy, in the province of Pavia. The affected herds were liquidated by the Italian authorities,...

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Agricultural training is the way to the future

It is gratifying that agricultural education is becoming more and more popular, the confidence of students is constantly increasing, the admission and enrollment data clearly show this trend, and the...

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Before a strategic partnership, Hungary and Israel in the field of agriculture

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy discussed irrigation development, educational and scientific partnership, and long-term agricultural cooperation with Avi Dichter, head of Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The head...

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We can be a decisive player in European tomato processing

Farmers engaged in industrial tomato production expect a good harvest this year as well. The success of the sector in recent years is well exemplified by the fact that products...

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We are raising Kyrgyz-Hungarian agricultural relations to a higher level

We will further strengthen the cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and our country in the field of seed production, crop cultivation and animal husbandry – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy, who...

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Agricultural higher education is the key to our future

Agriculture and the food industry provide indispensable services from the point of view of the national economy and the survival of Hungarian society, and produce irreplaceable products. Thus, it has become...

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Skilled labor is one of the foundations of the strength of the countryside

Skilled labor is one of the foundations of the strength of the countryside, as modern education ensures a good livelihood and helps the rural population stay in place and mitigates...

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The goal is to develop the food industry

This year is about inflation, and our task is to break it down, and we are on the right track, said Dr. Márton Nobilis, the Secretary of State responsible for the...

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Food supply in brief

The Short Supply Chain (REL) needs to be further strengthened, the essence of which is that production, processing and sales take place at the local or regional level, said Dr. Beáta...

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The government is a strong ally of agriculture

The government is a strong ally of agriculture, producers, processors, universities, and strives with all its strength to provide assistance to the sector’s players, said the Minister of Agriculture at...

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GDP decreased by 2.4% in the second quarter

In the second quarter, the domestic GDP decreased by 2.4%, while seasonally and adjusted for the effect of working days, the decline was 2.3%. Compared to the previous quarter, the...

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According to ELTE researchers, a special absorption of iron takes place inside the head of cabbage

The iron absorption mechanism of chromophores in the absence of light is similar to the process supported by photosynthesis – it was revealed from an investigation by ELTE researchers, the...

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KSH: The food industry, which benefits from the processing industry by 12 percent, fell short of a year earlier

In June, the volume of industrial production was 3.8 percent lower than a year earlier. Adjusted for the working day effect, production decreased by 6.1 percent – the Central Statistics...

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National champions in the food industry

Hungary’s success comes from the operation of successful Hungarian enterprises and companies, therefore there will be national champions in the food industry who will also hold their own on the...

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MBH AgrárTrend Index: the evaluation of the situation of the food economy has strengthened back to the level of the beginning of 2022

After the strengthening experienced in the first three months of 2023, the prospects for Hungarian agriculture improved further in the second quarter, the actors of the sector overall believe that...

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Anuga 2023: Combating food waste together

As the leading global trade fair for the food industry, Anuga would like to push the discussion about food waste: By offering exhibitors and leading institutions an international exchange platform,...

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The use of aspartame is not from the devil, the sweetener can be consumed in moderation

With a healthy, balanced diet, the presence of aspartame in food and soft drinks should not cause problems. The modification of the risk classification of the sweetener caused a great storm...

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Europe has boiled, one tenth of humanity is starving – technologies that can be a way out of the upcoming global food crisis

According to forecasts, by 2050, in parallel with the dynamic population growth, the global food demand will also jump by about 70 percent, while the situation of agriculture is already...

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The price of agricultural land rose by almost 10 percent last year

The amounts to be paid for agricultural land in Hungary continued to rise in 2022, and the price increase accelerated to more than nine percent after 8.5 percent in 2021...

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Food self-sufficiency is a strategic issue

In the shadow of the war, food self-sufficiency is a strategic issue – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the round table discussion of the 32nd Bálványosi Summer Free...

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The most important challenges facing the food industry in the Carpathian Basin

Currently, the food industry is one of the most important parts of agriculture, which could mean the future – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible...

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The United States provides financial aid for the development of Ukrainian agriculture

The United States will provide an additional 250 million dollars (about HUF 85 billion) in support to Ukraine to maintain the functionality of its agriculture, announced the director of the...

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Food industry companies and the automotive industry provide the basis for market growth in the CEE-12 region

In the CEE-12 region, the total stock of industrial and logistics real estate exceeded 65 million square meters by the end of 2022, which is 30 percent higher than the...

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Making profits instead of paying high energy bills?

Achieving zero carbon emissions doesn’t have to mean choosing between profit and the planet. The energy consumption, carbon footprint and costs of food and drink manufacturers can be reduced. A...

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Good brandy requires dedication

For years, we have increasingly noticed that the quality of brandies is also increasing, which is very important feedback for us – stated dr. Olga Beáta Felkai, Deputy State Secretary...

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Balázs Győrffy: “Agriculture is a sector of special strategic importance”

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. – What was 2022 like for Hungarian...

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Increasing competitiveness in the Hungarian food industry compared to Central and Eastern European countries

Ádám Nagy, managing director of Nádudvari Élélmiszer Kft., spoke in an interview with the Agricultural Sector about the necessary changes in the Hungarian food industry and the importance of improving...

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Bunge and Viterra agree mega-merger to form global agribusiness powerhouse

Bunge has entered into a definitive agreement with Viterra, together with certain affiliates of Glencore PLC, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, to merge with...

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