Tag "élelmiszeripar"

The renewed summer seasonal food chain control is starting

The national seasonal food chain inspection will begin on June 16. Dr. ordering the summer muster. Márton Nobilis, the state secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy, pointed...

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Sustainability efforts can only be achieved through joint action

Sustainability is a horizontal issue, in connection with which all relevant actors must do their best to make effective progress – stressed Dr. Beáta Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible...

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Coop sales increased by 16% last year

László Pekó, a member of CO-OP Hungary Zrt.’s board of directors and CEO Géza Tóth talked to our magazine about what 2022 was like for the retail chain. – How...

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The food industry is a national strategic sector

We managed to put inflation, which had risen high due to the war and sanctions, onto a downward path, and we aimed for a further strong decrease, said Dr. Márton...

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The food industry is booming

The government’s goal is to protect Hungarian families and pensioners even in the economic situation affected by the sanctions, and to prevent recession and reduce inflation to single digits by...

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A record amount is available for the development of agriculture

In connection with the payment of subsidies awarded in the Rural Development Program, the Hungarian budget provides 750 billion forints this year, of which 386 billion forints have already been...

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AM: Hungarian-French relations must be further strengthened

Hungary is committed to strengthening Hungarian-French agricultural professional, political and commercial relations, according to a statement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) on Thursday, István Nagy, who received Claire...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports new investments worth more than HUF 171 billion

Thanks to the 80% national additional funding, the government has supported agricultural and food industry investments worth HUF 1,300 billion from 2021, in addition to this, another 400 projects will...

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AM State Secretary: the government is spending HUF 750 billion in EU funds for the development of the food industry

Instead of the previous HUF 468 billion, the government will allocate 750 billion HUF of European Union funds to the development of the food industry, the State Secretary of the...

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There are huge opportunities in the food industry

The government sees huge opportunities in the food industry, it is no coincidence that it has increased the resources for the development of the sector from the previous 468 billion...

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AMC: nineteen Hungarian exhibitors will participate in the exhibition of commercial brands in Amsterdam

The Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) will appear at the Amsterdam exhibition of commercial brands (World of PrivateLabel – PLMA) on May 23-24, 2023, with a larger than ever 180 square meter...

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Péter Szijjártó: it gives Hungary extraordinary strength that its agriculture produces double the domestic consumption

The fact that agriculture and the food industry can produce double the total domestic consumption gives Hungary extraordinary strength, and the investments realized with government subsidies also play a significant...

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The development of the food industry cannot stop, according to the vice president of NAK

The development of the domestic food industry cannot stop despite difficulties not seen for decades – said the national vice-president responsible for the food industry of the National Chamber of...

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The government is preparing to pay a record amount in agriculture this year

In the second half of the year, the schedule for the new calls for tenders for rural development will be prepared and the first tender opportunities are expected at the...

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Innovation research in the food industry

The food industry and the entire food chain need innovative and effective interventions, raw materials and products – said Dr. Olga Beát Felkai, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for food...

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MFB agricultural loan programs are available again

A HUF 20 billion discounted loan program, specifically helping the liquidity situation of agricultural and food industry enterprises, operated by Magyar Fejlsztési Bank (MFB Zrt.) will start again in the...

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The Animal Breeding and Farming Days are organized for the thirtieth time

The Great Plains Animal Husbandry and Farming Days, one of the most important professional meetings of Hungarian agriculture, will be held in Hódmezővásárhely from Thursday, the organizer Hód-Mezőgazda Zrt. informed...

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There is a huge potential in local products

The government considers the work of domestic producers to be important, so we will do everything we can to ensure that as much domestic food as possible is used in...

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Do salaries follow the inflation in the food industry?

In February 2023 Randstad published a study, for which they interviewed the heads of 246 companies about how the different sectors are doing and what the salary trends are. In January...

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All Ukrainian grain shipments arriving in Hungary are checked

All grain shipments coming from Ukraine to Hungary by road and rail are checked and only transit traffic vehicles are allowed to pass through the country, said the state secretary...

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The Ministry of Agriculture supports organic farming

The Ministry of Agriculture treats the preservation of biological diversity and, in this connection, the support of organic farming as a matter of utmost importance. Our future depends on whether...

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KSH: the production of food, beverages and tobacco products was 13.6 percent lower than a year earlier

In February of this year, the volume of industrial production was 4.6 percent lower than a year earlier; the index cleaned of the working day effect is the same as...

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The Japanese market is extremely important for Hungarian agriculture

Our country’s goal is to further stimulate the agricultural relations between Hungary and Japan, stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy after receiving Japanese Ambassador Masato Otaka in his office. The...

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Chain-based thinking is important in the development of the food industry

The most important goal of the food industry in the coming years is for people to have access to even more safe, high-quality Hungarian food – stated Dr. Beáta Felkai,...

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A productive and self-sufficient agriculture is needed

The meat industry plays an important role in the Hungarian economy, and the government also pays special attention to the support and development of the sector, said Dr. Márton Nobilis,...

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DOROTI PACK becomes exclusive distribution partner of G. Mondini

DOROTI PACK Kft. is proud to announce that the company has become the exclusive Hungarian distribution partner of G. Mondini S.p.a. The Italian company is the world leader in portioning...

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Interpack in May

In 2023 packaging trade show Interpack will be organised between 4 and 10 May. About 2,700 companies from all over the world will showcase their products and services in 18...

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The government and the Ministry of Agriculture provide the foundations for future agricultural professionals

The knowledge acquired in the field of agriculture always provides a solid foundation and a good livelihood at all times. Because you always have to eat and the raw materials...

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Agricultural relations between Georgia and our country are getting stronger

There are great opportunities in the agricultural cooperation between our country and Georgia, a strategic partnership between the two nations was not created by chance – stated Minister of Agriculture...

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This year will be a test of crisis resistance and crisis management in agriculture

This year will be a test of crisis resistance and crisis management, as the constantly emerging challenges must be responded to in a timely and effective manner, and this requires...

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