Tag "élelmiszeripar"

The Hungarian poultry sector must participate in disciplined integration

In order for the Hungarian poultry sector to meet market demands, it must participate in a very serious and disciplined integration, the Minister of Agriculture stated on Friday in Bácsalmás,...

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Agricultural investment decisions worth almost HUF 15 billion were made

The Government of Hungary supports the Hungarian countryside with all possible means. This is also indicated by the fact that in recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture has made supporting...

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We protect food sovereignty and the interests of Hungarian farmers

The government will also protect Hungary’s food sovereignty and the interests of Hungarian farmers in 2024, the Minister of Agriculture declared in a video posted on his Facebook page on...

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GFM: One of the most successful government loan programs of all time can continue in 2024

In order to strengthen Hungarian businesses and increase their performance, the government has decided to continue the Gábor Baross Reindustrialization Loan Program until July 1, 2024, by providing an additional...

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The asset of agricultural foreign trade decreased

The value of exports of agricultural and food industry products was 9,904 million euros, and the value of imports was 7,379 million euros in the first three quarters of 2023. The...

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Az élelmiszeripar technológiai támasza a Siemens

„Érdemes valamennyi piaci szereplőnek áttekintenie folyamatait, gépeit, berendezéseit, és a manuális beavatkozással működő részterületeken átgondolni, hogy az adott folyamatnak megoldható-e az automatizálása valamilyen módon” – a Siemens Zrt. és a...

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The Mészáros Group further increased its arable land

Talentis Agro Holding, which belongs to the Mészáros Group, increased its areas suitable for arable crop cultivation with the acquisition of two more agricultural companies; The corporate group with the largest...

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The new Agricultural Statistics Pocket Book has been published

The publication provides information on the results of agriculture, forestry and the food industry in 2022. It also ensures the comparability of time series by being connected to the data range...

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Three people received NAK’s Károlyi award

Szabolcs Fazekas, Tibor Kozma and Imre Rácz received the recognition established by the chamber. NAK’s national delegate meeting was hosted by the Specialized Museum of Agricultural Equipment and Machine Development...

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Nehéz talpon maradni

A tartósítóipar évi becsült 220 Mrd forintot meghaladó árbevétele körülbelül 8-10%-át jelenti a teljes élelmiszeriparnak. Az elmúlt évtized a nyereségesség lassú, de egyértelmű trendszerű javulását mutatta, olyan törésekkel, mint a...

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The producer price of chicken rose by 15 percent, and that of turkey by 22 percent

According to AKI PÁIR data, the live weight producer price of slaughter chickens in Hungary rose by 15 percent to HUF 485.71/kilogram, and that of slaughter turkeys by 22 percent...

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Ministerial fees and diplomas were handed over on the day of producer communities

In the 25th anniversary year of the launch of the News Program, 5 products of 3 applicants won the right to use the news, and the number of trademark products...

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The Agrár Széchenyi Card with special interest subsidy can be applied for until June 2024

It is good news for farmers that it has been achieved in Brussels to extend and increase the amount of the temporary support entitlements, which are important for agriculture and...

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KSH: The sales prices of the food industry have not changed essentially

In October 2023, industrial producer prices were on average 6.6 percent lower than a year earlier. Domestic sales prices rose by 0.4 percent, export sales fell by 9.9 percent, the...

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The strengthening of the countryside makes the whole of Hungary richer

In order to create a livable countryside and pass it on to future generations, we must work together. Our common values and our Christian faith are the bond that forges us...

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The subsidies used in agriculture serve to strengthen the countryside

In the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, which also includes the transition years of the Common Agricultural Policy, the Ministry of Agriculture awarded a total of HUF 3,316 billion in...

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Our focus is on short supply chains

In November 2023 in Békéscsaba, all those who consulted together at the REL Organizers’ Day could learn useful information about the sale of local products. The Excellent Quality Food (KMÉ)...

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The campaign to encourage the consumption of pork has been launched

This year, for the eleventh time, the Ministry of Agriculture (AM), the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) and the Association of Hungarian Butchers launched their campaign to encourage the consumption of...

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The producer price of young bulls and slaughter heifers increased

According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), US beef production decreased by 5 percent and veal production decreased by 11 percent in January-October 2023 compared to...

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Premium-quality Hungarian mangalica meat also reaches Hong Kong

On Wednesday, Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development of the Ministry of Agriculture, received Romeo Alfonso, the director of the owner of Sutherland Ltd. in...

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Bonduelle produced a record amount of canned corn this year

Bonduelle’s three factories in Hungary produced a record amount of canned corn this year, the company told MTI on Tuesday. More than 300 million cans were made from almost 136...

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The Hungarian agriculture and food industry is also successful in international markets

Let’s not forget that there is no harvest without sowing seeds, just as there is no strong and competitive Hungary without a strong countryside, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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The first autumn seasonal inspection ended with a satisfactory result

The first autumn seasonal food chain inspection, ordered by by dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy. In connection with the campaign, the state...

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The government spends several thousand billion forints on the development of agriculture

The Hungarian government provides 80 percent additional national funding in addition to the EU development resources for rural development, until 2027, as part of the second pillar of the common...

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The export of chicken meat increased, that of turkey fell

According to the AKI slaughter statistics, 500,000 tons (live weight) of poultry were slaughtered in Hungary in the first nine months of 2023, 7 percent more than in the same...

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The export of live pigs decreased by 9.5 percent

According to KSH data, Hungary’s live pig exports decreased by 9.5 percent (19.9 thousand tons) in January-August 2023 compared to the January-August 2022 quantity. The import of live pigs increased...

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Introduction of plant-based foods – just a passing fad or is it the future?

On November 14, Hungary’s leading plant-based food industry conference will focus on the segment of the business sector that follows, advances, and colors the plant-based trend in Hungary. Does your...

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With modern animal farms for the sector’s competitiveness

In order to maintain the competitiveness of cattle farmers, modern, high-tech, high-tech livestock farms that comply with European Union standards are necessary, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy said on Friday,...

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Hungarian winemakers can count on government support in the future as well

Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agriculture and rural development, gave a presentation on the state of the grape and wine industry, the new wine...

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The thousand secrets of the sunflower

The honey string was pulled, and a campaign was launched to promote sunflower honey. Get to know the thousand secrets of sunflower in a drop of honey – the campaign for...

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